# There are two parallel versions that run parallel simulations:
# RunParallelSimulations - Does not provide a visual status update
# The simulations will be run from nStartIndex to nEndIndex, this allows you to run a small set, say 1:10 to get an estimate
# of time and make sure now other issues arise then you can ran a larger set say 11:1000 and since the output files
# are index by these
# nQtyCores is the number of cores to use in the simulation. nQtyCores <= parallel::detectCores() or your will not be able to use your
# computer and could potentially crash cause issues.
# cSimulation object - see the respective BuildMeRunMultiCore.R file
RunParallelSimulations <- function( nStartIndex = 1, nEndIndex, nQtyCores, cSimulation )
dStartTime <- Sys.time()
myCluster2 <- parallel::makeCluster( nQtyCores )
registerDoParallel( myCluster2 )
#This chunk of code will be run for each instance of the loop so it identifies stuff you need such as new functions ect
# Need to define any functions or variables you want to use in the function you call.
# Typically I would be sourcing files here if I needed to or I load the custom R package I have with my simulation code in it.
RunSimulationsOnCore <- function( nTrialID, cSimulation )
gDebug <- FALSE
Sys.setenv(SGE_TASK_ID= nTrialID )
gnPrintDetail <- 1 # Higher number cause more printing to be done during the simulation. A value of 0 prints almost nothing and should be used when running
# large scale simulations.
# Files specific for this project that were added and are not available in OCTOPUS. ####
# These files create new generic functions that are utilized during the simulation.
# These files and OCTOPUS are loaded here because it needs to be done for each core.
library( OCTOPUS )
source( 'R/RunAnalysis.TEMP_ANALYSIS_MODEL.R' )
source( 'R/SimPatientOutcomes.TEMP_SIM_PATIENT_OUTCOME.R' ) # This will add the new outcome
source( "R/BinaryFunctions.R" )
RunSimulation( cSimulation )
mResults <- foreach( i = nStartIndex:nEndIndex, .combine= rbind) %dopar%{
RunSimulationsOnCore( nTrialID = i, cSimulation )
error = function( e ){
message( "An error occured:\n", e )
warning = function(w){
message("A warning occured:\n", w)
finally = {
message("Stopping cluster")
stopCluster( myCluster2 )
dEndTime <- Sys.time()
print( paste( "It took ", difftime(dEndTime, dStartTime, units = "mins"), " minutes to run the simulation. "))
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