##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
#' @title Check Trial Monitor
#' @name CheckTrialMonitor
#' @description {CheckTrialMonitor An ISA monitoring plan consists of the specifying a minimum number of patients and follow-up (FU) time.
#' You must specify the minimum number of patients to perform an analysis and the final analysis FU time.
#' This is done by specifying the elements vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime with at least 2 elements.
#' The first elements define when to
#' start monitoring based on a number of patients enrolled with additional FU (in months) and the last elements in the vectors
#' define when to do the final analysis.
#' To increase flexibility there are two options for adding additional IAs. Which option is used is based on dQtyMonthsBtwIA ==0 or > 0
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \strong{Option 1}: vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime are of equal length with length > 2 then the trial would consist of length( vMinQtyPats )-1 IAs and 1 FA. See Example 1.
#' \item \strong{Option 2}: You MUST have the lengths of vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime equal to 2. See Example 3
#' }
#' }
#' @return {Return: list( vRunISAAnalysis, vPreviousIATime )
#' vRunISAAnalysis = 1 if the ISA needs to have the IA run and 0 otherwise
#' vPreviousIATime > 0 for the option when vQtyMonthsBtw[1] > 0 so we can track when the IA is done and know when the next one is to be done.
#' In both cases, vIsFinalISAAnalysis = TRUE if dCurrentTime >= time of the FA as defined above; otherwise it is set to FALSE
#' If vISAStatus != 1 then for the corresponding ISA elements in the return list this function returns
#' vRunISAAnalysis = 0, vPreviousIATime = vPreviousIATime , vIsFinalISAAnalysis = FALSE, vCase = corresponding case )}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example 1 : Perform IA 1 at 3 months after the 30th patient enrolled, IA 2 at 3 months after the 90th patient enrolled, IA 3 when the 150th patient enrolled,
#' # (not since the 3rd element of vMinFUTime = 0 IA 3 is performed when the 150th patient is enrolled) and the FA is performed 3 months after the 200th patient.
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 0
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 30, 90, 150, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3, 0, 3)
#' #Example 2 - 1 Interim analysis (IA) at 30 patients with 3 months of FU
#' # No additional IA
#' # Final Analysis (FA) at 200 patients with 3 months FU
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 0
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 30, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3)
#' #Example 3 - Start the IA 30 patients with 3 months of FU, continue
#' # Perform additional analysis every 2 months after the first IA
#' # Final Analysis (FA) at 200 patients with 3 months FU
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 2
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 30, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3)
#' #Example 4 - No IA becasue the IA is done at the same time as the FA
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 0
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 200, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3)
#' }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/CheckTrialMonitor.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
CheckTrialMonitor <- function( cISADesigns, lEnrolledPats, vISAStatus, dCurrentTime, vISAAnalysisIndx, vPreviousIATime )
UseMethod( "CheckTrialMonitor", cISADesigns )
#' @title Check Trial Monitor
#' @name CheckTrialMonitor.default
#' @description {CheckTrialMonitor An ISA monitoring plan consists of the specifying a minimum number of patients and follow-up (FU) time.
#' You must specify the minimum number of patients to perform an analysis and the final analysis FU time.
#' This is done by specifying the elements vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime with at least 2 elements.
#' The first elements define when to
#' start monitoring based on a number of patients enrolled with additional FU (in months) and the last elements in the vectors
#' define when to do the final analysis.
#' To increase flexibility there are two options for adding additional IAs. Which option is used is based on dQtyMonthsBtwIA ==0 or > 0
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \strong{Option 1}: vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime are of equal length with length > 2 then the trial would consist of length( vMinQtyPats )-1 IAs and 1 FA. See Example 1.
#' \item \strong{Option 2}: You MUST have the lengths of vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime equal to 2. See Example 3
#' }
#' }
#' @return {Return: list( vRunISAAnalysis, vPreviousIATime )
#' vRunISAAnalysis = 1 if the ISA needs to have the IA run and 0 otherwise
#' vPreviousIATime > 0 for the option when vQtyMonthsBtw[1] > 0 so we can track when the IA is done and know when the next one is to be done.
#' In both cases, vIsFinalISAAnalysis = TRUE if dCurrentTime >= time of the FA as defined above; otherwise it is set to FALSE
#' If vISAStatus != 1 then for the corresponding ISA elements in the return list this function returns
#' vRunISAAnalysis = 0, vPreviousIATime = vPreviousIATime , vIsFinalISAAnalysis = FALSE, vCase = corresponding case )}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example 1 : Perform IA 1 at 3 months after the 30th patient enrolled, IA 2 at 3 months after the 90th patient enrolled, IA 3 when the 150th patient enrolled,
#' # (not since the 3rd element of vMinFUTime = 0 IA 3 is performed when the 150th patient is enrolled) and the FA is performed 3 months after the 200th patient.
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 0
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 30, 90, 150, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3, 0, 3)
#' #Example 2 - 1 Interim analysis (IA) at 30 patients with 3 months of FU
#' # No additional IA
#' # Final Analysis (FA) at 200 patients with 3 months FU
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 0
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 30, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3)
#' #Example 3 - Start the IA 30 patients with 3 months of FU, continue
#' # Perform additional analysis every 2 months after the first IA
#' # Final Analysis (FA) at 200 patients with 3 months FU
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 2
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 30, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3)
#' #Example 4 - No IA becasue the IA is done at the same time as the FA
#' dQtyMonthsBtwIA <- 0
#' vMinQtyPats <- c( 200, 200 )
#' vMinFUTime <- c( 3, 3)
#' }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/CheckTrialMonitor.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
CheckTrialMonitor.default <- function( cISADesigns, lEnrolledPats, vISAStatus, dCurrentTime, vISAAnalysisIndx, vPreviousIATime )
#This function will Check the monitoring rule and set a variable if the ISAs should have the analysis run on them
#eg is it time for an analysis on each ISA?
nQtyISAs <- length( cISADesigns )
vRunISAAnalysis <- rep( 0, nQtyISAs )
vIsFinalISAAnalysis <- rep( FALSE, nQtyISAs )
vCase <- rep( 0, nQtyISAs)
vPreviousIATimeOrig <- vPreviousIATime
iISA <- 1
for( iISA in 1:nQtyISAs )
nLen <- length( cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinQtyPats )
nQtyPatsInISA <- lEnrolledPats$vCurrentQtyPatsISA[ iISA ]
CheckISAForErrors(cISADesigns, iISA, nQtyPatsInISA, vISAStatus )
nAnalysisIndx <- min( vISAAnalysisIndx[ iISA ], nLen )
nNextQtyPats <- cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinQtyPats[ nAnalysisIndx ]
dAddFU <- cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinFUTime[ nAnalysisIndx ]
dQtyMonthsBtw <- cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$dQtyMonthsBtwIA
vISAStartTimes <- lEnrolledPats$lPatOut[[iISA]]$vStartTimes
if( dQtyMonthsBtw == 0 )
#Option 1 - monitor based on number of patients + FU
vCase[ iISA ] <- 1
if( nQtyPatsInISA >= nNextQtyPats )
dMinTimeForIA <- vISAStartTimes[ nNextQtyPats ] + dAddFU
if( dCurrentTime >= dMinTimeForIA )
vRunISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- 1
vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] <- dCurrentTime
if( nAnalysisIndx == nLen ) #This is the final analysis
vIsFinalISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- TRUE
else if( length( cISADesigns[[iISA]]$vMinQtyPats ) == 2 && dQtyMonthsBtw >= 0 )
#option 2 - monitor based on the first IA + dQtyMonthsBtw
vCase[ iISA ] <- 2
if( nQtyPatsInISA >= nNextQtyPats || vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] > 0 )
#Check if this is the final analysi
nQtyPatsFinal <- cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinQtyPats[ 2 ]
dFinalIATime <- vISAStartTimes[ nQtyPatsFinal ] + cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinFUTime[ 2 ]
if( nQtyPatsInISA >= nQtyPatsFinal )
if( dCurrentTime >= dFinalIATime )
vIsFinalISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- TRUE
#Now check if the analysis needs to be done
if( vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] > 0 )
#Have already done in IA for this ISA so need to see if the dQtyMonthsBtw has passed since previous IA
if( dCurrentTime >= min(dFinalIATime, ( vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] + dQtyMonthsBtw ), na.rm=TRUE ))
#Time to do the next IA
vRunISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- 1
vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] <- dCurrentTime
{ #There has not been an IA run yet so need to check if it is time to run one
dMinTimeForIA <- vISAStartTimes[ nNextQtyPats ] + dAddFU
if( dCurrentTime >= dMinTimeForIA )
vRunISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- 1
vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] <- dCurrentTime
stop( paste( "ERROR In the configuration for ISA ", iISA, ", please check vMinQtyPats, dMinFUTime and vQtyMonthsBtwIA for ISA ", iISA, sep =""))
#If the ISA is not open prior to the start of the ISA or it is closed for some reason (status =1 --> open status ==2 --> closed for max recruitment still could need analysis)
if( vISAStatus[ iISA ] == 0 || vISAStatus[ iISA ] > 2 )
vRunISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- 0
vIsFinalISAAnalysis[ iISA ] <- FALSE
vPreviousIATime[ iISA ] <- vPreviousIATimeOrig[ iISA]
return( list( vRunISAAnalysis = vRunISAAnalysis, vPreviousIATime = vPreviousIATime, vIsFinalISAAnalysis = vIsFinalISAAnalysis, vCase = vCase ) )
CheckISAForErrors <- function(cISADesigns, iISA, nQtyPatsInISA, vISAStatus )
nLen <- length( cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinQtyPats )
dQtyMonthsBtw <- cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$dQtyMonthsBtwIA
if( length( cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinQtyPats) != length( cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinFUTime ) )
stop( paste( "In cISADesign[[ ", iISA, " ]], the length of vMinQtyPats and vMinFUTime are not the equal and they must be equal."))
if( length( cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinQtyPats) == length( cISADesigns[[ iISA ]]$vMinFUTime ) && nLen == 1 && dQtyMonthsBtw != 0)
stop( paste( "In cISADesign[[ ", iISA, " ]], the length( vMinQtyPats ) = length( vMinFUTime ) = 1 and dQtyMonthsBtw != 0. If length = 1 then dQtyMonthsBetween must equal 1."))
if( nQtyPatsInISA > 0 && vISAStatus[ iISA ] == 0 )
stop( paste( "In cISADesign[[ ", iISA, " ]], patients have been enrolled by the vISAStatus is set to open"))
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