# key private function to do resampling of aois within a single trial uses
# approxfun to resample because missingness is coded as an integer and
# interpolation is "constant" then no "gaps" between AOIs are filled. actually
# interpolating across blinks is left for a different function as this is a
# theory-laden decision.
resample_aoi_trial <- function(df_trial) {
t_origin <- df_trial$t_norm
data_origin <- df_trial$aoi
# create the new timestamps for resampling
t_start <- min(t_origin) - (min(t_origin) %% pkg_globals$SAMPLE_DURATION)
t_resampled <- seq(from = t_start, to = max(t_origin),
by = pkg_globals$SAMPLE_DURATION)
# exchange strings values with integers for resampling
# this step critical for interpolating missing vals quickly and correctly
aoi_num <- data_origin %>%
dplyr::recode(target = 1, distractor = 2, other = 3, missing = 4)
# start resampling with approx
aoi_resampled <- stats::approx(x = t_origin, y = aoi_num, xout = t_resampled,
method = "constant", rule = 2,
ties = "ordered")$y
aoi_resampled_recoded <- aoi_resampled %>%
dplyr::recode("1" = "target", "2" = "distractor",
"3" = "other", "4" = "missing")
# adding back the columns to match schema
dplyr::tibble(t_norm = t_resampled,
aoi = aoi_resampled_recoded,
trial_id = df_trial$trial_id[1],
administration_id = df_trial$administration_id[1])
# key private function to do resampling of aois within a single trial
# uses approxfun to resample
resample_xy_trial <- function(df_trial) {
t_origin <- df_trial$t_norm
x_origin <- df_trial$x
y_origin <- df_trial$y
# create the new timestamps for resampling
t_start <- min(t_origin) - (min(t_origin) %% pkg_globals$SAMPLE_DURATION)
t_resampled <- seq(from = t_start, to = max(t_origin),
by = pkg_globals$SAMPLE_DURATION)
# because of the behavior of approx, we need numerical values for missingness
x_origin[is.na(x_origin)] <- MISSING_CONST
y_origin[is.na(y_origin)] <- MISSING_CONST
# resample we use constant interpolation for two reasons: 1) the numerical
# missingness needs to be constant, if you interpolate it you won't be able to
# back it out, 2) linear interpolation might "slow down" saccades by choosing
# intermediate locations (minor).
x_resampled <- stats::approx(x = t_origin, y = x_origin, xout = t_resampled,
method = "constant", rule = 2,
ties = "ordered")$y
y_resampled <- stats::approx(x = t_origin, y = y_origin, xout = t_resampled,
method = "constant", rule = 2,
ties = "ordered")$y
# replace missing values
x_resampled[x_resampled == MISSING_CONST] <- NA
y_resampled[y_resampled == MISSING_CONST] <- NA
# adding back the columns to match schema
# note, no IDs here because they won't be unique.
dplyr::tibble(trial_id = df_trial$trial_id[1],
administration_id = df_trial$administration_id[1],
t_norm = t_resampled,
x = x_resampled,
y = y_resampled)
#' sets the starting point of a given trial to be zero
#' @param df_table to-be-resampled dataframe with t, aoi/xy values, trial_id and
#' administration_id
#' @return df_out with resampled time, xy or aoi value rows
#' @export
ds.rezero_times <- function(df_table) {
# first check if this data frame has all the correct columns required for
# normalize
required_columns <- c("trial_id", "administration_id", "t")
if (!all(required_columns %in% colnames(df_table))) {
stop(.msg("Rezero times function requires the following columns to be
present in the dataframe:
{paste(required_columns, collapse = ', ')}. Rezeroing times should
be the first step in the time standardization process."))
# center timestamp (0 POD)
df_out <- df_table %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$trial_id, .data$t) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$administration_id, .data$trial_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_zeroed = (.data$t - .data$t[1])) %>%
#' sets the starting point of a given trial to be zero
#' @param df_table to-be-resampled dataframe with t, aoi/xy values, trial_id and
#' administration_id
#' @return df_out with resampled time, xy or aoi value rows
#' @export
ds.normalize_times <- function(df_table) {
# first check if this data frame has all the correct columns required for
# normalize
required_columns <- c("trial_id", "administration_id", "t_zeroed")
if (!all(required_columns %in% colnames(df_table))) {
stop(.msg("Normalize times function requires the following columns to be
present in the dataframe:
{paste(required_columns, collapse = ', ')}. Times should be
re-zeroed first to the starting point of a given trial before
being normalized."))
# center timestamp (0 POD)
df_out <- df_table %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$administration_id, .data$trial_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(t_norm = .data$t_zeroed - .data$point_of_disambiguation) %>%
# nothing necessarily needs to be changed but we could either arrange the
# resulting dataset by trial_id and administration_id or else use a different
# workflow, for example nest after grouping by administration_id and trial_id?
#' This function resample times to be consistent across labs.
#' Resampling is done by the following steps:
#' 1. iterate through every trial for every administration
#' 2. create desired timepoint sequence with equal spacing according to
#' pre-specified SAMPLE_RATE parameter
#' 3. use approxfun to interpolate given data points to align with desired
#' timepoint sequence "constant" interpolation method is used for AOI
#' timepoints; "linear" interpolation method is used for xy timepoints; for more
#' details on approxfun, please see:
#' https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/stats/html/approxfun.html
#' 4. after resampling, bind resampled dataframes back together and re-assign
#' aoi_timepoint_id
#' @param df_table to-be-resampled dataframe with t, aoi/xy values, trial_id and
#' administration_id
#' @param table_type table name, can only be "aoi_timepoints" or "xy_timepoints"
#' @return df_out with resampled time, xy or aoi value rows
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dir_datasets <- "testdataset" # local datasets dir
#' lab_dataset_id <- "pomper_saffran_2016"
#' dir_csv <- file.path(dir_datasets, lab_dataset_id, "processed_data")
#' table_type <- "aoi_timepoints"
#' file_csv <- file.path(dir_csv, paste0(table_type, '.csv'))
#' df_table <- utils::read.csv(file_csv)
#' df_resampled <-ds.resample_times(df_table, table_type = "aoi_timepoints")
#' }
#' @export
ds.resample_times <- function(df_table, table_type) {
# first check if this data frame has all the correct columns required for
# re-sampling
if (table_type == "aoi_timepoints") {
required_columns <- c("trial_id", "administration_id", "t_norm", "aoi")
} else if (table_type == "xy_timepoints") {
required_columns <- c("trial_id", "administration_id", "t_norm", "x", "y")
# re-zero and normalize times first
# this is mandatory, comes from our decision that not linking resampling and
# centering causes a lot of problems
if (!all(required_columns %in% colnames(df_table))) {
stop(.msg("Resample times function requires the following columns to be
present in the dataframe:
{paste(required_columns, collapse = ', ')}. Times should be
re-zeroed and normalized first before being resampled!"))
# main resampling call
if (table_type == "aoi_timepoints") {
# start resampling process by iterating through every trial within every
# administration
df_out <- df_table %>%
dplyr::mutate(admin_trial_id = paste(.data$administration_id,
.data$trial_id, sep = "_")) %>%
split(.$admin_trial_id) %>%
purrr::map_df(resample_aoi_trial) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$administration_id, .data$trial_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(aoi_timepoint_id = 0:(dplyr::n() - 1)) # add IDs
} else if (table_type == "xy_timepoints") {
df_out <- df_table %>%
dplyr::mutate(admin_trial_id = paste(.data$administration_id,
.data$trial_id, sep = "_")) %>%
split(.$admin_trial_id) %>%
purrr::map_df(resample_xy_trial) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$administration_id, .data$trial_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(xy_timepoint_id = 0:(dplyr::n() - 1)) # add IDs
#' Add AOIs to an xy dataframe
#' @param xy_joined dataframe containing processed xy timepoints with aoi region
#' sets information
#' @return dataframe with two added columns 'side' and 'aoi'. 'side' only
#' contains "left" or "right" value 'aoi' indicates whether this xy timepoint
#' is looking to "target" or "distractor"
#' @export
ds.add_aois <- function(xy_joined) {
xy_joined %<>%
dplyr:: mutate(
side = dplyr::case_when(
x > l_x_min & x < l_x_max & y > l_y_min & y < l_y_max ~ "left",
x > r_x_min & x < r_x_max & y > r_y_min & y < r_y_max ~ "right",
!is.na(x) & !is.na(y) ~ "other",
TRUE ~ "missing"),
aoi = dplyr::case_when(
side %in% c("left", "right") & side == target_side ~ "target",
side %in% c("left", "right") & side != target_side ~ "distractor",
TRUE ~ side # other or NA, which is same as side
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