
Defines functions parse_ctl

parse_ctl <- function(txt) {

  block_re <- "^\\s*\\$[A-Za-z]\\w*"

  # Look for block lines
  m <- regexec(block_re, txt)

  # Where the block starts
  start <- which(sapply(m, "[", 1L) > 0)

  if(length(start)==0) {
    stop("No model specification file blocks were found.", call.=FALSE)

  # Get the matches
  mm <- regmatches(txt[start], m[start])

  # Block labels
  labs <- gsub("[$ ]", "", sapply(mm, "[", 1L))

  # Remove block label text
  txt[start] <- trimws(substr(txt[start], nchar(unlist(mm,use.names=FALSE))+1, nchar(txt[start])))

  # Where the block ends
  end <- c((start-1),length(txt))[-1]

  # Create the list
  spec <- lapply(seq_along(start), function(i) {
    y <- txt[start[i]:end[i]]

  names(spec) <- labs

kylebaron/nmlist documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 8:45 a.m.