analyzeDeepLoc2: Import Result of DeepLoc2 Analysis

View source: R/analyze_external_sequence_analysis.R

analyzeDeepLoc2R Documentation

Import Result of DeepLoc2 Analysis


Allows for easy integration of the result of DeepLoc2 (external sequence analysis of signal peptides) in the IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR workflow. Please note that due to the 'removeNoncodinORFs' option in analyzeCPAT and analyzeCPC2 we recommend using analyzeCPC2/analyzeCPAT before using analyzeDeepLoc2, analyzeSignalP, analyzeNetSurfP2, analyzePFAM if you have predicted the ORFs with analyzeORF.


    enforceProbabilityCutoff = TRUE,
    probabilityCutoff = NULL,
    ignoreAfterBar = TRUE,
    ignoreAfterSpace = TRUE,
    ignoreAfterPeriod = FALSE,
    quiet = FALSE



A switchAnalyzeRlist object


A string indicating the full path to the DeepLoc2 result file(s). If multiple result files were created (multiple web-server runs) just supply all the paths as a vector of strings. See details for suggestion of how to run and obtain the result of the DeepLoc2 tool.


A logic indicating whether the location specific probability cutoff developed for DeepLoc2 should be strictly enforced (see details). This filter works independently from probabilityCutoff. If FALSE the localization called internally by DeepLoc2 are used. Default is NULL.


A numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the minimum probability for calling a sub-cellular localization. This filter works independently from enforceProbabilityCutoff. If NULL the localization called internally by DeepLoc2 are used. Default is NULL.


A logic indicating whether to subset the isoform ids by ignoring everything after the first bar ("|"). Useful for analysis of GENCODE data. Default is TRUE.


A logic indicating whether to subset the isoform ids by ignoring everything after the first space (" "). Useful for analysis of gffutils generated GTF files. Default is TRUE.


A logic indicating whether to subset the gene/isoform is by ignoring everything after the first period ("."). Should be used with care. Default is FALSE.


A logic indicating whether to avoid printing progress messages (incl. progress bar). Default is FALSE


Subcellular localization are extremely important for biological functions. The performance of DeepLoc2 have been optimized by using subcellular location specific (aka class specific) probability cutoffs. However if no location is above these tresholds the location with the largest probability is assigned. The enforceProbabilityCutoff argument turns of the assignment of class if the location specific tresholds are not met.

The DeepLoc2 web-server is stringent with regards to the number of sequences in the files uploaded so we suggest using the files containing subsets. See extractSequence for info on how to split the amino acid fasta files.

Notes for how to run the external tools: NA

Please note that the analyzeDeepLoc2() function will automatically only import the DeepLoc2 results from the isoforms stored in the switchAnalyzeRlist - even if many more are stored in the result file.


A column called 'sub_cell_location' is added to isoformFeatures containing the predicted subcellular localization. If multiple locations are predicted they are seperated by comma. Furthermore the data.frame 'subCellLocationAnalysis' is added to the switchAnalyzeRlist containing the details of the sub-cellular location analysis.

The data.frame added have one row pr isoform and contains 12 columns:

  • isoform_id: The name of the isoform analyzed. Matches the 'isoform_id' entry in the 'isoformFeatures' entry of the switchAnalyzeRlist

  • Localizations: A text string indicating the subcellular localization. If multiple locations are predicted they are seperated by comma. This string is derived as described for the probabilityCutoff argument.

  • rest: One column for each sub-cellular location containing the predicted probability of the isoform beining in that location.


Kristoffer Vitting-Seerup


  • This function : Vitting-Seerup et al. The Landscape of Isoform Switches in Human Cancers. Mol. Cancer Res. (2017).

See Also



### Please note the way of importing files in the following example with
# "system.file('pathToFile', package="IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR") is
# specialized way of accessing the example data in the IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR package
# and not something you need to do - just supply the string e.g.
# "myAnnotation/predicted_annoation.txt" to the function.

### Load example data (matching the result files also store in IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR)

### Add sub-cellular location analysis
exampleSwitchListAnalyzed <- analyzeDeepLoc2(
    switchAnalyzeRlist = exampleSwitchListIntermediary,
    pathToDeepLoc2resultFile = system.file("extdata/deeploc2.csv", package = "IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR"),
    quiet = FALSE

kvittingseerup/IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR documentation built on Jan. 1, 2025, 9:08 p.m.