
Automatic Uploads to Anaconda from Travis CI

This workflow is derived from here and here.

1. Edit config files

Edit the following files: ../.travis.yml : alter env::global::PKG_NAME and the conda channels commands in the before_install section. meta.yaml : alter {% set name = "PKG_NAME" %}, requirements::host, requirements::run, and the about section.

2. Give Travis CI access to upload to Anaconda

Store both$CONDA_USER_NAME and$CONDA_UPLOAD_TOKEN securely in on Travis CI. These are used to authenticate the anaconda upload command.

  1. Login to the account you want Travis to use to upload on
  2. Click on your username on the top left and go to 'My Settings'.
  3. On the left hand panel, go to 'Access' and enter your password as requested.
  4. Now we'll create an API token. Give it a name, and check at least both 'Allow read access to the API site' and 'Allow write access to the API site'.
  5. Create the token and copy it.
  6. Login to your account on and go to the repository that you want to add this automatic functionality to.
  7. On the right next to 'More options' go to 'Settings' in the hamburger menu.
  8. Add an environment variable with the name CONDA_UPLOAD_TOKEN and give it the value of the API token that you copied from
  9. Add an environment variable with the name CONDA_USER_NAME and give it your user name.

Or get CONDA_UPLOAD_TOKEN from the command line:

anaconda login
anaconda auth -c -n travis \
    --max-age 307584000 \
    --url${CONDA_USER_NAME}/${PKG_NAME} \
    --scopes "api:write api:read"

letaylor/bioutils documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:09 a.m.