
Defines functions touch file_show file_cp file_mv mkdir dir.show pdf_view OS_type is_win is_wsl shell cmd_func

Documented in dir.show file_cp file_mv is_win is_wsl mkdir OS_type pdf_view

cmd_wsl <- "/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32/cmd.exe"

cmd_func <- function(command) {
  app <- ""
  if (file.exists(cmd_wsl)) app <- paste0(cmd_wsl, " /c ")

  function(path = getwd(), verbose = FALSE) {
    command %<>% path.mnt()
    path %<>% normalizePath()

    # command %<>% path.mnt()
    is_longname <- !(basename(command) == command) # longname means windows
    # fmt = ifelse(is_longname, '%s""%s" "%s""',  '%s%s "%s"')
    fmt <- '%s%s "%s"'
    if (is_wsl() || is_win()) path %<>% win_path()

    if (is_longname) {
      app <- ""
      fmt <- '%s"%s" "%s"'
      if (is_win()) fmt <- '%s""%s" "%s""'
    cmd <- sprintf(fmt, app, command, path)
    if (verbose) cat(cmd, "\n")

shell <- function(..., ignore.stderr = FALSE, wait = FALSE) {
  FUN <- switch(.Platform$OS.type,
    "windows" = base::shell,
    "unix" = base::system
  suppressWarnings(FUN(..., ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr, wait = wait))

#' @title code editor
#' @name code_editor
#' @description sublime text3 ad vscode
#' @param verbose Boolean. Whether to print command into console?
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname code_editor
#' @export
is_wsl <- function() file.exists("/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32/cmd.exe")

#' @rdname code_editor
#' @export
is_win <- function() .Platform$OS.type == "windows"

#' @rdname code_editor
#' @export
OS_type <- function() {
  OS.type <- .Platform$OS.type
  if (is_wsl()) OS.type <- "wsl"

#' @rdname code_editor
#' @export
subl <- cmd_func("subl")

#' @rdname code_editor
#' @export
code <- cmd_func("code")
# code <- function(path = getwd(), verbose = FALSE) {
#     # path <- check_path(path)
#     cmd <- sprintf("/opt/bin/code '%s'", path)
#     if (verbose) print(cmd)
#     shell(cmd)
# }

#' @rdname code_editor
#' @export
smerge <- cmd_func("smerge")

#' pdf_view
#' @param file the path of pdf file
#' @note not work in wsl
#' @export
pdf_view <- function(file, ...) {
  if (is_win() || is_wsl()) {
    SumatraPDF(file, ...)
  } else {
    evince(file, ...)

#' @rdname pdf_view
#' @export
SumatraPDF <- cmd_func("SumatraPDF.exe")

# C:/Program Files/RStudio/resources/app/bin/sumatra/SumatraPDF.exe

#' @rdname pdf_view
#' @export
evince <- cmd_func("evince")

#' Open directory in Explorer
#' @description open assign path in windows explorer, and default path is
#' current directory. This function is only designed for windows system.
#' @param path the path you want to open
#' @export
dir.show <- function(path = getwd(), verbose=FALSE) {
  if (!dir.exists(path)) path %<>% dirname()
  path <- check_path(path)
  cmd <- switch(OS_type(),
    "windows" = paste("explorer.exe /e, ", path),
    "unix" = sprintf("nautilus '%s'", path),
    "wsl" = sprintf("%s /c Explorer /e, '%s'", cmd_wsl, path)
  if (verbose) print(cmd)

# # display_tif <- function (data = NULL, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL)
# # IRdisplay:::display_raw("image/tif", TRUE, data, file, IRdisplay:::img_metadata(width,  height))
# #' jupyter display images
# #'
# #' Only support jpeg, png, pdf and svg
# #'
# #' @keywords internal
# #' @importFrom IRdisplay display_jpeg display_png display_pdf display_svg
# #' @export
# display <- function(file, width = NULL, height = NULL, ...) {
#     ext = tools::file_ext(file)
#     FUN <- get(sprintf("display_%s", ext))
#     FUN(file = file, width = width, height = height, ...)
# }

#' mkdir
#' @param path character vectors
#' @importFrom foreach %do%
#' @export
mkdir <- function(path) {
  for (path_i in unique(path)) {
    if (!dir.exists(path_i)) {
      dir.create(path_i, recursive = TRUE)

#' @rdname mkdir
#' @export
file_mv <- function(files, outdir) {
  files_new <- paste0(outdir, "/", basename(files))
  file.rename(files, files_new)

#' @rdname mkdir
#' @export
file_cp <- function(files, outdir) {
  files_new <- paste0(outdir, "/", basename(files))
  file.copy(files, files_new)

#' @export
file_show <- function(f, ...) {
  f = normalizePath(f)
  if (is_win()) {
  } else {
    file.show(f, ...)

#' @rdname mkdir
#' @export
check_dir <- mkdir

#' @keywords internal
#' @export
touch <- function(file) {
  writeLines("", file)
kongdd/Ipaper documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 10:24 p.m.