
R package to analyze electrophysiological data. The focus is on data from tetrode recording experiments in behaving animals. Most of the package is written in R but some sections are written in C for speed. Analysis can easily be run in parallel with the snow package.

Here is an example of figure you can generate using relectro. You can see the mean spike waveforms, the spike-time autocorrelations, instantaneous firing rate, spatial firing rate map and head-direction polar plot.

Example of figures generated with the relectro package


You will need to install the fftw3 C library to compute discrete Fourier transforms with relectro. You can install it on a linux machine.

If you just want to use the functions and objects of relectro, go in the terminal and run the following

You might need to add a few R packages to be able to build relectro. Here is a list of what was missing on a Fedora installation. In R, use install.packages().

If you want to modify the code of relecto, I recommand using R studio together with the book "R Packages" by Hadley Wickham. Most of the tools used to develop relectro are presented in this book. You probably want to use the R package devtools for development.


Please report any issues or suggestions at


There is no warranty that the code is bug-free. The tests run on the functions can be found in the tests directory.

kevin-allen/relectro documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:06 a.m.