
#' Export one or all parts of a binning class object to an Excel
#' spreadsheet with multiple worksheets.
#' The \code{exportXLS()} requires that the WriteXLS package is
#' installed and working correctly. Refer to the file \code{INSTALL}
#' page in the WriteXLS package for additional details
#' (\url{http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/WriteXLS/INSTALL}).
#' To make sure that your installation is complete, load the WriteXLS
#' package and execute \code{testPerl()}.
#' The "times" tab includes the beginning times for all the bins
#' (columns) in the 1 or 4 preceeding tabs.
#' @title Export to Excel File
#' @param x An object of class binning to export.
#' @param which One of "run", "max", "rpm", "int", or "all". If "all"
#'   is selected, all of the binned parameters will be exported to
#'   separate sheets of the file named in \code{file}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{WriteXLS()}
#'   (e.g., \code{BoldHeaderRow = TRUE} to get a bold header row).
#' @param file The Excel files
#' @author Kevin Middleton (middletonk@@missouri.edu)
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @seealso \code{\link{binning}}, \code{\link[WriteXLS]{WriteXLS}}
#' @examples
#' # Uncomment and run.
#' #example(bin.running)
#' #exportXLS(A.aggr, "R.xls", "all")
#' #exportXLS(A.aggr, "R.xls", "rpm")
exportXLS <- function(x, which, file, ...){
  if (!inherits(x, "binning")) {
    stop('object "x" is not of class "binning".')

  choices <- c("run", "max", "rpm", "int", "all")
  if (!which %in% choices) {
    stop('"which" must be one of "run", "max", "rpm", "int", or "all".')

  assign("run", x$run)
  assign("max", x$max)
  assign("rpm", x$rpm)
  assign("int", x$int)
  assign("times", x$times)

  if (which == "all"){
    WriteXLS::WriteXLS(c("run", "max", "rpm", "int", "times"),
             ExcelFileName = file, ...)
  } else {
    WriteXLS::WriteXLS(c(paste(which), "times"),
             ExcelFileName = file,
kmiddleton/binning documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:51 p.m.