
Defines functions recode.haven_labelled

Documented in recode.haven_labelled

#' Recode values
#' Extend [dplyr::recode()] method from \pkg{dplyr} to
#' works with labelled vectors.
#' @importFrom dplyr recode
#' @inheritParams dplyr::recode
#' @param .keep_value_labels If TRUE, keep original value labels.
#'   If FALSE, remove value labels.
#' @param .combine_value_labels If TRUE, will combine original value labels
#'   to generate new value labels. Note that unexpected results could be
#'   obtained if a same old value is recoded into several different new values.
#' @param .sep Separator to be used when combining value labels.
#' @seealso [dplyr::recode()]
#' @examples
#' x <- labelled(1:3, c(yes = 1, no = 2))
#' x
#' dplyr::recode(x, `3` = 2L)
#' # do not keep value labels
#' dplyr::recode(x, `3` = 2L, .keep_value_labels = FALSE)
#' # be careful, changes are not of the same type (here integers),
#' # NA arecreated
#' dplyr::recode(x, `3` = 2)
#' # except if you provide .default or new values for all old values
#' dplyr::recode(x, `1` = 1, `2` = 1, `3` = 2)
#' # if you change the type of the vector (here transformed into character)
#' # value labels are lost
#' dplyr::recode(x, `3` = "b", .default = "a")
#' # use .keep_value_labels = FALSE to avoid a warning
#' dplyr::recode(x, `3` = "b", .default = "a", .keep_value_labels = FALSE)
#' # combine value labels
#' x <- labelled(
#'   1:4,
#'   c(
#'     "strongly agree" = 1,
#'     "agree" = 2,
#'     "disagree" = 3,
#'     "strongly disagree" = 4
#'   )
#' )
#' dplyr::recode(
#'   x,
#'   `1` = 1L,
#'   `2` = 1L,
#'   `3` = 2L,
#'   `4` = 2L,
#'   .combine_value_labels = TRUE
#' )
#' dplyr::recode(
#'   x,
#'   `2` = 1L,
#'   `4` = 3L,
#'   .combine_value_labels = TRUE
#' )
#' dplyr::recode(
#'   x,
#'   `2` = 1L,
#'   `4` = 3L,
#'   .combine_value_labels = TRUE,
#'   .sep = " or "
#' )
#' dplyr::recode(
#'   x,
#'   `2` = 1L,
#'   .default = 2L,
#'   .combine_value_labels = TRUE
#' )
#' # example when combining some values without a label
#' y <- labelled(1:4, c("strongly agree" = 1))
#' dplyr::recode(y, `2` = 1L, `4` = 3L, .combine_value_labels = TRUE)
#' @export
recode.haven_labelled <- function(
    .default = NULL,
    .missing = NULL,
    .keep_value_labels = TRUE,
    .combine_value_labels = FALSE,
    .sep = " / ") {
  ret <- dplyr::recode(
    .x = unclass(.x),
    .default = .default,
    .missing = .missing
  if (mode(.x) == mode(ret)) {
    if (.keep_value_labels) {
      ret <- copy_labels(.x, ret)
    if (.combine_value_labels) {
      ret <- copy_labels(.x, ret)

      old_vals <- unique(.x) %>% stats::na.omit()
      new_vals <- c()
      for (o in old_vals) {
        new_vals <- c(new_vals, ret[!is.na(.x) & .x == o][1])

      original_labels <- val_labels(.x)
      for (v in unique(new_vals)) {
        combined_label <- names(
          original_labels[original_labels %in% old_vals[new_vals == v]]
        if (length(combined_label) > 0) {
          val_label(ret, v) <- paste(combined_label, collapse = .sep)
      ret <- drop_unused_value_labels(ret)
  } else {
    var_label(ret) <- var_label(.x)
    if (.keep_value_labels || .combine_value_labels) {
        "The type of .x has been changed and value labels attributes",
        "have been lost."
larmarange/labelled documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 6:25 p.m.