
Defines functions vipCriterion

Documented in vipCriterion

#' @name vipCriterion
#' @title The VIP criterion
#' @description Computes the VIP criterion used to rank variable importance.
#' @param pls.model Object with fitted PLS-model.
#' @param dim Integer, the number of dimensions to consider.
#' @details After the fitting of a PLS-model, some of the original variables will have more
#' impact than the others on the prediction of the response. The VIP criterion is one way
#' to quantify this, see Chong&Yun, 2005. This criterion requires a single response regression
#' problem, which means a two-class classification problem.
#' A large VIP indicates the corresponding variable is important. A threshold at 1.0 is often
#' used, variables with VIP above 1.0 are the important ones.
#' @return A vector of VIP scores, one for each variable in the predictor matrix of the fitted
#' PLS model.
#' @author Lars Snipen.
#' @references Chong, Il-Gyo & Jun, Chi-Hyuck, 2005, Performance of some variable selection
#' methods when multicollinearity is present, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory
#' Systems 78, 103--112.
#' @seealso \code{\link{eliminator}}.
#' @export vipCriterion
vipCriterion <- function(pls.model, dim = 1){
  if(nrow(pls.model$Yloadings) > 1) stop("Only implemented for single-response models")
  W <- pls.model$loading.weights[, 1:dim, drop = F]    # (P x a) matrix
  Z <- pls.model$scores[, 1:dim, drop = F]             # (N x a) matrix
  q  <- as.numeric(pls.model$Yloadings)[1:dim]         # (1 x a) vector
  P  <- nrow(W)                                        # scalar

  explained.variance <- q^2 * colSums(Z^2)
  W.norm <- colSums(W^2)     # Usually not needed, this norm is 1.0 anyway (for most PLS algorithms)
  importance <- W^2 / W.norm   # Importance = squared loading weights
  denominator <- sum(explained.variance)
  numerator <- rowSums(matrix(rep(explained.variance, P), nrow = P, byrow = T) * importance)

  vip <- sqrt(P * numerator/denominator)
larssnip/mpda documentation built on March 28, 2022, 3:37 p.m.