co_cluster_l_cross: Co-cluster analysis using self- and cross-type local...

View source: R/cluster.R

co_cluster_l_crossR Documentation

Co-cluster analysis using self- and cross-type local L-function analysis


Performs self- and cross-type local L-function analysis at a specified radius on a multi-type PPP object. The column of marks to use for types is specified using the which.marks. Users have the option to return either a data.frame containing 2 columns with the self- and cross-type local L-function values or the original PPP where the self- and cross-type local L-function value are added to the marks.


co_cluster_l_cross(points, rvalue, which.marks = NULL,
  mark.original = FALSE, ...)



A point pattern (object of class ppp)


A single value of the distance argument r at which the L-function should be computed.


Specifies the column of marks to use as types. Must be specified is the PPP has multiple mark categories.


Logical value specifying whether the original point pattern should be marked with the output and returned.


Extra arguments are passed to the local_l and local_l_cross functions.


Self- and cross-type local L-functions values for each point are returned as either:

  • data.frame (if mark.original is FALSE)

  • marks in the original points (ppp) object passed as as argument (if mark.original is TRUE)

keithschulze/supr documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 7:09 a.m.