
#' Tyson Research Center data set
#' A list containing a full demographic, functional trait, and phylogenetic
#' data set for 14 invasive plant species at Tyson Research Center.
#' @format A list with 5 slots
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{communities}}{A \code{data.frame} containing information
#'   on the local community composition and abundances for all plots for 
#'   each invasive species studied.}
#'   \item{\code{traits}}{A functional trait \code{data.frame} that includes continuous,
#'   circular, and binary traits for 117 species at Tyson Research Center. See
#'   \emph{Levin et al 2017} for more details on these traits.}
#'   \item{\code{phylo}}{A phylogeny for 554 vascular dicot species at Tyson
#'   Research Center. Data is in the \code{phylo format}, see documentation
#'   for \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}.}
#'   \item{\code{spp.list}}{A \code{data.frame} that contains the species list
#'   used to make the phylogeny housed in \code{phylo}.}
#'   \item{\code{demo.data}}{A \code{data.frame} containing information on
#'   demographic responses and covariates for 14 focal exotic species at 
#'   Tyson Research Center.}
#' }
levisc8/Fun_Phylo_Package documentation built on June 2, 2020, 8:41 a.m.