
Defines functions optimize_lss bootstrap_lss

Documented in bootstrap_lss optimize_lss

#' \[experimental\] Compute polarity scores with different hyper-parameters
#' A function to compute polarity scores of words and documents by resampling
#' hyper-parameters from a fitted LSS model.
#' @param x a fitted textmodel_lss object.
#' @param what choose the hyper-parameter to resample in bootstrapping.
#' @param mode choose the type of the result of bootstrapping. If `coef`,
#'   returns the polarity scores of words; if `terms`, returns words sorted by
#'   the polarity scores in descending order; if `predict`, returns the polarity
#'   scores of documents.
#' @param remove if `TRUE`, remove each seed word when `what = "seeds"`.
#' @param from,to,by passed to `seq()` to generate values for `k`; only used
#'   when `what = "k"`.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [as.textmodel_lss()] and
#'   [predict()].
#' @param verbose show messages if `TRUE`.
#' @details `bootstrap_lss()` creates LSS fitted textmodel_lss objects internally by
#'   resampling hyper-parameters and computes polarity of words or documents.
#'   The resulting matrix can be used to asses the validity and the reliability
#'   of seeds or k.
#'   Note that the objects created by [as.textmodel_lss()] does not contain data, users
#'   must pass `newdata` via `...` when `mode = "predict"`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom quanteda check_integer check_logical
bootstrap_lss <- function(x, what = c("seeds", "k"),
                          mode = c("terms", "coef", "predict"),
                          remove = FALSE,
                          from = 100, to = NULL, by = 50, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    what <- match.arg(what)
    mode <- match.arg(mode)
    from <- check_integer(from, min = 1, max = x$k)
    remove <- check_logical(remove)
    if (!is.null(to)) {
        to <- check_integer(to, min = 1, max = x$k)
    } else {
        to <- x$k
    by <- check_integer(by, min = 1, max = x$k)
    if (verbose)
        cat(sprintf("Call %s(x) with different hyper-parameters...\n", mode))
    if (what == "seeds") {
        param <- names(x$seeds_weighted)
        beta <- lapply(param, function(y) {
            if (remove) {
                seed <- setdiff(param, y)
                if (verbose) cat(sprintf('  seeds != "%s"\n', y))
            } else {
                seed <- y
                if (verbose) cat(sprintf('  seeds = "%s"\n', y))

            as.textmodel_lss(x, seeds = seed, terms = x$terms, ...)$beta
        names(beta) <- param
    } else {
        param <- seq(from, to, by = by)
        beta <- lapply(param, function(y) {
            if (verbose) cat(sprintf('  k = %d\n', y))
            as.textmodel_lss(x, seeds = x$seeds, terms = x$terms, slice = y, ...)$beta
        names(beta) <- as.character(param)

    if (mode == "terms") {
        result <- sapply(beta, function(y) names(sort(y, decreasing = TRUE)))
    } else if (mode == "predict") {
        result <- sapply(beta, function(x) {
                predict(as.textmodel_lss(x), ..., se_fit = FALSE, density = FALSE)
    } else {
        result <- do.call(cbind, beta)

    attr(result, "what") <- what
    attr(result, "values") <- param

#' \[experimental\] Compute variance ratios with different hyper-parameters
#' @param x a fitted textmodel_lss object.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [bootstrap_lss].
#' @export
#' @details `optimize_lss()` computes variance ratios with different values of
#'   hyper-parameters using [bootstrap_lss]. The variance ration \eqn{v} is defined
#'   as \deqn{v = \sigma^2_{documents} / \sigma^2_{words}.} It maximizes
#'   when the model best distinguishes between the documents on the latent scale.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # the unit of analysis is not sentences
#' dfmt_grp <- dfm_group(dfmt)
#' # choose best k
#' v1 <- optimize_lss(lss, what = "k", from = 50,
#'                    newdata = dfmt_grp, verbose = TRUE)
#' plot(names(v1), v1)
#' # find bad seed words
#' v2 <- optimize_lss(lss, what = "seeds", remove = TRUE,
#'                    newdata = dfmt_grp, verbose = TRUE)
#' barplot(v2, las = 2)
#' }
optimize_lss <- function(x, ...) {
    beta <- bootstrap_lss(x, mode = "coef", ...)
    pred <- bootstrap_lss(x, mode = "pred", ..., rescale = FALSE)
    disc <- apply(pred, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE) / apply(beta, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
koheiw/LSS documentation built on July 24, 2024, 6:31 p.m.