kstagaman/phyloseqCompanion: Provides additional functions to work with phyloseq objects

This package contains a handful of a functions to work more easily with \code{\link{phyloseq-class}} objects. These functions included easier extraction of phyloseq components (sample_data, otu_table, tax_table) into data.frames, matrices, and data.tables. It also allows easier use of \code{\link{phyloseq}} objects with the \code{\link{vegan}} distance-based RDA ordiation function \code{\link{capscale}} and provides a function to extract plotting data from a CCA/RDA object to easily reproduce a biplot using \code{\link{ggplot2}}.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorKeaton Stagaman
MaintainerKeaton Stagaman <kstagaman@gmail.com>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
kstagaman/phyloseqCompanion documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 5:07 a.m.