
#'@title Class for fit to evolutionary sequence (time-series) models
#'@description A function that combines useful information summarizing model fit.
#'@param converge info on model convergence 
#'@param modelName description of the model
#'@param logL log-likelihood of model
#'@param ancestral.values maximum-likelihood estimates of the ancestral trait values
#'@param SE.anc standard errors of the estimated ancestral states
#'@param R maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters in the R matrix
#'@param SE.R standard errors of the parameters in the R matrix
#'@param shift.point the sample in the time series that represents the first sample in the second segment.
#'@param method the parameterization used: Joint
#'@param K number of parameters in the model
#'@param n sample size
#'@param iter the number of times the optimization method is run from different starting points. Default is NULL, meaning the optimization is run once.
#'@details This function is used by the model-fitting routines for the multivariate Unbiased Random Walk models to create standardized output
#'@note This function is not likely to be called directly by the user.
#'@author Kjetil Lysne Voje

as.evoTS.multi.BW.fit<-function (converge, modelName, logL, ancestral.values, SE.anc, R, SE.R, shift.point, method, K, n, iter)
  ic <- paleoTS::IC(logL = logL, K = K, n = n, method = "AICc")
  y <- list(converge = converge, modelName = modelName, logL = logL, AICc = ic, ancestral.values = ancestral.values, SE.anc = SE.anc, R = R, SE.R = SE.R,
            shift.point = shift.point, method = method, K = K, n = n, iter = iter)
  class(y) <- "evoTSmvFit"
klvoje/evoTS documentation built on June 29, 2024, 10:26 p.m.