
Defines functions CovMean

Documented in CovMean

#' Estimate Mean Covariance Matrix
#' For a given 3-dimensional array where symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices are stacked slice
#' by slice, it estimates Frechet mean on an open cone of SPD matrices under corresponding metric/distance
#' measure.
#' @param A a \eqn{(p\times p\times N)} 3d array of \eqn{N} SPD matrices.
#' @param method the type of distance measures to be used; \code{"AIRM"} for Affine Invariant
#' Riemannian Metric,
#' \code{"Cholesky"} for Cholesky difference in Frobenius norm,
#' \code{"Euclidean"} for naive Frobenius norm as distance,
#' \code{"LERM"} for Log Euclidean Riemannian Metric,
#' \code{"Procrustes.SS"} for Procrustes Size and Shape measure,
#' \code{"Procrustes.Full"} for Procrustes analysis with scale,
#' \code{"PowerEuclidean"} for weighted eigenvalues by some exponent, and
#' \code{"RootEuclidean"} for matrix square root.
#' @param power a non-zero number for PowerEuclidean distance.
#' @return a \eqn{(p\times p)} mean covariance matrix estimated.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## generate 100 sample covariances of size (5-by-5).
#' pdim    = 5
#' samples = samplecovs(100,pdim)
#' ## compute mean of first 50 sample covariances from data under Normal(0,Identity).
#' mLERM = CovMean(samples[,,1:50], method="LERM")
#' mAIRM = CovMean(samples[,,1:50], method="AIRM")
#' mChol = CovMean(samples[,,1:50], method="Cholesky")
#' mRoot = CovMean(samples[,,1:50], method="RootEuclidean")
#' ## visualize
#' opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")
#' image(mLERM[,pdim:1], main="LERM mean")
#' image(mAIRM[,pdim:1], main="AIRM mean")
#' image(mChol[,pdim:1], main="Cholesky mean")
#' image(mRoot[,pdim:1], main="RootEuclidean mean")
#' par(opar)
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertRef{dryden_non-euclidean_2009}{CovTools}
#' @export
CovMean <- function(A,method=c("AIRM","Cholesky","Euclidean","LERM",
  ## 1) 3d array, 2) square, 3) symmetric, 4) sequentially check PDness
  if (length(dim(A))!=3){
    stop("* CovMean : 3d array should be used as input.")
  if (dim(A)[1]!=dim(A)[2]){
    stop("* CovMean : A should be stack of square matrices.")
  SymApply = apply(A, 3, isSymmetric, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  if (any(SymApply)==FALSE){
    SymIdx = which(!SymApply)
    if (length(SymIdx)==1){
      stop(paste("* CovMean : slice number",SymApply,"is not Symmetric."))
    } else {
      stop(paste("* CovMean : multiple of slices are not Symmetric."))
  if (any(apply(A, 3, isSymmetric, tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))==FALSE)){
    stop("* CovMean : each slice of A should be symmetric matrix.")
  for (i in 1:dim(A)[3]){
    if (!check_pd(A[,,i])){
      stop(paste(" CovMean : slice number",i,"is not Positive Definite."))

  ## Main Iteration with Switch Argument
  if (missing(method)){
    method = "AIRM"
  } else {
    method = match.arg(method)
  if (all(method=="PowerEuclidean")){
    if (power==0){
      stop("* CovMean : 'power' should be a nonzero element. Suggests > 0.")
    power = as.double(power)
  outmean= switch(method,
                  Euclidean = meancov.Euclidean(A),
                  LERM = meancov.LogEuclidean(A),
                  Cholesky = meancov.Cholesky(A),
                  AIRM = meancov.Riemannian(A),
                  PowerEuclidean= meancov.PowerEuclidean(A,power))
kyoustat/CovTools documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 2:17 p.m.