
classicalAudit <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...){
    ### PROCEDURE ###
    .classicalProcedure(dataset, options, jaspResults)
    ### AUDIT RISK MODEL ###
    .auditRiskModel(options, jaspResults)
    ### PLANNING ###
    .classicalPlanning(dataset, options, jaspResults)
    ### SELECTION ###
    if(!options[["samplingChecked"]] || jaspResults[["planningContainer"]]$getError()) return()    # Stop if "To Selection" is not pressed
    .classicalSelection(options, jaspResults)
    ### EXECUTION ###
    .execution(options, jaspResults)
    ### EVALUATION ###
    if(!options[["evaluationChecked"]] || jaspResults[["planningContainer"]]$getError() || jaspResults[["selectionContainer"]]$getError()) return()  # Stop if "To Evaluation" is not pressed
    .classicalEvaluation(options, jaspResults)
    ### CONCLUSION ###
    .classicalConclusion(options, jaspResults)

.classicalProcedure <- function(dataset, options, jaspResults){
  # Read in data
  dataset <- .readDataProcedure(options, jaspResults)
  # Error handling
  .errorHandlingProcedure(options, dataset)
  # Valuta title
  jaspResults[["valutaTitle"]] <- createJaspState(base::switch(options[["valuta"]], "euroValuta" = "\u20AC", "dollarValuta" = "\u0024", "otherValuta" = options[["otherValutaName"]]))
  # Create state for the figure number
  jaspResults[["figNumber"]] <- createJaspState(1)
  jaspResults[["figNumber"]]$dependOn(options = c("bookValueDistribution", "decisionPlot"))
  # Create container for the procedure
  procedureContainer <- createJaspContainer(title= "<u>Procedure</u>")
  procedureContainer$position <- 1
  # Explanatory text for the procedure
  if(options[["explanatoryText"]] && is.null(procedureContainer[["procedureParagraph"]])){
      jaspResults[["confidenceLevelLabel"]] <- createJaspState(paste0(round(options[["confidence"]] * 100, 2), "%"))
      jaspResults[["confidenceLevelLabel"]]$dependOn(options = c("confidence"))
    criterion <- base::switch(options[["materiality"]], "materialityRelative" = "<b>percentage</b>", "materialityAbsolute" = "<b>amount</b>")
    materialityLabel <- base::switch(options[["materiality"]], "materialityRelative" = paste0(round(options[["materialityPercentage"]] * 100, 2), "%"), "materialityAbsolute" = paste(jaspResults[["valutaTitle"]]$object, format(options[["materialityValue"]], scientific = FALSE)))
    procedureContainer[["procedureParagraph"]] <- createJaspHtml(paste0("The objective of a substantive testing procedure is to determine with a specified confidence <b>(", jaspResults[["confidenceLevelLabel"]]$object, ")</b> whether the ", criterion ," of
                                                                                          misstatement in the target population is lower than the specified materiality of <b>", materialityLabel, "</b>."), "p")
    procedureContainer[["procedureParagraph"]]$position <- 1
    procedureContainer[["procedureParagraph"]]$dependOn(options = c("explanatoryText", "confidence", "materiality", "materialityPercentage", "materialityValue", "valuta"))
  # Create a table of the population descriptives (if the user wants it)
    .bookValueDescriptives(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 2, procedureContainer)
  # Create a plot of the population book values (if the user wants it)
    .bookValueDistribution(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 3, procedureContainer)
  # Finish procedure
  jaspResults[["procedureContainer"]] <- procedureContainer

.classicalPlanning <- function(dataset, options, jaspResults){
  # Create a container for the planning
  planningContainer <- createJaspContainer(title= "<u>Planning</u>")
  planningContainer$position <- 3
  # Rewrite the materiality to a proportion of the total value
  if(jaspResults[["ready"]]$object || is.null(jaspResults[["materiality"]]$object)){
    materiality <- ifelse(options[["materiality"]] == "materialityAbsolute", yes = options[["materialityValue"]] / jaspResults[["total_data_value"]]$object, no = options[["materialityPercentage"]])
    jaspResults[["materiality"]] <- createJaspState(materiality)
    jaspResults[["materiality"]]$dependOn(options = c("materialityValue", "materialityPercentage", "monetaryVariable", "recordNumberVariable", "materiality"))

    if(options[["materiality"]] == "materialityAbsolute" && options[["materialityValue"]] >= jaspResults[["total_data_value"]]$object && jaspResults[["ready"]]$object)
     planningContainer$setError("Analysis not possible: Your materiality is higher than the total value of the observations.") 
    expTMP <- ifelse(options[['expectedErrors']] == "expectedRelative", yes = options[["expectedPercentage"]], no = options[["expectedNumber"]] / jaspResults[["total_data_value"]]$object)
    if(expTMP > materiality && jaspResults[["ready"]]$object)
      planningContainer$setError("Analysis not possible: Your expected errors are higher than materiality.")

  # Calculate the sample size and return the calculation as an object
  planningResult <- .classicalPlanningHelper(options, jaspResults, planningContainer)
  # Summarize the planning result in a summary table
  .classicalPlanningTable(dataset, options, planningResult, jaspResults, position = 2, planningContainer)
  # Rewrite the required sample size when the planning has not been run yet
  requiredSampleSize <- 0
    requiredSampleSize <- planningResult[["n"]]
  # Calculate the number of expected errors and the maximum number of allowed errors
  expected.errors   <- ifelse(options[["expectedErrors"]] == "expectedRelative", yes = paste0(round(options[["expectedPercentage"]] * 100, 2), "%"), no = paste(jaspResults[["valutaTitle"]]$object, options[["expectedNumber"]]))
  max.errors        <- ifelse(options[["expectedErrors"]] == "expectedRelative", yes = floor(options[["expectedPercentage"]] * requiredSampleSize) + 1, no = paste(jaspResults[["valutaTitle"]]$object, options[["expectedNumber"]] + 1))
  # Explanatory text for the planning
  if(options[["explanatoryText"]] && is.null(planningContainer[["planningParagraph"]])){
    materialityLevelLabel           <- base::switch(options[["materiality"]], "materialityRelative" = paste0(round(jaspResults[["materiality"]]$object, 4) * 100, "%"), "materialityAbsolute" = paste(jaspResults[["valutaTitle"]]$object, format(options[["materialityValue"]], scientific = FALSE)))
    jaspResults[["materialityLevelLabel"]] <- createJaspState(materialityLevelLabel)
    planningContainer[["planningParagraph"]] <- createJaspHtml(paste0("The most likely error in the data was expected to be <b>", expected.errors ,"</b>. The sample size that is required to prove a materiality of <b>", materialityLevelLabel ,"</b>, assuming
                                                                                              the sample contains <b>", expected.errors ,"</b> full errors, is <b>", requiredSampleSize ,"</b>. This sample size is based on the <b>", options[["planningModel"]] , "</b> distribution, the inherent risk <b>(", options[["IR"]] , ")</b>, the
                                                                                              control risk <b>(", options[["CR"]] , ")</b> and the expected errors. Consequently, if the sum of errors from the audited observations exceeds <b>", max.errors ,"</b>, the
                                                                                              maximum misstatement exceeds materiality and the population cannot be approved."), "p")
    planningContainer[["planningParagraph"]]$position <- 1
    planningContainer[["planningParagraph"]]$dependOn(options = c("expectedPercentage", "expectedErrors", "expectedNumber", "planningModel", "IR", "CR", "materialityPercentage", "confidence", "materialityValue"))
  # Create a decision plot (if the user wants it)
    .decisionAnalysis(options, jaspResults, position = 4, planningContainer, type = "frequentist")
  # Finish planning
  jaspResults[["planningContainer"]] <- planningContainer

.classicalSelection <- function(options, jaspResults){
  # Create a container for the selection
  selectionContainer <- createJaspContainer(title= "<u>Selection</u>")
  selectionContainer$position <- 4
  selectionContainer$dependOn(options = c("samplingChecked"))
  # Read in data for selection
  dataset <- .readDataSelection(options)
  # Import stored objects from jaspResults
  total_data_value              <- jaspResults[["total_data_value"]]$object
  planningResult                <- jaspResults[["planningResult"]]$object
  jaspResults[["sampleSize"]]   <- createJaspState(planningResult[["n"]])
  monetaryVariable              <- unlist(options[["monetaryVariable"]])
  # Perform the sampling and create the tables for displaying the selection
                  "randomSampling"      = .randomSampling(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 4, selectionContainer),
                  "systematicSampling"  = .systematicSampling(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 4, selectionContainer),
                  "cellSampling"        = .cellSampling(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 4, selectionContainer))
    # Explanatory text for selection
    technique <- base::switch(options[["selectionMethod"]], "randomSampling" = "random", "systematicSampling" = "fixed interval", "cellSampling" = "cell")
    technique <- base::switch(options[["selectionType"]], "recordSampling" = paste(technique, "record sampling"), "musSampling" = paste(technique, "monetary unit sampling"))
      message <- paste0("From the population of <b>", jaspResults[["N"]]$object, "</b> observations, <b>", planningResult[["n"]], "</b> observations were selected using a <b>", technique, "</b> method.")
    } else {
      message <- paste0("From the population of <b>", jaspResults[["N"]]$object, "</b> observations, <b>", planningResult[["n"]], "</b> observations were selected using a <b>", technique, "</b> method.
                        <b>Note:</b> The selected population subset (", nrow(jaspResults[["sample"]]$object) ,") is smaller than the planned sample size (", planningResult[["n"]] ,"), as observations are selected multiple times due 
                        to selecting with replacement. These observations (", planningResult[["n"]] - nrow(jaspResults[["sample"]]$object) ,") are counted multiple times in the evaluation.")
    selectionContainer[["samplingParagraph"]] <- createJaspHtml(message, "p")
    selectionContainer[["samplingParagraph"]]$position <- 1
    selectionContainer[["samplingParagraph"]]$dependOn(options = c("samplingType", "samplingMethod", "seed", "intervalStartingPoint"))
  # Create a table at the top of the selection with information about the selection process
  .selectionInformationTable(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 2, selectionContainer)
  # Create a table with descriptive statistics for the selection (if the user wants it)
    .sampleDescriptivesTable(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 3, selectionContainer)
  # Finish selection
  jaspResults[["selectionContainer"]] <- selectionContainer

.classicalEvaluation <- function(options, jaspResults){
  # Create a container for the evaluation
  evaluationContainer <- createJaspContainer(title = "<u>Evaluation</u>")
  evaluationContainer$position <- 5
  # Read data for the evaluation
  dataset <- .readDataEvaluation(options, jaspResults)
  # Import stored objects from jaspResults
  total_data_value              <- jaspResults[["total_data_value"]]$object
  planningResult                <- jaspResults[["planningResult"]]$object
  runEvaluation                 <- jaspResults[["runEvaluation"]]$object
  # Apply the selection filter to the dataset
    dataset <- subset(dataset, dataset[, .v(options[["sampleFilter"]])] != 0)
  # Perform the evaluation conditional on the type of variable
  if(options[["variableType"]] == "variableTypeCorrect"){
    # Correct / Incorrect evaluation
    evaluationResult <- .attributesBound(dataset, options, jaspResults)
    # Create the summary table for the evaluation
    .attributesBoundTable(options, evaluationResult, jaspResults, position = 2, evaluationContainer)
  } else if(options[["variableType"]] == "variableTypeAuditValues"){
    # Audit value evaluation
    evaluationResult <- base::switch(options[["estimator"]],
                                      "stringerBound"     = .stringerBound(dataset, options, jaspResults),
                                      "regressionBound"   = .regressionBound(dataset, options, jaspResults),
                                      "directBound"       = .directBound(dataset, options, jaspResults),
                                      "differenceBound"   = .differenceBound(dataset, options, jaspResults),
                                      "ratioBound"        = .ratioBound(dataset, options, jaspResults))
    # Create the summary table for the evaluation
    .auditValueBoundTable(options, evaluationResult, jaspResults, position = 2, evaluationContainer)
  # Explanatory text for the evaluation
    boundLabel      <- ifelse(jaspResults[["runEvaluation"]]$object, yes = paste0(round(evaluationResult[["bound"]] * 100, 2), "%"), no = ".....")
    extraObsLabel   <- ifelse(jaspResults[["containsDoubleObservations"]]$object, no = nrow(dataset), yes = paste0(nrow(dataset), " + ", planningResult[["n"]] - nrow(jaspResults[["sample"]]$object)))
    sampleSizeLabel <- ifelse(options[["auditResult"]] == "", yes = ".....", no = extraObsLabel)
    evaluationContainer[["resultParagraph"]] <- createJaspHtml(paste0("The selection consisted of <b>", sampleSizeLabel , "</b> observations, <b>", evaluationResult[["k"]] , "</b> of which were found to contain an error. The knowledge from these data, com-
                                                                                        bined with the prior knowledge results in an <b>", jaspResults[["confidenceLevelLabel"]]$object , "%</b> upper confidence bound of <b>", boundLabel ,"</b>. The cumulative knowledge states that there
                                                                                        is a <b>", jaspResults[["confidenceLevelLabel"]]$object , "</b> probability that, when one would repeaditly sample from this population, the maximum misstatement is calculated to be lower
                                                                                        than <b>", boundLabel ,"</b>."), "p")
    evaluationContainer[["resultParagraph"]]$position <- 1
    evaluationContainer[["resultParagraph"]]$dependOn(options = c("IR", "CR", "confidence", "auditResult", "materialityPercentage", "estimator", "materialityValue", "sampleFilter", "performAudit"))
  # Create a plot containing evaluation information (if the user wants it)
    .evaluationInformation(options, evaluationResult, jaspResults, position = 3, evaluationContainer)
  # Create a plot containing the correlation between the book values and audit values (if the user wants it)
    .correlationPlot(dataset, options, jaspResults, position = 7, evaluationContainer)
  # Finish evaluation
  jaspResults[["evaluationContainer"]] <- evaluationContainer

.classicalConclusion <- function(options, jaspResults){
  if(!is.null(jaspResults[["conclusionContainer"]])) return()
  # Import result of analysis from jaspResults
  evaluationResult <- jaspResults[["evaluationResult"]]$object
  # Explanatory text for conclusion
  if(options[["explanatoryText"]] && jaspResults[["runEvaluation"]]$object){
    # Create a container for the conclusion
    conclusionContainer <- createJaspContainer(title = "<u>Conclusion</u>")
    conclusionContainer$position <- 5
    conclusionContainer$dependOn(options = c("IR", "CR", "confidence", "auditResult", "materialityPercentage", "estimator", "materialityValue", "sampleFilter", "explanatoryText", "performAudit"))
    # Produce relevant terms conditional on the analysis result
    above_below   <- ifelse(evaluationResult[["bound"]] < jaspResults[["materiality"]]$object, yes = "lower", no = "higher")
    approve       <- ifelse(evaluationResult[["bound"]] < jaspResults[["materiality"]]$object, yes = "<b>no material misstatement</b>", no = "<b>material misstatement</b>")
    conclusionContainer[["conclusionParagraph"]] <- createJaspHtml(paste0("To approve these data, a <b>", jaspResults[["confidenceLevelLabel"]]$object ,"</b> upper confidence bound on the population proportion of full errors should be determined to be
                                                                lower than materiality, in this case <b>", jaspResults[["materialityLevelLabel"]]$object ,"</b>. For the current data, the confidence bound is <b>", above_below ,"</b> than materiality. The conclusion 
                                                                for these data is that the data contain ", approve ,"."), "p")
    conclusionContainer[["conclusionParagraph"]]$position <- 1
    conclusionContainer[["conclusionParagraph"]]$dependOn(optionsFromObject =conclusionContainer)
    # Finsh conclusion
    jaspResults[["conclusionContainer"]] <- conclusionContainer
koenderks/JASP-for-Audit documentation built on June 22, 2019, 2:57 a.m.