deprecatedInfo: Information about deprecated aspects

View source: R/d.R

deprecatedInfoR Documentation

Information about deprecated aspects


Outputs a list of recently deprecated content as well as what it was replaced by.




List of three slots:

  • fns: A list of generally deprecated functions. Slot names are the functions that have been deprecated. Slot content is the name of the function it has been replaced by.

  • args: A list of systematic argument renaming. Slot names are the argument names that have been deprecated. Slot content is the name of the argument the old one has been replaced by.

  • args_spec: A list of function specific argument changes. Slot names are the function names. Slot content is a list organized as slot args.

If content is NA there is no replacement und the function/argument has been deleted and is no longer in use.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.