
#' @title Return FIP constants per season
#' @description Get fip constants for each season. By default the function uses a method adapted from
#' Tom Tango and used by Fangraphs. The function returns FIP constants based on ERA \code{FIP_ERA} as well as constants based on RA \code{FIP_RA}.
#' Both the Tango and Frangraphs formulas use ERA for their FIP constants.
#' @param dat A full pitching table from the \code{Lahman} package or the Chadwick Bureau GitHub repository.
#' Any subsetting or removal of players will affect your results. All players for each year are recommended.
#' @param Sep.Leagues If TRUE, this will split the calculation and return unique FIP constants for the various leagues. This can be
#' helpful in handling Designated Hitters and National League pitchers. It also isolates the park factors to their respective leagues.
#' @param Fangraphs If TRUE the function will return the Fangraphs FIP constants. This can not be used in conjunction with the
#' \code{Sep.Leagues} argument because Fangraphs does not separate FIP constants by league.
#' @keywords woba, wOBA, on base average, fangraphs
#' @importFrom rvest html_node
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @import dplyr
#' @export fip_values
#' @examples
#' data("Pitching2016")
#' head(Pitching2016)
#' fip_df <- fip_values(Pitching2016, Fangraphs=FALSE)
#' head(fip_df)

fip_values <- function(dat=NULL, Sep.Leagues=FALSE, Fangraphs=FALSE){
    # Declare values for Rcheck so it won't throw a note.
    if(isTRUE(Sep.Leagues) & isTRUE(Fangraphs)){
        print("The Fangraphs Guts table does not sperate wOBA by league. Applying the default calculation...")

        # If user wants to use Fangraphs, grab it from the website.
        dat <- xml2::read_html("http://www.fangraphs.com/guts.aspx?type=cn") %>%
            rvest::html_node(xpath = '//*[(@id = "GutsBoard1_dg1_ctl00")]') %>%
            rvest::html_table() %>%
            stats::setNames(c("yearID", "lg_woba", "woba_scale", "wBB", "wHBP", "w1B", "w2B",
                              "w3B", "wHR", "runSB", "runCS", "lg_r_pa", "lg_r_w", "cFIP"))

        dat <-  dat[, !names(dat) %in% c("playerID", "teamID", "stint", "BAOpp", "ERA")]
        # Replace NA with 0, otherwise our runsMinus and runsPlus calculations will thow NA.
        dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0

            dat %<>% dplyr::group_by(yearID, lgID)
        } else {
            dat %<>% dplyr::group_by(yearID)

        dat %<>%
            #dplyr::group_by(yearID, lgID) %>%
            dplyr::summarise(W=sum(W), L=sum(L), G=sum(G), GS=sum(GS), CG=sum(CG), SHO=sum(SHO), SV=sum(SV),
                             IPouts=sum(IPouts), H=sum(H), ER=sum(ER), HR=sum(HR), BB=sum(BB), SO=sum(SO), IBB=sum(IBB),
                             WP=sum(WP), HBP=sum(HBP), BK=sum(BK), BFP=sum(BFP), GF=sum(GF), R=sum(R), SH=sum(SH),
                             SF=sum(SF), GIDP=sum(GIDP)) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(IP=IPouts/3, lgERA=(ER / IP)*9, lgRA=(R / IP)*9,
                          cFIP=lgERA - ((HR*13) + ((BB + IBB + HBP - IBB)*3) - (SO*2)) / IP,
                          cRA=lgRA - ((HR*13) + ((BB + IBB + HBP - IBB)*3) - (SO*2)) / IP)
keberwein/baseballDBR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:29 a.m.