
#' Plot Aggregated Wheel Running Data
#' This function plots aggregated wheel running data.
#' @title Plot Aggregated Wheel Running Data
#' @method plot running
#' @param x an object of class \code{running}, most likely returned
#'   by \code{bin.running}.
#' @param whlnum number of wheel to plot running data for. Currently
#'   only one number is accepted.
#' @param whichplot which set of aggregated data will be plotted:
#'   \code{run}, \code{max}, \code{int}, and \code{rpm} are valid.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{plot}
#' @author Kevin Middleton (middletonk@@missouri.edu)
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.dat}}, \code{\link{bin.running}}
#' @keywords data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load the 2006-11-05 running data for computer A
#' data(A061105)
#' # Aggregate running data into 20 minute bins
#' A.aggr <- bin.running(A061105, computer = 'A', bin.size = 20)
#' # Plot aggregated data for wheel number 1.
#' plot(A.aggr, whlnum = 1, whichplot = 'run', col = 'red')
#' plot(A.aggr, whlnum = 1, whichplot = 'max')
#' plot(A.aggr, whlnum = 1, whichplot = 'int')
#' plot(A.aggr, whlnum = 1, whichplot = 'rpm')
plot.running <- function(x, whlnum, whichplot = 'run', ...){

  ## Receive a object of type running
  ## Options to plot run, max, int, rpm

  ## x contains:
  ## whlnum, run, max, int, rpm, times, whldat, bin.size, n.bins, bin.start,
  ## start.at.1pm, computer, header = header)

  if (!match(whichplot, c('run', 'max', 'int', 'rpm'), nomatch = FALSE, incomparables = FALSE)){
    stop("whichplot must be one of \'run\', \'max\', \'int\', or \'rpm\'.", call. = FALSE)}

  n.bins <- x$n.bins
  bin.size <- x$bin.size
  header <- x$header

  if (x$computer == 'B') whlnum <- whlnum - 50
  if (x$computer == 'C') whlnum <- whlnum - 100
  if (x$computer == 'D') whlnum <- whlnum - 150

  if (whichplot == 'run') {
    dat <- t(x$run[whlnum, ])
    ylabel <- paste('Revolutions per bin (', bin.size, ' min.)', sep = '')

  if (whichplot == 'max') {
    dat <- t(x$max[whlnum, ])
    ylabel <- paste('Maximum number of revolutions per bin (', bin.size, ' min.)', sep = '')

  if (whichplot == 'int') {
    dat <- t(x$int[whlnum, ])
    ylabel <- paste('Number of intervals per bin with >0 revolutions (', bin.size, ' min.)', sep = '')

  if (whichplot == 'rpm') {
    dat <- t(x$rpm[whlnum, ])
    ylabel <- paste('Mean RPM per bin (', bin.size, ' min.)', sep = '')

  hrmin <- strptime(paste(x$times$hr, x$times$min, '00', sep = ':'), '%T')
  hrmin <- format(hrmin, '%H:%M')

       type = 'l',
       axes = FALSE,
       ylab = ylabel,
       xlab = 'Hour',
       main = header, ...)
  axis(1, at = seq(1, n.bins, 12),
       labels = hrmin[seq(1, n.bins, 12)],
       las = 2,
       cex.axis = 0.75)
kmiddleton/binning documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:51 p.m.