Man pages for lengning/gClinBiomarker
gClinBiomarker: an R package for clinical biomarker analyses

add_eqv_aesAdd equivalent Americanized and base equivalent names to...
addGridAdd a Grid to an Existing Plot.
addTableToMarginCreate Tabular Environment from Matrix and Add it to Margin.
addXlabTableCreate Tabular Environment from Matrix and Add it to Bottom...
aes_arg_is_unevalDetermine if an argument is an unevaluated expression
allowed_aestheticsGet list of allowed aesthetics for a given geometry class
append_split_termsWrap a formula in a helper list splitting response and...
append_weightsAppend argument list with calculated weights as frequency
as.rgbConvert color-names or RGB-code to possibly semi-transparent...
augment_predictAdds prediction outputs to data based on model and formula
AvailableDocsShow available documents
BoxPlotBox/Box-Percentile Plot with additional vertical stripchart,...
BPplotEnhanced Box-Percentile Plots.
clean_emmeans_specsHelper function to clean one-sided formulas for emmeans
coerce_from_factorCoerce dataframe variables to new type
CompareKMCompare KM curve of full population vs. BEP
copy_variable_attributesCopy attributes of dataframe variables from a source...
CoxTabSummary outputs from cox proportional model
filter_aestheticsHelper function to filter aesthetic mappings based on...
filter_argsHelper function for ggpack to filter arguments based on a...
flatten_aesthetics_to_groupHelper function to flatten specific aesthetics to group
geom_text_tableGeom to display text as a table overlayed upon the plot
GeomTextTableA ggplot2 Geom object to add a table of text values to a plot
get.colorsChoose an R standard color or get the RGB-code of an...
get_emmeans_specs_predictorsReturn predictors from specs input
getMatrixConstruct Matrix from Formula and Names.
get_model_formulaGet model formula from a model object
ggpackHandling of argument passing to ggplots
ggpacket-classA class for wrapping ggplot layers.
ggpk_decoratorsWrapper for common decorators to package
ggpk_line_errorbarggplot wrapper for plotting ribbon, taking a stats string or...
ggpk_ribbonsggplot wrapper for plotting ribbon, taking a stats string or...
initialize-ggpacket-methodInitialize empty ggpacket
inputData example
input.specsData specs example
LogRankTabLog rank test p value and other summary statistics for...
longbmkrSimulated longitudinal biomarker data
names-ggpacket-methodOverload names method to print ggpacket ggcall list names
numeric_meansList means over numeric variables
OpenDocAccess package documents
PlotDensPlot Density
PlotKMGenerate KM curve(s) for full population or subgroups defined...
PlotLongWrapper for fitting model and adjusting to predicted values...
PlotParamSet graphical parameters
PlotPropertyPlot Distribution
PlotRspBarGenerate bar plot to summarize response outcome by subgroups
PlotSTEPPCreate a STEPP (Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot)
PlotTabForestBiomarkerGenerate forest plot and summarization table for 2-arm or...
PlotTabForestMultiGenerate forest plot and summarization table for 2-arm or...
plus-gg-ggpacket-methodCombine ggpacket contents with gg call to incorporate...
plus-ggpacket-ANY-methodPrimitive methods for adding ggpackets to various ggplot...
plus-NULL-ggpacket-methodAdd NULL to a ggpacket to return the ggpacket
print_to_stringCapture output and return as string
ReadDataRead data
ReadVADRead a VAD
remove_aestheticsHelper function to filter out aesthetics from mappings
safe_private_exportA function for safely trying to get private namespace...
sas.emmeansCompute emmeans to mirror SAS emmeans functionality
show-ggpacket-methodOverload show method to print ggpacket
sink_to_tempHelper function to hide side effect output to console
split_aes_from_dotsHelper function to cull aesthetic mapping from parameter...
split_on_nameHelper function to split a list on a named args
stat_summary_funshelper function to interpret strings and functions passed to...
sub-ggpacket-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodOverload [ generic to index into ggcalls list
sub-sub-ggpacket-methodOverload [ generic to index into ggcalls list
summarize_unary_varsProduce summary table of unary value of specified levels
SummarySingleSummary a single covariate, test across treatment and/or...
SummaryTwoGroupsSummary statistics of two-group comparison
SummaryVarsSummary multiple covariates, test across treatment and/or...
lengning/gClinBiomarker documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:55 p.m.