
Defines functions MakeTrialDecision.default MakeTrialDecision

Documented in MakeTrialDecision MakeTrialDecision.default

##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files

#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/MakeTrialDecision.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
MakeTrialDecision <- function( cISADesigns, lResAnalysis,  vISAStatus,  vIsFinalISAAnalysis, cRandomizer )
    UseMethod( "MakeTrialDecision", cISADesigns )


#' @name MakeTrialDecision
#' @title MakeTrialDecision
#' @description {This function determines the status of a trial (all ISAs) based on the input. Each ISA
#' can be in one of eight states. The following list provides the details of the returned vISAStatus and what
#' they mean.
#' \describe{
#' \item{Status 0}{The ISA is not open, the virtual trial is at a point prior to the ISA opening.}
#' \item{Status 1}{The ISA is open for enrollment.}
#' \item{Status 2}{The ISA has met the maximum enrollment.}
#' \item{Status 3}{The ISA was closed with a Go BEFORE Final Analysis (FA).  This can be a Final status for an ISA because it was closed.}
#' \item{Status 4}{The ISA was closed with a No Go BEFORE FA.  This can be a Final status for an ISA because it was closed.}
#' \item{Status 5}{The ISA was closed with a Go at FA.  This can be a Final status for an ISA because it was closed.}
#' \item{Status 6}{The ISA was closed with a No Go at FA.  This can be a Final status for an ISA because it was closed.}
#' \item{Status 7}{The ISA was closed with a Pause at FA.  This can be a Final status for an ISA because it was closed.}
#' }
#' The Status options of 3 or 4 indicate the ISA was closed early, before the FA, either for a Go or a No Go.  The options 5-7
#' all were closed at the FA.
#' }
#the return vISAStatus has the following options
#   0 = ISA not open;
#   1 = ISA open,
#   2 = met max enrollment,
#   3 = Closed with a Go before FA,
#   4 = Closed - No Go before FA
#   5 = closed - Go at the FA
#   6 = Closed - No Go at the FA
#   7 = Closed - Pause at the FA
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/MakeTrialDecision.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
MakeTrialDecision.default <- function( cISADesigns, lResAnalysis,  vISAStatus,  vIsFinalISAAnalysis, cRandomizer  )

    nQtyISA <- length( cISADesigns )
    lDecRet <- list()

    for( nISA in 1:nQtyISA )
        lDec <- list()

        lDecision <- cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$lDecision

        if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] <= 2 && lResAnalysis[[ nISA ]]$bISAAnalysisRun )
            lDec <- MakeDecision( lDecision, lResAnalysis[[ nISA ]], vIsFinalISAAnalysis[ nISA ], cRandomizer[[ nISA ]] )
            cRandomizer[[ nISA ]] <- lDec$cRandomizer

            if( !vIsFinalISAAnalysis[ nISA ] )
                if( lDec$nGo == 1  )
                    vISAStatus[ nISA ] <- 3  #Closed and a Go before FA
                else if( lDec$nNoGo == 1 )
                    vISAStatus[ nISA ] <- 4 # Closed and a No Go before FA
                #print( sprintf( "Final Analysis for ISA  %f", nISA ))
                if( lDec$nGo == 1  )
                    vISAStatus[ nISA ] <- 5 #Closed and a Go at the FA
                else if( lDec$nNoGo == 1 )
                    vISAStatus[ nISA ] <- 6 # Closed and a No Go at the FA
                else if( lDec$nPause == 1)
                    vISAStatus[ nISA ] <- 7


        else if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] <= 1 )
            lDec <- list( nGo = 0, nNoGo = 0, nPause = 0 )

        lDec$bISAAnalysisRun <- lResAnalysis[[ nISA ]]$bISAAnalysisRun

        lDecRet[[ paste("lDecISA", nISA, sep="") ]] <- lDec

    return( list( lDecRet = lDecRet, vISAStatus = vISAStatus, cRandomizer = cRandomizer)  )

kwathen/OCTOPUS documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 12:36 p.m.