Man pages for klapaukh/hangler
Fourier shape analysis as per Hangle

boundAngleConvert an angle in radians into a standard form. Takes any...
computeSplineCompute the value of the tangent angle spline at s.
computeSplineTCompute the value of the tangent angle spline at s.
computeTangentsTurn a shape into a set of tangents as offsets from the unit...
distanceCompute Euclidean distance between two points
falsePositionMethodFalse position method root finding
fftoToCoeffsConvert fourier coefficients to Ak, sk values.
findCenterFinds the center of a circle given three points Equations...
findTangentAngleFind that tangent angle to a point on a circle given it's...
getTangentAtSGet tangent at curve. Length is normalised to 2pi
resampleTangentsResample the tangents curve to a given number of samples....
secantMethodSecant method root finding
sequenceAnglesMake a sequence of angles in radians all follow each other in...
simpsonsRuleNumerical integration using Simpson's rule
simpsonsRuleCellNumerical integration of a single cell using Simpson's rule.
solveDeliFind the delta i values along the spiline
solveDsFind the delta s values along the spline
tangentsToXYConvert a list of curve tangents to xy points for plotting....
klapaukh/hangler documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:04 a.m.