
Defines functions functionalRegression.one

#' Run sparse functional regression based on latent values
#' @noRd
# @export
functionalRegression.one= function(Y, X, basis, lambda=0, maxIter=1e5, thresh = 1e-4, K = dim(X)[2]){
  Y = Y$train
  ynas = is.na(Y)
  Yfill = Y
  Yhat = Y
  Yhat[] = 0
  err = 1e9

  # Add an intercept
  X = cbind(1,X)

  dims = 1:K
  err = sqrt(mean( ((mean(Y,na.rm = TRUE) - Y)[!ynas])**2))

  for (i in 1:maxIter){
    Yfill[ynas] = Yhat[ynas]

    # Find B
    B = ginv(X) %*% Yfill %*% basis   # The most basic multivariate regression
    Bsvd = svd(B)
    # regularize B
    D = Bsvd$d - lambda
    D[D<0] = 0
    Dm = diag(D,length(D),length(D)) # allows D be 1x1
    B = Bsvd$u %*% Dm  %*% t(Bsvd$v)
    Yhat.new = X %*% B %*% t(basis)   #Ysvd$u[,dims] %*% (D * t(Ysvd$v[,dims]))

    ratio = norm(Yhat.new - Yhat,"F") / (norm(Yhat,type = "F") + 1e-15)
    if (ratio < thresh){
    Yhat = Yhat.new

    err = sqrt(mean( ((Yhat - Y)[!ynas])**2))
  list(fit = Yhat, coef = B, id = row.names(Y), grid = as.numeric(colnames(Y)), err = err)
kidzik/fcomplete documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:44 a.m.