
Defines functions immediate_descending immediate_ascending abrupt_descending abrupt_ascending late_peak early_peak log gradient sinus linear two_peaks sharp_peak one_peak fit_curve normalize_zscore normalize

Documented in abrupt_ascending abrupt_descending early_peak fit_curve gradient immediate_ascending immediate_descending late_peak linear log normalize normalize_zscore one_peak sharp_peak sinus two_peaks

#' @title Normalize numeric values
#' @description Scales the values of the provided
#' vector to values between 0 and 1.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric with the same length as \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' purrr::map_df(.x = mtcars[,sapply(mtcars, is.numeric)],
#'               .f = normalize)

normalize <- function(x){




#' @title Zscore computation
#' @description Computes zscores of the provided variable.
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric with the same length as \code{x}.
#' @export
normalize_zscore <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE){

  vec_mean <- base::mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)

  vec_sd <- stats::sd(x = x, na.rm = na.rm)

  vec_zscore <- (x - vec_mean) / vec_sd



#' @title Curve fitting
#' @description Fits a curve to a numeric vector.
#' @param input Numeric vector.
#' @param fn Character value. The function to call specified as a string.
#' Must be in output of \code{validCurves()}.
#' @param rev If set to 1 or \emph{'x'} the fitted curve is returned reverted along the x-axis. If set to
#' 2 or \emph{'y'} the fitted curve is returned reverted along the y-axis. (Depending on the curve 1 or
#' 2 might not differ in the output. Compare \code{fn} = \emph{'sinus'} and \code{fn} = \emph{'one_peak'}).
#' @inherit normalize_dummy params
#' @return Numeric vector.
#' @details This function takes a numeric vector of length x and returns
#' a numeric vector of the same length. The values of the returned vector correspond to
#' the values needed to display or work with the pattern specified in \code{fn}.
#' @examples
#'data.frame(variable = normalize(base::log(1:100))) %>%
#'  dplyr::mutate(
#'    curve = fit_curve(input = variable, fn = "sinus", normalize = TRUE),
#'    residuals = (variable - curve) %>% normalize() ,
#'    seq = row_number()) %>%
#'  tidyr::pivot_longer(
#'    cols = dplyr::all_of(x = c("curve", "residuals", "variable")),
#'    names_to = "pattern",
#'    values_to = "values") %>%
#'  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = seq, y = values)) +
#'  geom_line(mapping = aes(color = pattern))
#' @export

fit_curve <- function(input, fn, rev = FALSE, normalize = TRUE){

  is_value(x = fn, mode = "character", ref = "fn")
  base::stopifnot(fn %in% valid_curves)

  out <-
    base::call(name = fn, input = input) %>%

  if(rev == 1 | rev == "x"){

    out <- base::rev(out)

  } else if(rev == 2 | rev == "y"){

    mini <- base::min(input)
    maxi <- base::max(input)

    out <- out*-1

    out <- scales::rescale(x = out, to = c(mini, maxi))



    out <- confuns::normalize(x = out)




#' @export
valid_curves <- c("early_peak", "gradient", "late_peak", "linear", "log", "log", "one_peak", "sinus", "two_peaks",
                  "abrupt_ascending", "abrupt_descending", "immediate_ascending", "immediate_descending", "sharp_peak")

#' @title Fit a curve
#' @description Functions that return the numeric values of the respective
#' mathematic function they are constructed of. Length and range of the
#' return vector are equal to those of the input vector.
#' @param input Numeric vector.
#' @export

one_peak <- function(input){


  base::seq(1.5 * pi , 3.5 * pi, length.out = base::length(input)) %>%
    base::sin() %>% scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))


#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
sharp_peak <- function(input){

  min_input <- base::min(input)
  max_input <- base::max(input)

  len <- base::length(input)

  len_by_part <- base::floor(len / 3)

  seq1 <- 1:len_by_part
  seq3 <- (len-len_by_part):len

  # create sequence of length that fits in between seq1 and seq2
  # to ensure appropriate output length if input cant be divided by 3
  seq2 <-
    (base::max(seq1)+1):(base::min(seq3)-1) %>%
    scales::rescale(to = c(min_input, max_input))

  curve1 <- base::rep(x = min_input, base::length(seq1))
  curve3 <- base::rep(x = min_input, base::length(seq3))

  curve2 <- one_peak(seq2)

  out <- c(curve1, curve2, curve3)



#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
two_peaks <- function(input){


  base::seq(1.5 * pi, 5.5 * pi, length.out = base::length(input)) %>%
    base::sin() %>% scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))


#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
linear <- function(input){


  base::seq(0, 1, length.out = base::length(input)) %>%
    scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))


#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
sinus <- function(input){


  base::seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = base::length(input)) %>%
    base::sin()  %>% scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))


#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
gradient <- function(input){


  base::seq(0, 1 * pi, length.out = base::length(input)) %>%
    base::cos() %>% scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))

#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
log <- function(input){


  base::log(x = seq_along(input)) %>%
    scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))


#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
early_peak <- function(input){

  half_length <- (base::length(input)/2)

  prel_res <-
    base::seq(1.5 * pi , 3.5 * pi, length.out = half_length) %>%
    base::sin() %>% scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))

  res <- c(prel_res, base::rep(base::min(prel_res), half_length))



#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
late_peak <- function(input){

  half_length <- (base::length(input)/2)

  prel_res <-
    base::seq(1.5 * pi , 3.5 * pi, length.out = half_length) %>%
    base::sin() %>% scales::rescale(to = c(min(input), max(input)))

  res <- c(base::rep(base::min(prel_res), half_length), prel_res)



#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
abrupt_ascending <- function(input){

  min_input <- base::min(input)
  max_input <- base::max(input)

  len <- base::length(input)

  len_by_part <- base::floor(len / 3)

  seq1 <- 1:len_by_part
  seq3 <- (len-len_by_part):len

  seq2 <- (base::max(seq1)+1):(base::min(seq3)-1)

  curve1 <- base::rep(x = min_input, base::length(seq1))
  curve3 <- base::rep(x = max_input, base::length(seq3))

  curve2 <-
    base::seq(min_input, max_input, len = base::length(seq2)) %>%
    gradient() %>%

  out <- c(curve1, curve2, curve3)



#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
abrupt_descending <- function(input){

  out <-
    abrupt_ascending(input = input) %>%



#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
immediate_ascending <- function(input){

  min_input <- base::min(input)
  max_input <- base::max(input)

  len <- base::length(input)

  len_by_part <- base::floor(len / 5)

  seq1 <- 1:len_by_part
  seq2 <- (len_by_part+1):(len_by_part*2)

  seq4 <- (len_by_part*3+1):(len_by_part*4)
  seq5 <- (len_by_part*4+1):(len_by_part*5)

  seq3 <- (base::max(seq2)+1):(base::min(seq4)-1)

  curve1 <- base::rep(x = min_input, base::length(seq1))
  curve2 <- base::rep(x = min_input, base::length(seq2))
  curve4 <- base::rep(x = max_input, base::length(seq4))
  curve5 <- base::rep(x = max_input, base::length(seq5))

  curve3 <-
    base::seq(min_input, max_input, len = base::length(seq3)) %>%
    gradient() %>%

  out <- c(curve1, curve2, curve3, curve4, curve5)



#' @rdname one_peak
#' @export
immediate_descending <- function(input){

  immediate_ascending(input = input) %>%

kueckelj/confuns documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:19 a.m.