
Defines functions downloadPubExample discardSpatialTrajectory discardSegmentationVariable discardImageAnnotations discardGeneSets discardGenes discardGeneFeatures discardFeatures discardExpressionMatrix deprecatedInfo deprecatedArguments deprecated

Documented in deprecatedInfo discardExpressionMatrix discardFeatures discardGeneFeatures discardGenes discardGeneSets discardImageAnnotations discardSegmentationVariable downloadPubExample

# deprecated --------------------------------------------------------------

# functions to facilitate deprecating functions and/or arguments

deprecated <- function(fn = FALSE, fdb_fn = "warning", ...){

  # which function is checked
  fn_name <-
    rlang::caller_call() %>%

  # in which function is it used
  calling_fn <- rlang::caller_call(n = 2)


    caller_fn <- rlang::call_name(calling_fn)

    ref_caller <- glue::glue("( used by {caller_fn}() )")

  } else {

    ref_caller <- ""



    replaced_by <- depr_info$fns[[fn_name]]


      msg <-
          "Function `{fn_name}()` is deprecated and will be deleted in the near future. Please use `{replaced_by}()` instead.{ref_caller}"

    } else {

      msg <-
          "Function `{fn_name}()` is deprecated and will be deleted in the near future.{ref_caller}"


      msg = msg,
      fdb.fn = fdb_fn,
      with.time = FALSE


  args <- list(...)

  args_named <- confuns::keep_named(args)

  if(base::length(args_named) >= 1){

    # first check for fucntion specific deprecated args
    fn_args_depr <- deprecatedArguments(opt = "function", fn_name = fn_name)

    # get specific arguments
    args_named_fn <- args_named[base::names(args_named) %in% fn_args_depr]

    # remove specific arguments from rest
    args_named <- args_named[!args_named %in% args_named_fn]

    for(old_arg_name in base::names(args_named_fn)){

      new_arg_name <- depr_info[["args_spec"]][[fn_name]][[old_arg_name]]


        msg <-
            "In function `{fn_name}()`, argument `{old_arg_name}` is deprecated and no longer in use.{ref_caller}"

      } else {

        msg <-
            "In function `{fn_name}()`, argument `{old_arg_name}` is deprecated. Please use argument `{new_arg_name}` instead.{ref_caller}"

        ce <- rlang::caller_env()

        base::assign(x = new_arg_name, value = args[[old_arg_name]], envir = ce)


        msg = msg,
        fdb.fn = fdb_fn,
        with.time = FALSE


    # second, check for generally deprecated args
    args_named <- args_named[base::names(args_named) %in% deprecatedArguments(opt = "generally")]

    for(old_arg_name in base::names(args_named)){

      new_arg_name <- depr_info$args[[old_arg_name]]


        msg <- glue::glue("Argument `{old_arg_name}` is deprecated and no longer in use.{ref_caller}")

      } else {

        msg <-
            "Argument `{old_arg_name}` is deprecated. Please use argument `{new_arg_name}` instead.{ref_caller}"

        ce <- rlang::caller_env()

        base::assign(x = new_arg_name, value = args[[old_arg_name]], envir = ce)


        msg = msg,
        fdb.fn = fdb_fn,
        with.time = FALSE




deprecatedArguments <- function(opt = "generally", fn_name = NULL){

  if(opt == "generally"){

    out <- depr_info[["args"]] %>% base::names()

  } else if(opt == "function"){

    out <- depr_info[["args_spec"]][[fn_name]] %>% base::names()




#' @title Information about deprecated aspects
#' @description Outputs a list of recently deprecated content as well
#' as what it was replaced by.
#' @return List of three slots:
#'  \itemize{
#'   \item{fns:}{ A list of generally deprecated functions. Slot names are the functions that have been deprecated. Slot content is the name of the function it has been replaced by.}
#'   \item{args:}{ A list of systematic argument renaming. Slot names are the argument names that have been deprecated. Slot content is the name of the argument the old one has been replaced by.}
#'   \item{args_spec:}{ A list of function specific argument changes. Slot names are the function names. Slot content is a list organized as slot *args*.}
#'   }
#'  If content is `NA` there is no replacement und the function/argument has been deleted and is no longer in use.
#' @export
deprecatedInfo <- function(){



# discard -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Discard an expression matrix
#' @description Discards the expression matrix of choice.
#' @inherit getExpressionMatrix params
#' @return An updated spata-object.
#' @export

discardExpressionMatrix <- function(object, mtr_name, of_sample = NA){


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  all_mtr_names <- getExpressionMatrixNames(object, of_sample = of_sample)

    input = mtr_name,
    against = all_mtr_names,
    ref.input = "argument 'mtr_name'"

  object <- addExpressionMatrix(object = object,
                                expr_mtr = NULL,
                                mtr_name = mtr_name,
                                of_sample = of_sample)

    msg = glue::glue("Expression matrix '{mtr_name}' discarded.")

  # feedback if discarded matrix was denoted as active matrix
  if(mtr_name == getActiveMatrixName(object, of_sample = of_sample)){

    base::warning(glue::glue("Expression matrix '{mtr_name}' was set as the active matrix. Make sure to denote a new one with 'setActiveExpressionMatrix()'"))


  # feedback if no expression matrix left
  remaining_mtr_names <- all_mtr_names[all_mtr_names != mtr_name]

  if(base::is.null(remaining_mtr_names) | base::identical(remaining_mtr_names, base::character(0))){

    base::warning("There are no expression matrices left in the provided spata-object. Make sure to add one with 'addExpressionMatrix()'.")


  # delete neural network set ups
  object@autoencoder$T275$nn_set_ups[[mtr_name]]  <- NULL



#' @title Discard features
#' @description Discards the features of choice.
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @param feature_names Character vector. Specifies the features to be discarded.
#' @return An updated spata-object.
#' @export

discardFeatures <- function(object, feature_names, of_sample = NA){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------
  of_sample <- check_sample(object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

    input = feature_names,
    against = getFeatureNames(object, of_sample = of_sample)

  # -----

  # 2. Discard --------------------------------------------------------------

  feature_df <- getFeatureDf(object = object, of_sample = of_sample)

  for(feature in feature_names){

    feature_df[[feature]] <- NULL

    object@dea[[1]][[feature]] <- NULL


  object <- setFeatureDf(object, feature_df = feature_df, of_sample = of_sample)

  # -----



#' @title Discard gene features
#' @description Discards the features of choice of the gene meta data.
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @inherit getExpressionMatrix params
#' @param feature_names Character vector. Specifies the gene features to be discarded.
#' @return An updated spata-object.
#' @export
discardGeneFeatures <- function(object,
                                mtr_name = NULL){


  of_sample <-
    check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  confuns::is_vec(x = feature_names, mode = "character")

  gmdata <-
    getGeneMetaData(object = object, mtr_name = mtr_name, of_sample = of_sample)

  gmdf <- gmdata$df

  for(feature in feature_names){

    gmdf[[feature]] <- NULL


  gmdata$df <- gmdf

  object <-
      object = object,
      meta_data_list = gmdata,
      of_sample = of_sample



#' @title Discard genes
#' @description This function takes a vector of genes or
#' a regular expression and discards genes from the object's
#' data matrices, gene meta data.frames and de-analysis results
#' that match the input.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @inherit check_sample params
#' @param genes Character vector or NULL. If character vector, specifies the genes
#' to be discarded by name.
#' @param regex Character value or NULL. If character value, specifies the
#' regular expression according to which genes are discarded.
#' @param include_dea Logical value. If set to TRUE the results of de-analysis
#' are included. If set to FALSE de-analysis results are skipped during the
#' discarding steps.
#' @return An updated spata-object.
#' @export
discardGenes <- function(object,
                         genes = NULL,
                         regex = NULL,
                         include_dea = TRUE,
                         verbose = NULL,
                         of_sample = NA){

  # 1. Control --------------------------------------------------------------


  of_sample <- check_sample(object = object, of_sample = of_sample, of.length = 1)

  confuns::is_value(x = include_dea, mode = "logical")

  confuns::is_value(x = regex, mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)
  confuns::is_vec(x = genes, mode = "character", skip.allow = TRUE, skip.val = NULL)

  if(base::all(!base::is.null(genes), !base::is.null(regex))){

    msg <- "Please specify input either for argument 'genes' or for argument 'regex' - not both."

    confuns::give_feedback(msg = msg, fdb.fn = "stop")

  } else if(base::all(base::is.null(genes), base::is.null(regex))){

    msg <- "Please specify input for argument 'genes' or for argument 'regex'."

  } else if(base::is.character(genes)){

    regex <- stringr::str_c(genes, collapse = "|")


  # 2. Clean matrices -------------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Cleaning data matrices.", verbose = verbose)

  mtr_list <- object@data[[of_sample]]

  mtr_names <- base::names(mtr_list)

  mtr_list <-
    purrr::map(.x = mtr_list,
               .f = function(mtr){

                 all_genes <- base::rownames(mtr)

                 match_regex <-
                     string = all_genes,
                     pattern = regex

                 # keep only gene names that did not match the regex
                 res_mtr <- mtr[!match_regex, ]


               }) %>%
    purrr::set_names(nm = mtr_names)

  object@data[[of_sample]] <- mtr_list


  # 3. Clean gene data ------------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Cleaning gene meta data.", verbose = verbose)

  gdata_list <- object@gdata[[of_sample]]

  gdata_names <- base::names(gdata_list)

  gdata_list <-
    purrr::map(.x = gdata_list,
               .f = function(gdata_mtr_list){

                 df <- gdata_mtr_list$df

                 df <- dplyr::filter(df, !stringr::str_detect(genes, pattern = {{regex}} ))

                 gdata_mtr_list$df <- df


               }) %>%
    purrr::set_names(nm = gdata_names)

  object@gdata[[of_sample]] <- gdata_list


  # 4. Clean Dea Results ----------------------------------------------------


    confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Cleaning de-analysis results.", verbose = verbose)

    dea_list <- object@dea[[of_sample]]

    dea_names <- base::names(dea_list)

    dea_names2 <-
      purrr::map(.x = dea_list, .f = base::names) %>%
      purrr::set_names(nm = dea_names)

    dea_list <-
      purrr::pmap(.l = list(dea_list, dea_names2),
                  .f = function(.dea_list, .dea_names2){

                    purrr::map(.x = .dea_list,
                               .f = function(method){

                                 df <- dplyr::filter(method$data, !stringr::str_detect(gene, pattern = {{regex}}))

                                 res_method <- list(data = df,
                                                    adjustments = method$adjustments)


                               }) %>%
                      purrr::set_names(nm = .dea_names2)

                  }) %>%
      purrr::set_names(nm = dea_names)

    object@dea[[of_sample]] <- dea_list


  # 5. Return results -------------------------------------------------------

  confuns::give_feedback(msg = "Done.", verbose = verbose)



#' Discard gene sets
#' @inherit check_object
#' @param gs_names Character vector. The gene sets to be discarded.
#' @return An updated spata-object.
#' @export

discardGeneSets <- function(object, gs_names){

  # lazy control

  # adjusting control
  gs_names <- check_gene_sets(object, gene_sets = gs_names)

  # discard gene sets
  object@used_genesets <-
                  !ont %in% gs_names)



#' @title Discard image annotations
#' @description Discards image annotations drawn with \code{annotateImage()}.
#' @param ids Character vector. The IDs of the image annotations to
#' be discarded.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return An updated spata object.
#' @export
discardImageAnnotations <- function(object, ids){

    input = ids,
    against = getImgAnnIds(object)

  io <- getImageObject(object)

  io@annotations <- io@annotations[!base::names(io@annotations) %in% ids]

  object <- setImageObject(object, image_object = io)



#' @rdname getSegmentationNames
#' @export
discardSegmentationVariable <- function(object, name, verbose = NULL, ...){


  confuns::is_value(x = name, mode = "character")

    input = name,
    against = getSegmentationNames(object, fdb_fn = "stop", ...)

  object@information$segmentation_variable_names <-
    object@information$segmentation_variable_names[object@information$segmentation_variable_names != name]

  object <- discardFeatures(object, feature_names = name)

    msg = glue::glue("Segmentation variable '{name}' discarded."),
    verbose = verbose,



#' @export
discardSpatialTrajectory <- function(object, id){

    input = id,
    against = getSpatialTrajectoryNames(object)

  object@trajectories[[1]][[id]] <- NULL



#' @title Download data from the publication
#' @description Downloads processed data from uses cases of *Kueckelhaus et al., 2023*
#' in form of `spata2` objects.
#' @param name Name of the data set. Must be in `validPubExamples()`.
#' @inherit argument_dummy params
#' @return The respective data set.
#' @export
downloadPubExample <- function(name, verbose = TRUE){

    input = name,
    against = base::names(pub_dropbox_links)

    msg = glue::glue("Downloading example '{name}'."),
    verbose = verbose

  download_dir <- pub_dropbox_links[[name]]

  downloaded_object <-
    base::url(download_dir) %>%

  downloaded_object <- updateSpataObject(downloaded_object, verbose = verbose)

    msg = glue::glue("Done."),
    verbose = TRUE



#' @title Download raw Visium output
#' @inherit SPATAData::downloadRawData title description params return examples
#' @note Imported from the package `SPATAData`.
#' @importFrom SPATAData downloadRawData
#' @export
downloadRawData <- SPATAData::downloadRawData

#' @title Download `spata2` objects
#' @inherit SPATAData::downloadSpataObject title description params return examples
#' @note Imported from the package `SPATAData`.
#' @importFrom SPATAData downloadSpataObject
#' @export
downloadSpataObject <- SPATAData::downloadSpataObject

#' @rdname downloadSpataObject
#' @inherit SPATAData::downloadSpataObjects params
#' @importFrom SPATAData downloadSpataObjects
#' @export
downloadSpataObjects <- SPATAData::downloadSpataObjects
kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.