
Defines functions combineNetwork

Documented in combineNetwork

#'Combine two networks
#'@description The function combines two networks at a time. The networks might be computed from grinn functions such as \code{fetchGrinnNetwork}, \code{fetchCorrGrinnNetwork}, 
#'\code{fetchDiffCorrGrinnNetwork}, or from users' provided  networks. 
#'The provided network must be in the following format:
#'\code{nodes} = data.frame(id,nodename,nodetype) #nodes contain at least 3 columns
#'\code{edges} = data.frame(source,target,relname) #edges contain at least 3 columns
#'\code{nwX} or \code{nwY} = list(nodes,edges)
#'@usage combineNetwork(nwX, nwY, returnAs)
#'@param nwX list of nodes and edges to be combined.
#'@param nwY list of nodes and edges to be combined.
#'@param returnAs string of output type. Specify the type of the returned network. 
#'It can be one of "tab","json","cytoscape", default is "tab". "cytoscape" is the format used in Cytoscape.js
#'@return list of nodes and edges. The list is with the following componens: edges and nodes. Return empty list if error.
#'@author Kwanjeera W \email{kwanich@@ucdavis.edu}
#'@seealso \url{http://js.cytoscape.org/}, \code{\link{fetchGrinnNetwork}}, \code{\link{fetchCorrNetwork}}, \code{\link{fetchWGCNAModule}}, \code{\link{fetchDiffCorrNetwork}}
#'# Create metabolite-protein network from the list of metabolites using grinn ids and combine the grinn network to a correlation network
#'kw <- c('G160','G300','G371')
#'grinnnw <- fetchGrinnNetwork(txtInput=kw, from="metabolite", to="protein")
#'# Compute a correlation network of metabolites and expand to a grinn network of metabolite-protein
#'dummy <- rbind(nodetype=rep("metabolite"),t(mtcars))
#'colnames(dummy) <- c('G1.1','G15603','G371','G17295',paste0('G',sample(400:22000, 28)))
#'corrnw <- fetchCorrGrinnNetwork(datX=dummy, corrCoef=0.7, pval=1e-12, method="spearman", returnAs="tab", xTo="protein")
#'result <- combineNetwork(grinnnw,corrnw)
#'plot(graph.data.frame(result$edges[,1:2], directed=FALSE))
#'# Create metabolite-protein network from the list of metabolites using grinn ids and combine the grinn network to a provided network
#'txtInput <- list('G371','G783','G1.1')
#'grinnnw <- fetchGrinnNetwork(txtInput, from="metabolite", to="protein")
#'nwY = list()
#'nwY$nodes = data.frame(id=c("G371","G783","XXX","YYY"),nodename=c("G371","G783","XXX","YYY"),nodetype=c("metabolite","metabolite","protein","protein"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'nwY$edges = data.frame(source=c("G371","G783"),target=c("XXX","YYY"),corr_coef=c(-0.368,0.385),pval=c(0.000927,0.000497),reltype=c("Metabolite_Protein","Metabolite_Protein"),relname=c("CORRELATION","CORRELATION"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'result <- combineNetwork(grinnnw,nwY)

combineNetwork <- function(nwX, nwY, returnAs="tab"){
    if(!(length(colnames(nwY$nodes)) >= 3) || !(length(colnames(nwY$edges)) >= 4)){
      stop("incorrect number of columns or incorrect column names, \n
           require at least 'id, nodename, nodetype' for nodelist and 'source, target, reltype, relname' for edgelist")
    cat("Formating and returning combined network ...\n")
    attb = plyr::rbind.fill(nwX$nodes,nwY$nodes)
    pair = plyr::rbind.fill(nwX$edges,nwY$edges)
    pair = pair[!duplicated(pair[c("source","target")]), ] #remove duplicate edges
    attb = attb[!duplicated(attb[,1]),] #remove duplicate nodes
    colbs = colnames(nwX$nodes)
    colot = colnames(nwY$nodes)
    cat("Found ",nrow(pair)," relationships...\n")
    out = switch(returnAs,
                 tab = list(nodes=attb, edges=pair),
                 json = list(nodes=jsonlite::toJSON(attb), edges=jsonlite::toJSON(pair)),
                 cytoscape = createCyNetwork(attb, pair),
                 stop("incorrect return type"))
  }, error = function(err) {
    pair = data.frame()
    attb = data.frame()
    out <- list(nodes=attb, edges=pair) #return empty list
  }) # END tryCatch
kwanjeeraw/grinn documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:07 p.m.