sample_data_arrdis: EU import/export data

Description Usage Format Source


A dataset containing a random sample of 100 records from an HMRC arrival or dispatch download file (SMKM46/SMKX46).




A data frame with 100 rows and 17 variables:

Name Type Description
comcode character 8 digit commodity code
record_type character Range 0-3 identifies the kind of suppression record
cod_seq character Numeric sequence for Country of Dispatch
cod_alpha character Alpha code for Country of Dispatch
trade_ind character A code used to identify the type of trade.
coo_seq character Numeric sequence for Country of Origin
coo_alpha character Alpha code for Country of Origin
nature_of_transaction character Code describing the type of transaction
mode_of_transport character Mode of transport by which goods leave or arrive in the UK
period_reference character Identifies the month of account of an item in format 0YYYYMM. For non-amendment records this will be the same as the file month; for amendment records and late supplementary declarations it will be the month to which the amendment or supplementary declaration relates.
suite_indicator character Identifies commodity codes to be excluded from General and Special trade compilations
sitc character SITC code
industrial_plant_comcode character With effect from January 2011, a pseudo concessionary comcode beginning 98 used for declaration of high value Industrial Plant.
no_of_consignments double Optional field used to indicate the number of consignments. Please note that several consignments may be aggregated.
stat_value double Value(£)
nett_mass double Weight in kg
supp_unit double Alternative quantity


lee269/tradetools documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:59 p.m.