#' @title Construct a flexible function call
#' @description Programming aid: See details for more information on how to use it.
#' @param fn Character value. Denotes the function to be called.
#' @param fn.ns Character value. Denotes the namespace/package from which to call \emph{fn}.
#' @param default A named list of arguments that can not be specified by the user.
#' @inherit verbose params
#' @param v.fail The return value in case the function call results in an error.
#' @param v.skip The return value in case of \code{fn} is specified as FALSE by the user..
#' @return The return value of \emph{fn}.
#' @details This function takes two strings as input denoting
#' the function to be called and the namespace from which it is to be called. It expects
#' an object of the same name as \emph{fn} to be in it's calling environment specified with an identically named
#' argument from the user of the function from which \code{call_flexibly()} is called.
#' If that object is a list all named elements of that list are considered to be arguments with
#' which function \emph{fn} is to be called (= specified list). The names of that list are compared to the names
#' of \code{default_list}. Arguments specified in the default list can not be altered and are discarded from
#' the specified list with an informative warning. Subsequently the names of all remaining arguments are compared
#' to the valid arguments of the function to be called and discarded if unused arguments appear in order to
#' prevent the function call from failing. (This does not happen if the function to be called uses the dot-product '...').
#' If that object is a single TRUE the \code{fn} is called with \code{default_list} as input.
#' If that object is anything else the function call is skipped.
#' @export
#' @examples # Not run:
#' example_fun <- function(plot, runif){
#' call_flexibly(fn = "plot",
#' fn.ns = "base",
#' default_list = list(x = 1:10),
#' v.fail = "This failed.",
#' v.skip = "Okey, I skip that."
#' )
#' call_flexibly(fn = "runif",
#' fn.ns = "stats",
#' default_list = list(n = 100),
#' v.fail = "This failed.",
#' v.skip = 1:100)
#' }
#' # call the function
#' example_fun(plot = list(y = 1:10, cex = 5, col = "red"), runif = list(max = 100, min = 1))
call_flexibly <- function(fn,
fn.ns.sep = "::",
default = list(),
verbose = TRUE,
v.fail = NULL,
v.skip = NULL){
# check input
are_values("fn", "fn.ns", mode = "character")
# check if namespace was specified
if(fn.ns != ""){
fn_with_namespace <-
stringr::str_c( fn.ns, fn, sep = fn.ns.sep)
} else {
fn_with_namespace <- fn
# object of class function - the function to be called
fn_to_call <-
base::parse(text = fn_with_namespace) %>%
# list of not changeable arguments
default_args <- keep_named(input = default)
# the environment from which call_flexibly is called
caller_environment <- rlang::caller_env()
# the specified input that determines how to proceed
input <- base::tryCatch(
base::parse(text = fn) %>%
base::eval(envir = caller_environment),
error = function(error){ base::return(list())}
# ----- Option 1: if a list was specified with arguments
if(base::is.list(input) & !base::is.data.frame(input)){
# vector of argument names in the customizable list
customized_args <- keep_named(input)
names_customized_args <- base::names(customized_args)
# vector of argument names in the default list
names_default_args <- base::names(default_args)
# discard customized arguments that are not allowed to be changed
discard <-
base::intersect(names_customized_args, names_default_args)
if(base::length(discard) >= 1){
customized_args <-
purrr::discard(.x = customized_args,
.p = names_customized_args %in% discard)
ref_arguments <- adapt_reference(input = discard, sg = "Argument")
ref_verb <- adapt_reference(input = discard, sg = "is", pl = "are")
ref_discard <- stringr::str_c(discard, collapse = "', '")
base::warning(glue::glue("{ref_arguments} '{ref_discard}' of function '{fn_with_namespace}()' {ref_verb} fixed and can not be changed."))
# list of all arguments
all_args <- base::append(x = default_args, values = customized_args)
# vector of all argument names
names_all_args <- base::names(all_args)
# vector of actually valid argument names
names_valid_args <- rlang::fn_fmls_names(fn = fn_to_call)
# if the function to call does not contain ... make sure that no unused
# arguments appear in the list of arguments (if arguments were provided)
if(!"..." %in% names_valid_args & !base::is.null(names_all_args)){
names_all_args_valid <-
input = names_all_args,
against = names_valid_args,
verbose = TRUE,
ref.input = base::as.character(glue::glue("specified argument list for function '{fn_with_namespace}()'")),
ref.against = base::as.character(glue::glue("it's valid arguments (ignoring)"))
# final argument list
all_args <- all_args[names_all_args_valid]
# call the function with the respective arguments
result <- base::tryCatch(
rlang::invoke(.fn = fn_to_call, .args = all_args),
error = function(error){
base::message(glue::glue("Attempting to call function '{fn_with_namespace}()' with specified parameters failed with the following error message: {error} "))
# ----- Option 2: if only TRUE was given as input
} else if(base::isTRUE(input) | base::is.function(input)){
result <-
rlang::invoke(.fn = fn_to_call, .args = default_args),
error = function(error){
base::message(glue::glue("Attempting to call function '{fn_with_namespace}()' failed with the following error message: {error} "))
# ----- Option 3: if only FALSE or anything else was given as input
} else {
if(base::isTRUE(verbose)){ base::message(glue::glue("Skipping function '{fn_with_namespace}()'."))}
result <- v.skip
#' @title Assign objects to environments
#' @description Programming aid: See details for more information on how to use it.
#' @param ... Named lists provided as named arguments.
#' @inherit verbose params
#' @details Works in combinaiton with \code{call_flexibly}. Provided named lists of \code{...}
#' are joined to one overall list whoose slots are the argument lists for all flexibly called
#' functions and whoose names correspond to the function names. It calls \code{base::assign()}
#' within \code{purrr::imap()} to assign every argument list to the environment of the calling
#' function in order that all flexible calls find their argument lists.
#' @export
#' @examples # Not run:
#' example_fun <- function(...){
#' make_available(...)
#' ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(x = wt, y = hp)) +
#' call_flexibly(fn = "geom_point", fn.ns = "ggplot2") +
#' call_flexibly(fn = "theme", fn.ns = "ggplot2")
#' }
#' gp_list <- list(color = "red", size = 4, shape = 15)
#' theme_list <- list(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "red", colour = "black"))
#' example_fun(geom_point = gp_list, theme = theme_list)
make_available <- function(..., verbose = TRUE){
named_list <-
keep_named(input = list(...)) %>%
purrr::keep(.p = is_list) %>%
purrr::keep(.p = is_named)
caller_environment <- rlang::caller_env()
purrr::imap(.x = named_list,
caller_environment = caller_environment,
.f = function(fn.list, fn, caller_environment){
base::assign(x = fn,
value = fn.list,
envir = caller_environment)
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