

# Check on a square and a non-square map
map_list <- list(
  `square` = CH07,
  `non-square` = crop_map(CH07, data.frame(ll.lat = 45.68, ur.lat = 47.9, ll.lon = 5.79, ur.lon = 10.7))


  function(map_name) {
    context(sprintf("Alignment: %s", map_name))

    map <- map_list[[map_name]]

    test_that("Check squareness", {
      d <- dim(map)
      if (map_name == "square")
        expect_that(diff(d), equals(0))
        expect_that(diff(d), not(equals(0)))

    test_that("Check sanity of transformations", {
      d <- dim(map)
      bb <- attr(map, "bb")

      expect_equal(d[[1]] %% 4, 0)
      expect_equal(d[[2]] %% 4, 0)

      bb_new <- transform(
        ll.lat = ll.lat + 0.25 * (ur.lat - ll.lat),
        ur.lat = ll.lat + 0.75 * (ur.lat - ll.lat),
        ll.lon = ll.lon + 0.25 * (ur.lon - ll.lon),
        ur.lon = ll.lon + 0.75 * (ur.lon - ll.lon))

      aligned <- align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb_new)

      expect_less_than(max(abs(bb_to_vector(bb_new) - bb_to_vector(aligned$corrected))), 0.02)
      expect_equal(unique(unlist(lapply(aligned$pixels, class))), "integer")

    test_that("Moving border less than one pixel does not change bounding box; can mirror bounding box", {
      d <- dim(map)
      bb <- attr(map, "bb")

      # Establish comparison base
      bb_pix <- align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb)$pixels
      expect_equal(bb_pix, data.frame(ll.x = 1, ll.y = d[[1]], ur.x = d[[2]], ur.y = 1))

      check_unchanged <- function(bb_new, info) {
        aligned <- align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb_new)
        expect_equal(aligned$pixels, bb_pix, info = info)
        expect_equal(aligned$corrected, bb, info = info)

      check_unchanged(bb, "Identity")

      epsilon = 2 ** -4

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ll.lon = ll.lon + (1 - epsilon) / d[[2]] * (ur.lon - ll.lon))
      check_unchanged(bb_new, "Move left border almost one pixel to the right")

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ur.lon = ur.lon - (1 - epsilon) / d[[2]] * (ur.lon - ll.lon))
      check_unchanged(bb_new, "Move right border almost one pixel to the left")

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ur.lat = ur.lat - (1 - epsilon) / d[[1]] * (ur.lat - ll.lat))
      check_unchanged(bb_new, "Move top border almost one pixel to the bottom")

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ll.lat = ll.lat + (1 - epsilon) / d[[1]] * (ur.lat - ll.lat))
      check_unchanged(bb_new, "Move bottom border almost one pixel to the top")

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ll.lat = ur.lat, ur.lat = ll.lat)
      check_unchanged(bb_new, "Can mirror horizontally")

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ll.lon = ur.lon, ur.lon = ll.lon)
      check_unchanged(bb_new, "Can mirror vertically")

    test_that("Can't enlarge bounding box", {
      d <- dim(map)
      bb <- attr(map, "bb")

      epsilon <- 2 ** -16

      bb_new <- transform(bb, ll.lat = ll.lat - epsilon * (ur.lat - ll.lat))
      expect_error(align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb_new))
      bb_new <- transform(bb, ur.lat = ur.lat + epsilon * (ur.lat - ll.lat))
      expect_error(align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb_new))
      bb_new <- transform(bb, ll.lon = ll.lon - epsilon * (ur.lon - ll.lon))
      expect_error(align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb_new))
      bb_new <- transform(bb, ur.lon = ur.lon + epsilon * (ur.lon - ll.lon))
      expect_error(align_bb_to_pixels(map, bb_new))
krlmlr/ggmapStitch documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:06 p.m.