#' @title Histogram Matching
#' @description Histogram Matching (HM) is a reference based normalisation that aims to match the histogram created from a experimental spectra with that made from a reference spectra.
#' @details
#' ### How It Works:
#' 1. A more complex normalisation method compared to others in this package, HM creates a histogram of the intensities of an experimental spectrum.
#' 2. This area of this histogram subtracted from that of a reference histogram, calculated from a median spectrum.
#' 3. The experimental spectra is scaled by a factor `alpha` which alters the intensities and a new histogram is made and step 2. is repeated.
#' 4. The aim is to minimise the difference between the reference histogram and the experiment histogram and the alpha value that acheives this minimum is the dilution coefficient.
#' 5. This is iterated over for all experimetal spectra
#' ### Advantages:
#' * HM is not affected by peak shift like PQN ([pqNorm()]) is because it does not take into account the chemical shift of the intensity, on the value of the intensity.
#' * HM also is not as impaacted by noise because noise is removed before histograms are produced (this is not touched on in the above section)
#' ### Limitations:
#' * Not all histograms are created equal, some will have more kurtosis or skewness which limits the degree to which differences can be minimised.
#' * Studies have also found that HM does not handle noise well and does not recover signal like many other normalisation methods do. (see 'See also')
#' @family {Reference-Based}
#' @param X A numerical matrix containing the NMR spectra to be normalised. Rows should be the spectra and columns being the chemical shift variables
#' @param noi The array of maximum noise estimations produced from the function [noise()] or provided by the user. Must match X rows.
#' @param int_binwid This argument dictates the width of the bins. The average span of intensities is from `10`-`30`, meaning that an `intensity_binwidth` of `0.1` would give you 200 bins.
#' @param use_median This argument dictates whether the function will calculate the median and use that as the reference spectrum or not. If set to `FALSE`, the first sample will be used as the reference. This practice is outlined in the methods paper (see 'See also')
#' @param alpha The lower and upper bounds that the golden selection search will search between
#' @param tol This defines the tolerance or level of precision the golden selection search will search until. (i.e., it will search until the bounds are `tol` distance apart)
#' @return A list with:
#' 1. The normalised X matrix in the first list element, and
#' 2. An array of the corresponding dilution factors.
#' * Following the example below will extract the results quickly and easily.
#' @seealso
#' * The methods paper for HM can be found here: \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11306-018-1400-6}
#' * The paper discussing HM limitations with noise can be found here: \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11306-018-1400-6}
#' @author \email{kylebario1@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' # it is mandatory to fill args X, noi, and use_median for `hmNorm()` to work.
#' data(X, noi)
#' hmNorm(X, noi, use_median = TRUE, alpha = c(0.1, 2.5))
#' cat(dilf_hm)
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
hmNorm <- function(X, noi, int_binwid = 0.1, alpha = c(0.1, 2), use_median = NULL, tol = 1e-5){
if (is.null(use_median)){
stop("Please define which reference to use. To use median: use_median = T; to use first spectra: use_median = F.")
cat('\033[0;34mPrepping the spectra\n\033[0m')
Xs <- t(sapply(1:nrow(X), function(j){
Xc <- X[j,]
n <- noi[j]
Xc[(Xc <= n)] = NA
Zs <- log2((Xs*alpha[1])+1)
Zb <- log2((Xs*alpha[2])+1)
br <- seq(from = min(Zs, na.rm = T), to = max(Zb, na.rm = T), length.out = ((max(Zb, na.rm = T)-min(Zs, na.rm = T))/int_binwid))
if (use_median){
cat('\033[0;34mUsing the median spectra as reference\n\033[0m')
cat('\033[0;34mCalculating the dilfs... \033[0m')
Xsm <- apply(Xs, 2, median)
Zm <- log2(Xsm+1)
m <- table(cut(Zm, breaks = br))
dilfs <- sapply(1:nrow(Xs), function(i){
a <- alpha[1]
b <- alpha[2]
gr <- (sqrt(5)+1)/2
c <- b-(b-a)/gr
d <- a+(b-a)/gr
cs <- table(cut(log2(Xs[i,]*c), breaks = br))
fc <- sum((m-cs)^2)
ds <- table(cut(log2(Xs[i,]*d), breaks = br))
fd <- sum((m-ds)^2)
if (fc<fd){
b <- d
} else {
a <- c
c <- b-(b-a)/gr
d <- a+(b-a)/gr
} else {
cat('\033[0;34mUsing the first spectra as reference\n\033[0m')
cat('\033[0;34mCalculating dilfs... \033[0m')
m <- table(cut((log2(Xs[1,]+1)), breaks = br))
dilfs <- sapply(1:(nrow(Xs)), function(i){
if (i==1){
} else {
a <- alpha[1]
b <- alpha[2]
gr <- (sqrt(5)+1)/2
c <- b-(b-a)/gr
d <- a+(b-a)/gr
cs <- table(cut(log2(Xs[i,]*c), breaks = br))
fc <- sum((m-cs)^2)
ds <- table(cut(log2(Xs[i,]*d), breaks = br))
fd <- sum((m-ds)^2)
if (fc<fd){
b <- d
} else {
a <- c
c <- b-(b-a)/gr
d <- a+(b-a)/gr
cat('\033[0;34mNormalising X... \033[0m')
Xn <- t(sapply(1:nrow(X), function(l){
assign("X_hm", Xn, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("dilf_hm", dilfs, envir = .GlobalEnv)
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