
##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files

SetupTrialDesign <- function()
    dConvWeeksToMonths <- 12/52

    strBorrow <- "AllControls"
    strModel  <- "BayesianNormalAR1"
    vPUpper   <- c( 1.0, 1.0 )
    vPLower   <- c( 0.0, 0.0 )
    dFinalPUpper <- 0.45
    dFinalPLower <- 0.05

    vQtyPats     <- c( 30, 60 )  # Control, Treatment

    ## Set the Interim Analysis.   Start conducting IAs when 30 patients have 24 weeks of FU, monthly thereafter with FA when 90 patients have 24 weeks FU
    vMinQtyPats  <- c( 30, 90 )
    vMinFUTime   <- c( 24* dConvWeeksToMonths, 24* dConvWeeksToMonths)
    dQtyMonthsBtwIA  <- 1.0

    #  ISA 1 Information                                                ####

    cISA1Info <- Create1DosePh2AISA( vQtyPats     = vQtyPats,
                                     vTrtLab      = c( 1, 2 ),
                                     vPUpper      = vPUpper,
                                     vPLower      = vPLower,
                                     dFinalPUpper = dFinalPUpper,
                                     dFinalPLower = dFinalPLower,
                                     strBorrow    = strBorrow,
                                     strModel     = strModel,
                                     vMinQtyPats  = vMinQtyPats,
                                     vMinFUTime   = vMinFUTime,
                                     dQtyMonthsBtwIA = dQtyMonthsBtwIA )
    cISA1Info <<- cISA1Info # make a global version to view

    #  ISA 2 Information - - Note the vTrtLab has 1 (control) and 3,4 for treatment 1 is ALWAYS control                                                ####

    cISA2Info <- Create2DosePh2AISA( vQtyPats     = c(30, 20, 40 ),
                                     vTrtLab      = c( 1, 3, 4 ),
                                     vPUpper      = vPUpper,
                                     vPLower      = vPLower,
                                     dFinalPUpper = dFinalPUpper,
                                     dFinalPLower = dFinalPLower,
                                     strBorrow    = strBorrow,
                                     strModel     = strModel,
                                     vMinQtyPats  = vMinQtyPats,
                                     vMinFUTime   = vMinFUTime,
                                     dQtyMonthsBtwIA = dQtyMonthsBtwIA )

    cTrialDesign <- NewTrialDesign( list( cISA1Info, cISA2Info ), strISARandomizer = "EqualRandomizer" )

    return( cTrialDesign )

kwathen/OCTOPUS documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 12:36 p.m.