
#' Defer Evaluation of an Expression
#' Similar to \code{\link{on.exit}()}, but allows one to attach
#' an expression to be evaluated when exitting any frame currently
#' on the stack. This provides a nice mechanism for scoping side
#' effects for the duration of a function's execution.
#' @param expr An expression to be evaluated.
#' @param envir Attach exit handlers to this environment.
#'   Typically, this should be either the current environment or
#'   a parent frame (accessed through \code{\link{parent.frame}()}).
#' @param priority Specify whether this handler should be executed
#'   \code{"first"} or \code{"last"}, relative to any other registered
#'   handlers on this environment.
#' @details
#' \code{defer} works by attaching handlers to the requested environment (as an
#' attribute called \code{"handlers"}), and registering an exit handler that
#' executes the registered handler when the function associated with the
#' requested environment finishes execution.
#' @family scope-related functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # define a 'scope' function that creates a file, and
#' # removes it when the parent function has finished executing
#' scope_file <- function(path) {
#'   file.create(path)
#'   defer_parent(unlink(path))
#' }
#' # create tempfile path
#' path <- tempfile()
#' # use 'scope_file' in a function
#' local({
#'   scope_file(path)
#'   stopifnot(file.exists(path))
#' })
#' # file is deleted as we leave 'local' scope
#' stopifnot(!file.exists(path))
#' # investigate how 'defer' modifies the
#' # executing function's environment
#' local({
#'   scope_file(path)
#'   print(attributes(environment()))
#' })
defer <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), priority = c("first", "last")) {
  if (identical(envir, .GlobalEnv))
    stop("attempt to defer event on global environment")
  priority <- match.arg(priority)
  front <- priority == "first"
  invisible(add_handler(envir, later(substitute(expr), parent.frame()), front))

#' @rdname defer
#' @export
defer_parent <- function(expr, priority = c("first", "last")) {
    defer(expr, envir, priority),
    list(expr = substitute(expr), envir = parent.frame(2), priority = priority)
  ), envir = parent.frame())

## Handlers used for 'defer' calls. Attached as a list of expressions for the
## 'handlers' attribute on the environment, with 'on.exit' called to ensure
## those handlers get executed on exit.

get_handlers <- function(envir) {
  as.list(attr(envir, "handlers"))

set_handlers <- function(envir, handlers) {
  has_handlers <- "handlers" %in% names(attributes(envir))
  attr(envir, "handlers") <- handlers
  if (!has_handlers) {
    call <- make_call(execute_handlers, envir)
    do.call(base::on.exit, list(substitute(call), TRUE), envir = envir)

execute_handlers <- function(envir) {
  handlers <- get_handlers(envir)
  for (handler in handlers)
    tryCatch(eval(handler$expr, handler$envir), error = identity)

add_handler <- function(envir, handler, front) {

  handlers <- if (front)
    c(list(handler), get_handlers(envir))
    c(get_handlers(envir), list(handler))

  set_handlers(envir, handlers)

later <- function(expr, envir = .GlobalEnv) {
  `class<-`(list(expr = expr, envir = envir), "later")

#' @export
print.later <- function(x, ...) {
  fmt <- "<later>\n  expr:  %s\n  envir: %s\n"
  cat(sprintf(fmt, format(x$expr), format(x$envir)))
kevinushey/later documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:09 a.m.