Man pages for laurentlab-mpipz/rsurvival
Process genotype data from survival experiment

AnalyseExptA function to analyse a selection experiment, including...
AnalyseSplittedExptA function to analyse a selection experiment, including...
CalcFreqGtA function to count occurences of genotypes in a genotype...
CalcFreqVariantA function to count occurences of genotypes in a variant...
CalcOddedPickA function to calculate the number of picked lives per...
CalcOddsPredationA function to calculate odds for predation from observed...
CalcProbsSelectionA function to calculate probabilities that observed...
CensorLowDepthA function to replace genotype data with low depth by NA
ConvertFileToLogicA function to turn a file into a logical vector. Useful for...
CountSignSnpsA function to count snps with a low probability of being due...
EstimateFSTA function to estimate the FST of a variant using the Weir &...
ExtractGtA function to extract a genotype from a vcfR::VCF object.
FindIdsAlFreqsA function to find the ids of columns in a frequency...
FindIdsGtCountsA function to find the ids of columns in a...
IsAtLeastNARatioA function to check if the ratio of NA in a vector is over a...
IterRandPickA function to iterate significant snps counting in a genotype...
LoadVcfA function to get a filtered (and possibly splitted)...
OmitPoorSamplesA function to remove columns with a high ratio of missing...
OmitPoorVariantsA function to remove rows with a high ratio of missing data...
PermutRandSurvA function to calculate probabilities of neutral model and...
RmIndelsA function to remove indel variants from a vcfR::VCF object
RmNonBiallelicsA function to remove non-biallelic variants from a vcfR::VCF...
SliceDfColumnsA function to slice data frames without loosing column names
SliceDfRowsA function to slice data frames without loosing row names
SplitGtA function to split a genotype matrix two genotype matrix...
SplitVcfA function to split a vcfR::VCF object in two vcfR::VCF...
SplitVectA function to split a vector into two vectors according to a...
laurentlab-mpipz/rsurvival documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:14 a.m.