
A multifunctional R package for auditing. The package provides functions for planning, performing and evaluating an audit and its results. More specific, it contains functions for calculating sample sizes for substantial testing, sampling from data according to standard auditing techniques and calculating various confidence bounds for the maximum error.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the package up and running on your local machine for use in R and RStudio.



R package auditR is simple to download and set-up. Untill there is a live version on CRAN, the development version can be downloaded in the following manner:

The package we need is the devtools package. You can obtain this package by running the following command in the R or RStudio console:


Once the package is installed, the only thing required to obtain auditR is installing the source package with the following command:


The auditR package can then be loaded in RStudio by typing:



See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3 License.

Available Functions

Below is a list of the available functions in the current development version of auditR, sorted by purpose of use.

Sample Size Calculations

Sampling Methods

Confidence Bounds

koenderks/auditR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:16 p.m.