Man pages for koheiw/quanteda.core
Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data

as.corpuscoerce a compressed corpus to a standard corpus a dfm to a data.frame
as.dfmCoercion and checking functions for dfm objects
as.dictionaryCoercion and checking functions for dictionary objects
as.fcmCoercion and checking functions for fcm objects
as.matrix.dfmCoerce a dfm to a matrix or data.frame
as.matrix.textstat_simil_sparseas.matrix method for textstat_simil_sparse
as.tokensCoercion, checking, and combining functions for tokens...
as.yamlConvert quanteda dictionary objects to the YAML format
attributes-setFunction extending base::attributes()
cbind.dfmCombine dfm objects by Rows or Columns
char_tolowerConvert the case of character objects
convertConvert quanteda objects to non-quanteda formats
convert-wrappersConvenience wrappers for dfm convert
corpusConstruct a corpus object
corpus-classBase method extensions for corpus objects
corpus_reshapeRecast the document units of a corpus
corpus_sampleRandomly sample documents from a corpus
corpus_segmentSegment texts on a pattern match
corpus_subsetExtract a subset of a corpus
corpus_trimRemove sentences based on their token lengths or a pattern...
corpus_trimsentencesRemove sentences based on their token lengths or a pattern...
createFunction to assign multiple slots to a S4 object
data_char_sampletextA paragraph of text for testing various text-based functions
data_char_ukimmig2010Immigration-related sections of 2010 UK party manifestos
data_corpus_inauguralUS presidential inaugural address texts
data_dfm_lbgexampledfm from data in Table 1 of Laver, Benoit, and Garry (2003)
data_dictionary_LSD2015Lexicoder Sentiment Dictionary (2015)
data-internalInternal data sets
data-relocatedFormerly included data objects
dfmCreate a document-feature matrix
dfm2lsaConvert a dfm to an lsa "textmatrix"
dfm-classVirtual class "dfm" for a document-feature matrix
dfm_compressRecombine a dfm or fcm by combining identical dimension...
dfm_groupCombine documents in a dfm by a grouping variable
dfm-internalInternal functions for dfm objects
dfm_lookupApply a dictionary to a dfm
dfm_matchMatch the feature set of a dfm to given feature names
dfm_replaceReplace features in dfm
dfm_sampleRandomly sample documents or features from a dfm
dfm_selectSelect features from a dfm or fcm
dfm_sortSort a dfm by frequency of one or more margins
dfm_subsetExtract a subset of a dfm
dfm_tfidfWeight a dfm by _tf-idf_
dfm_tolowerConvert the case of the features of a dfm and combine
dfm_trimTrim a dfm using frequency threshold-based feature selection
dfm_weightWeight the feature frequencies in a dfm
diag2naconvert same-value pairs to NA in a textstat_proxy object
dictionaryCreate a dictionary
dictionary-classdictionary class objects and functions
docfreqCompute the (weighted) document frequency of a feature
docnamesGet or set document names
docvarsGet or set document-level variables
escape_regexInternal function for 'select_types()' to escape regular...
expandSimpler and faster version of expand.grid() in base package
fcmCreate a feature co-occurrence matrix
fcm-classVirtual class "fcm" for a feature co-occurrence matrix
fcm_sortSort an fcm in alphabetical order of the features
featfreqCompute the frequencies of features
featnamesGet the feature labels from a dfm
field_systemShortcut functions to access or assign metadata
flatten_dictionaryFlatten a hierarchical dictionary into a list of character...
format_sparsityformat a sparsity value for printing
friendly_class_undefined_messagePrint friendly object class not defined message
generate_groupsGenerate a grouping vector from docvars
get_docvarsInternal function to extract docvars
get_object_versionGet the package version that created an object
groupsGrouping variable(s) for various functions
head.corpusReturn the first or last part of a corpus
head.dfmReturn the first or last part of a dfm
head.textstat_proxyReturn the first or last part of a textstat_proxy object
is_globCheck if patterns contains glob wildcard
is_indexedCheck if a glob pattern is indexed by index_types
is_regexInternal function for 'select_types()' to check if a string...
keynessCompute keyness (internal functions)
kwicLocate keywords-in-context
list2dictionaryInternal function to convert a list to a dictionary
lowercase_dictionary_valuesInternal function to lowercase dictionary values
make_metaInternal functions to create a list for the meta attribute
matrix2dfmConverts a Matrix to a dfm
matrix2fcmConverts a Matrix to a fcm
merge_dictionary_valuesInternal function to merge values of duplicated keys
message_errorReturn an error message
metaGet or set object metadata
metadocGet or set document-level meta-data
meta_systemInternal function to get, set or initialize system metadata
names-quantedaSpecial handling for names of quanteda objects
ndocCount the number of documents or features
nest_dictionaryUtility function to generate a nested list
nsentenceCount the number of sentences
ntokenCount the number of tokens or types
object-buildersObject compilers
patternPattern for feature, token and keyword matching
pattern2idConvert regex and glob patterns to type IDs or fixed patterns
pattern2listConvert various input as pattern to a vector used in...
phraseDeclare a compound character to be a sequence of separate...
pipePipe operator
print.phrasesPrint a phrase object
print-quantedaPrint methods for quanteda core objects
quanteda.core-packageAn R package for the quantitative analysis of textual data
quanteda_optionsGet or set package options for quanteda
read_dict_functionsInternal functions to import dictionary files
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_empty_keysUtility function to remove empty keys
replace_dictionary_valuesInternal function to replace dictionary values
reshape_docvarsInternal function to subset or duplicate docvar rows
sample_bygroupSample a vector by a group
search_globSelect types without performing slow regex search
search_indexInternal function for 'select_types' to search the index...
serialize_tokensFunction to serialize list-of-character tokens
set_dfm_dimnamesInternal functions to set dimnames
set_dfm_slots-setSet values to a dfm's S4 slots
set_fcm_slots-setSet values to a fcm's S4 slots
sparsityCompute the sparsity of a document-feature matrix
split_valuesInternal function for special handling of multi-word...
summary.corpusSummarize a corpus
textmodelsModels for scaling and classification of textual data
textsGet or assign corpus texts
textstat_collocationsIdentify and score multi-word expressions
textstat_entropyCompute entropies of documents or features
textstat_keynessCalculate keyness statistics
textstat_proxy[Experimental] Compute document/feature proximity
textstat_proxy-classtextstat_simil/dist classes
textstat_similSimilarity and distance computation between documents or...
textstat_summarySummarize documents
tokenize_internalquanteda tokenizers
tokensConstruct a tokens object
tokens_chunkSegment tokens object by chunks of a given size
tokens_compoundConvert token sequences into compound tokens
tokens_groupRecombine documents tokens by groups
tokens_lookupApply a dictionary to a tokens object
tokens_ngramsCreate ngrams and skipgrams from tokens
tokens_recompilerecompile a serialized tokens object
tokens_replaceReplace tokens in a tokens object
tokens_sampleRandomly sample documents from a tokens object
tokens_segmentSegment tokens object by patterns
tokens_selectSelect or remove tokens from a tokens object
tokens_splitSplit tokens by a separator pattern
tokens_subsetExtract a subset of a tokens
tokens_tolowerConvert the case of tokens
tokens_tortl[Experimental] Change direction of words in tokens
tokens_wordstemStem the terms in an object
topfeaturesIdentify the most frequent features in a dfm
typesGet word types from a tokens object
unlist_characterUnlist a list of character vectors safely
unlist_integerUnlist a list of integer vectors safely
unused_dotsRaise warning of unused dots
valuetypePattern matching using valuetype
koheiw/quanteda.core documentation built on Sept. 21, 2020, 3:44 p.m.