Man pages for kstagaman/phyloseqCompanion
Provides additional functions to work with phyloseq objects

clr.transformCenter Log Ratio tranform phyloseq
example_phyloseqA simple phyloseq object
gen.dist.matricesGenerate Distance Matrices
get.biplot.dataExtract CCA/RDA biplot data
helloHello, World!
numbered.ASVsNumbered ASVs
numberedASVs_phyloseqA phyloseq object with numbered ASVs to data.table
otu.matrixotu_table to matrix
phyloseq2lefsePhyloseq to LefSe
prep.physeqPrepare a phyloseq with raw counts for analysis
remove.euksRemove eukaryotic taxa from a phyloseq object
rename.NA.taxarename NA taxonomic levels to data.frame to data.table to data.table
taxa.matrixtax_table to matrix
taxa.prevalenceget prevalence (presence in number of samples) for each taxon
kstagaman/phyloseqCompanion documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 5:07 a.m.