
Defines functions as.FuzzySets.matrix as.matrix.FuzzySets

Documented in as.FuzzySets.matrix as.matrix.FuzzySets

# Direct pointers ----

#' @rdname FuzzySets-methods
#' @aliases membership,FuzzySets-method
#' @section Accessors:
#' `membership(object)` returns a numeric vector of membership function for each relation.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @examples
#' # Constructor ----
#' # Visually intuitive definition of sets, elements, and membership
#' sets <- list(
#'   set1=c("A"=0.1, "B"=0.2),
#'   set2=c("B"=0.3, "C"=0.4, "D"=0.5),
#'   set3=c("E"=0.8))
#' # unlist the set names
#' unlistSets <- rep(names(sets), lengths(sets))
#' # unlist the element names
#' unlistElements <- unlist(sapply(sets, names), use.names = FALSE)
#' # unlist the membership values
#' unlistMembership <- unlist(sets, use.names = FALSE)
#' # Reformat as a table
#' relations <- DataFrame(
#'   element=unlistElements,
#'   set=unlistSets,
#'   membership=unlistMembership
#' )
#' fs <- FuzzySets(relations=relations)
#' fs
#' # Accessors ----
#' membership(fs)
setMethod("membership", "FuzzySets", function(object) {

#' @rdname FuzzySets-methods
#' @aliases membership<-,FuzzySets-method
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @examples
#' fs1 <- fs
#' membership(fs1)[1] <- 0
setReplaceMethod("membership", "FuzzySets",
    function(object, value)
        membership(relations(object)) <- value

# as.matrix.FuzzySets() ----

#' @rdname FuzzySets-methods
#' @aliases as.matrix.FuzzySets
#' @param fill Value with which to fill in structural missings, passed to [`acast()`].
#' Defaults to `NA_real_`, to contrast with relations explictly associated with a membership function of 0.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to and from other methods.
#' @section Coercion:
#' `as(x, "matrix")` and `as.matrix(x)` return a `matrix` with elements as rows, sets as columns, and a numeric value indicating the membership function.
#' @section Coercion to matrix:
#' As it is possible to store multiple relations between the same gene and gene set, it may be necessary to collapse multiple observations of the membership function into a single value.
#' To this end, the form `as.matrix(x, fun.aggregate)` can be used to provide an aggregation function.
#' See examples.
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Coercion from/to FuzzySets ----
#' matrix1 <- as(fs, "matrix")
as.matrix.FuzzySets <- function(x, fill=NA_real_, ...) {
    out <- as.data.frame(x)
    out[["value"]] <- membership(x)
    out <- acast(out, element~set, value.var="value", fill=fill, ...)

#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
setAs("FuzzySets", "matrix", function(from) {

# as.FuzzySets.matrix() ----

#' @rdname FuzzySets-methods
#' @aliases as.FuzzySets.matrix as.FuzzySets
#' @param matrix A `matrix`.
#' The matrix will be coerced to `double` type and the value will be taken to indicate the membership function.
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' # Coercion to FuzzySets ----
#' fs1 <- as(matrix1, "FuzzySets")
as.FuzzySets.matrix <- function(matrix, ...) {
    storage.mode(matrix) <- "double"
    relations <- melt(matrix, varnames=c("element", "set"), value.name="membership", as.is=TRUE)
    if (any(is.na(relations[["membership"]]))) {
        message("Dropping relations with NA membership function")
        relations <- subset(relations, !is.na(membership))
    relations <- DataFrame(relations)

#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
setAs("matrix", "FuzzySets", function(from) {

# setValidity ----

#' @importFrom methods slot
setValidity("FuzzySets", function(object) {

    errors <- c()

    protectedRelationMetadata <- c("membership")
    .requireRelationsMetadataColnames(protectedRelationMetadata, colnames(mcols(relations(object))))

    if (length(errors > 0)){

kevinrue/unisets documentation built on May 15, 2020, 10:48 p.m.