Man pages for knifecake/forrelshiny
A graphical user interface for the exclusion power function from the package forrel

apply_marker_settingsApply marker settings to a pedigree
custom_ped_labelsGet pedigree labels
custom_ped_plotPlot a pedigree (list) for the forrel GUI
custom_ped_set_markersAttach markers metadata to pedigree
custom_read_pedRead a pedigree from a file for the forrel GUI
epGUIGUI launcher
get_genotyped_idsGet genotyped individuals in a pedigree
get_marker_namesGet a list of marker names from a pedigree
get_marker_settings_tableGenerate marker settings table from a pedigree
read_familias_case_dataImport Familias case data
read_generic_case_dataRead case data (in the generic format)
rtrimTrim a string from the right
knifecake/forrelshiny documentation built on March 15, 2020, 12:36 p.m.