lengning/gClinBiomarker: gClinBiomarker: an R package for clinical biomarker analyses

gClinBiomarker is an R package that allows users to easily perform biomarker analyses and generate high-quality figures and tables. It contains a set of functions covering essential biomarker analyses conducted in both oncology and non-oncology trials. It also provides an R markdown template that allows users to plug in their data set and generate a biomarker analysis report with "one-click". The report contains demographics checking, biomarker property characterization, cutoff exploration (for continuous biomarkers), subgroup analysis, and longitudinal analysis. The package takes either VADs (AdAM) or a customized csv/data frame.

Package details

AuthorNing Leng <leng.ning@gene.com>, Alexey Pronin <pronin.alexey@gene.com>, Doug Kelkhoff <kelkhoff.douglas@gene.com>, Jemma Fan <fan.jinzhen@gene.com>, Christina Rabe <rabe.christina@gene.com>, Kwame Okrah <okrah.kwame@gene.com>
MaintainerNing Leng <leng.ning@gene.com>, Jemma Fan <fan.jinzhen@gene.com>, Doug Kelkhoff <kelkhoff.douglas@gene.com>
URL https://pages.github.roche.com/Rpackages/gClinBiomarker/
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
lengning/gClinBiomarker documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:55 p.m.