Two versions of a simple model

The first case study in this manuscript creates a model for Carpobrotus spp. The dataset used in this case study was collected in Havatselet Ha'Sharon, a suburb of Tel Aviv, Israel. The data were collected by drones taking aerial imagery of the population in successive years. Images were combined into a single high-resolution orthomosaic and georeferenced so the map from year 2 laid on top of the map from year 1. Flowers on each plant were counted using a point layer, and polygons were drawn around each ramet to estimate sizes and survival from year to year. Plants that had 0 flowers were classified as non-reproductive, and any plant with 1 or more flowers was classified as reproductive. This led to four regression models - survival, growth conditional on survival, probability of flowering, and number of flowers produced conditional on flowering. Finally, plants present in year 2 that were not present in year 1 were considered new recruits. The mean and variance of their sizes were computed, and this was used to model the recruit size distribution.

The resulting IPM is a simple IPM (i.e. no discrete states, one continuous state variable). The data that the regressions are fit to are included in the ipmr package, and can be accessed with data(iceplant_ex) (the name comes from the common name for Carpobrotus species, which is "iceplants").

The IPM can be written on paper as follows:

  1. $n(z', t + 1) = \int_L^UK(z', z)n(z,t)dz$

  2. $K(z',z) = P(z',z) + F(z',z)$

  3. $P(z',z) = s(z) * G(z',z)$

  4. $F(z',z) = p_f(z) * r_s(z) * p_r * r_d(z')$

The components of each sub-kernel are either regression models or constants. Their functional forms are given below:

  1. $Logit(s(z)) = \alpha_s + \beta_s * z$

  2. $G(z',z) = f_G(z', \mu_G(z), \sigma_G)$

  3. $\mu_G(z) = \alpha_G + \beta_G * z$

  4. $Logit(p_f(z)) = \alpha_{p_f} + \beta_{p_f} * z$

  5. $Log(r_s(z)) = \alpha_{r_s} + \beta_{r_s} * z$

  6. $r_d(z') = f_{r_d}(z', \mu_{r_d}, \sigma_{r_d})$

$\alpha s$ and $\beta s$ correspond to intercepts and slopes from regression models, respectively. Here, $f_G$ and $f_{r_d}$ are used to denote normal probability density functions. The other parameters are constants derived directly from the data itself.



# growth model. 

grow_mod <- lm(log_size_next ~ log_size, data = iceplant_ex)
grow_sd  <- sd(resid(grow_mod))

# survival model

surv_mod <- glm(survival ~ log_size, data = iceplant_ex, family = binomial())

# Pr(flowering) model

repr_mod <- glm(repro ~ log_size, data = iceplant_ex, family = binomial())

# Number of flowers per plant model

flow_mod <- glm(flower_n ~ log_size, data = iceplant_ex, family = poisson())

# New recruits have no size(t), but do have size(t + 1)

recr_data <- subset(iceplant_ex,

recr_mu  <- mean(recr_data$log_size_next)
recr_sd  <- sd(recr_data$log_size_next)

# This data set doesn't include information on germination and establishment.
# Thus, we'll compute the realized recruitment parameter as the number
# of observed recruits divided by the number of flowers produced in the prior
# year.

recr_n   <- length(recr_data$log_size_next)

flow_n   <- sum(iceplant_ex$flower_n, na.rm = TRUE)

recr_pr  <- recr_n / flow_n

# Now, we put all parameters into a list. This case study shows how to use
# the mathematical notation, as well as how to use predict() methods

all_params <- list(
  surv_int = coef(surv_mod)[1],
  surv_slo = coef(surv_mod)[2],
  repr_int = coef(repr_mod)[1],
  grow_int = coef(grow_mod)[1],
  grow_slo = coef(grow_mod)[2],
  grow_sdv = grow_sd,
  repr_slo = coef(repr_mod)[2],
  flow_int = coef(flow_mod)[1],
  flow_slo = coef(flow_mod)[2],
  recr_n   = recr_n,
  flow_n   = flow_n,
  recr_mu  = recr_mu,
  recr_sd  = recr_sd,
  recr_pr  = recr_pr

The next chunk generates a couple constants used to implement the model. We add 20% to the smallest and largest observed sizes to minimize eviction, and will implement the model with 100 meshpoints.

NB: L is multiplied by 1.2 because the log of the minimum observed size is negative, and we want to extend the size range to make it more negative. If L were positive, we'd multiply by 0.8.

L <- min(c(iceplant_ex$log_size,
         na.rm = TRUE) * 1.2

U <- max(c(iceplant_ex$log_size,
         na.rm = TRUE) * 1.2

n_mesh_p <- 100

We now have the parameter set prepared, and have the boundaries for our domains set up. We are ready to implement the model.

We start with the function init_ipm(). This function has five arguments: sim_gen, di_dd, det_stoch, kern_param, and uses_age. For now, we will ignore the last argument, as it is covered in case study 2. The first 4 arguments specify the type of IPM we are building:

  1. sim_gen: "simple"/"general"

    • A. simple: This describes an IPM with a single continuous state variable and no discrete stages.

    • B. general: This describes and IPM with either more than one continuous state variable, one or more discrete stages, or both of the above. Basically, anything other than an IPM with a single continuous state variable.

  2. di_dd: "di"/"dd"

    • A. di: This is used to denote a density-independent IPM.

    • B. dd: This is used to denote a density-dependent IPM.

  3. det_stoch: "det"/"stoch"

    • A. det: This is used to denote a deterministic IPM. If this is the third argument of init_ipm, kern_param must be left as NULL.

    • B. stoch: This is used to denote a stochastic IPM. If this is the third argument of init_ipm, kern_param must be specified.

This particular model is deterministic, as there are no data on temporal or spatial changes in vital rates. An introduction to stochastic models is available here. This example does not make use of the final argument, kern_param, because it is not a stochastic model, so we'll ignore it for now.

Once we've decided on the type of model we want, we create the model class using one of the two options for each argument. Since there is no stochasticity, we can leave the fourth argument empty (its default is NULL). This case study is a simple, density independent, deterministic IPM, so we use the following:

carpobrotus_ipm <- init_ipm(sim_gen = "simple", di_dd = "di", det_stoch = "det")

After we have initialized our IPM, we need to start adding sub-kernels using the define_kernel() function. These correspond to equations 3 and 4 above. We'll start with the P kernel. It contains functions that describe survival of individual ramets, and, if they survive, their new sizes. Note that in ipmr, the order in which we define kernels for an IPM makes no difference, so we could also start with the F if we wanted to.

  1. Survival is modeled with a logistic regression to predict the probability of survival to $t+1$ based on the size of the ramet at $t$ (surv_mod). In order to use the coefficients from that model to generate a survival probability, we need to know the inverse logit transformation, or, a function that performs it for us based on the linear predictor.

  2. Size at $t+1$ is modeled with a Gaussian distribution with two parameters: the mean and standard deviation from the mean. The mean value of size at $t+1$ (mu_G) is itself a linear function of size at $t$ and is parameterized with coefficients from the linear model (grow_mod). The standard deviation is a constant derived from the residual variance from the linear model we fit.

We start providing information on the P kernel by giving it a name. The name is important because we can use it to reference this kernel in higher level expressions later on. It can have any name we want, but P is consistent with the literature in this field (e.g. Easterling, Ellner & Dixon 2000, Ellner & Rees 2006). Next, we write the formula. The formula is the form of the kernel, and should look like Equation 3, without the $z$ and $z'$ arguments.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_kernel(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
  name      = "P",
  formula   = s * G,

The family comes after formula. It describes the type of transition the kernel is implementing. family can be one of 4 options:

  1. "CC": Continuous state -> continuous state.

  2. "DC": discrete state -> continuous state.

  3. "CD": continuous state -> discrete state.

  4. "DD": discrete state -> discrete state.

Since this is a simple IPM with only 1 continuous state variable and 0 discrete state variables, the family will always be "CC". In general IPMs, this will not always be true.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_kernel(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
  name      = "P",
  formula   = s * G,
  family    = "CC",

We've now reached the ... section of define_kernel(). The ... part takes a set of named expressions that represent the vital rate functions we described in equations 5-7 above. The names on the left hand side of the = should appear either in the formula argument, or in other parts of the .... The expressions on the right hand side should generate the values that we want to plug in. For example, Equation 5 ($Logit(s(z)) = \alpha_s + \beta_s * z$) makes use of the plogis function in the stats package to compute the survival probabilities from our linear model. The names of the coefficients match the names in the all_params object we generated above. Another thing to note is the use of z_1 and z_2. These are place-holders for $z,z'$ in the equations above. ipmr will generate values for these internally using information that we provide in some of the next steps.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_kernel(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
  name      = "P",
  formula   = s * G,
  family    = "CC",
  G         = dnorm(z_2, mu_g, grow_sdv),
  mu_g      = grow_int + grow_slo * z_1,
  s         = plogis(surv_int + surv_slo * z_1),

After setting up our vital rate functions, the next step is to provide a couple more kernel-specific details:

  1. data_list: this is the all_params object we created above. It contains the names and values of all the constants in our model.

  2. states: A list that contains the names of the state variables in the kernel. In our case, we've just called them "z". The states argument controls the names of the variables z_1 and z_2 that are generated internally. We could just as easily call them something else - we would just have to change the vital rate expressions to use those names instead. For example, in this model, $z,z'$ is the log-transformed surface area of ramets. We could abbreviate that with "log_sa". In that case, z_1,z_2 would become log_sa_1, log_sa_2 in the vital rate expressions.

  3. evict_cor: Whether or not to correct for eviction (Williams et al. 2012).

  4. evict_fun: If we decide to correct for eviction, then a function that will correct it. In this example, we use ipmr's truncated_distributions function. It takes two arguments: fun, which is the abbreviated form of the probability function family (e.g. "norm" for Gaussian, "lnorm" for log-normal, etc.), and target, which is the name in ... that it modifies.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_kernel(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
  name      = "P",
  formula   = s * G,
  family    = "CC",
  G         = dnorm(z_2, mu_g, grow_sdv),
  mu_g      = grow_int + grow_slo * z_1,
  s         = plogis(surv_int + surv_slo * z_1),
  data_list = all_params,
  states    = list(c("z")),
  evict_cor = TRUE,
  evict_fun = truncated_distributions(fun    = "norm", 
                                      target = "G")

We've now defined our first sub-kernel. The next step is to repeat this process for the F kernel, which is Equations 4 and 8-10.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_kernel(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
  name      = "F",
  formula   = recr_pr * r_s * r_d * p_f,
  family    = "CC",
  r_s       = exp(flow_int + flow_slo * z_1),
  r_d       = dnorm(z_2, recr_mu, recr_sd),
  p_f       = plogis(repr_int + repr_slo * z_1),
  data_list = all_params,
  states    = list(c("z")),
  evict_cor = TRUE,
  evict_fun = truncated_distributions(fun    = "norm", 
                                      target =  "r_d")

We've defined our sub-kernels. The next step is tell ipmr how to implement it numerically, and provide the information needed to generate the correct iteration kernel. To do this, we use define_impl(), define_domains(), and define_pop_state().

The first function tells ipmr which integration rule to use, which state variable each kernel acts on (state_start), and which state variable each kernel produces (state_end). The format of the list it takes in the kernel_impl_list argument can be tricky to implement right, so the helper function make_impl_args_list() makes sure everything is formatted properly. The kernel_names argument can be in any order. The int_rule, state_start, and state_end arguments are then matched to kernels in the proto_ipm based on the order in the kernel_names. Note that, at the moment, the only integration rule that's implemented is "midpoint". "b2b" (bin to bin) and "cdf" (cumulative density functions) are in the works, and others can be implemented by popular demand.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_impl(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
    kernel_names = c("P", "F"),
    int_rule     = rep('midpoint', 2),
    state_start    = rep('z', 2),
    state_end      = rep('z', 2) 

Next, we define the range of values that our state variable, $z$/z can take on. This is done using define_domains. The ... argument should have named vectors. The name should match the name of the state/domain. The first value in the vector is lower boundary, the second entry is the upper boundary, and the third entry is the number of bins to divide that range into.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_domains(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
  z         = c(L, U, n_mesh_p)

Finally, we define the initial population state. In this case, we just use a uniform vector, but we could also use custom functions we defined on our own, or pre-specified vectors. The name of the population vector should be the name of the state/domain, with an "n_" attached to the front.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  define_pop_state(
  proto_ipm = carpobrotus_ipm,
    n_z     = rep(1/100, n_mesh_p)

Up until this point, all we've done is add components to the proto_ipm. We now have enough information in proto_ipm object to build a model, iterate it, and compute some basic quantities. make_ipm() is the next function we need. It generates the vital rate functions from the parameters and integration details we provided, and then builds the sub-kernels. At this point, it checks to make sure that everything makes numerical sense (e.g. there are no negative values or NAs generated). If we set iterate = TRUE, make_ipm() also generates expressions for iterating the model internally, and then evaluates those for the number of iterations supplied by iterations. There are a number of other arguments to make_ipm() that can prove helpful for subsequent analyses. return_main_env is one of these. The main_env object contains, among other things, the integration mesh and bin width information specified in define_domains(). We'll need the meshpoints and bin width for the analyses we'll do in the Further Analyses section, so we'll set return_main_env = TRUE.

carpobrotus_ipm <-  make_ipm(
  proto_ipm       = carpobrotus_ipm,
  iterate         = TRUE,
  iterations      = 100,
  return_main_env = TRUE

asymp_grow_rate <- lambda(carpobrotus_ipm)

We see that the population is projected to shrink slightly. ipmr computes all values by iteration. Our measure of the asymptotic growth rate is the ratio $\frac{N_{t+1}}{N_t}$ for the final iteration of the model. If we are concerned about whether or not we've iterated our model enough to trust this value, we have two options: check for convergence using the helper is_conv_to_asymptotic(), or create the full iteration kernel, compute the dominant eigenvalue of that, and compare our estimate with the value obtained by iteration.

# Option 1: is_conv_to_asymptotic


# Option 2: generate iteration kernel and compute eigenvalues

K <- make_iter_kernel(carpobrotus_ipm)

lam_eigen <- Re(eigen(K$mega_matrix)$values[1])

# If we've iterated our model enough, this should be approximately 0 (though 
# maybe a little off due to floating point errors).

asymp_grow_rate - lam_eigen

We can also inspect our sub-kernels, the time series of the population trait distribution, and make alterations to our model using some helpers from ipmr.

# Sub-kernels have their own print method to display the range of values 
# and some diagnotic information.


# Extract the time series of the population state (n_z), 
# and the n_t+1/n_t values (lambda)

pop_time_series    <- carpobrotus_ipm$pop_state$n_z
lambda_time_series <- carpobrotus_ipm$pop_state$lambda

# Next, we'll tweak the intercept of the p_f function and re-fit the model.

new_proto_ipm      <- carpobrotus_ipm$proto_ipm

# The parameters setter function takes a list. It can replace single values,
# create new values, or replace the entire parameter list, depending on how you
# set up the right hand side of the expression. 

parameters(new_proto_ipm) <- list(repr_int = -0.3)

new_carp_ipm <- make_ipm(new_proto_ipm, 
                         iterations = 100)


Next, we'll go through an alternative implementation of the model using predict(surv_mod) instead of the mathematical form of the linear predictors. After that, we'll explore a couple additional analyses to see what is going on with this population of iceplants.

Using predict methods instead

We can simplify the code a bit more and get rid of the mathematical expressions for each regression model's link function by using predict() methods instead. The next chunk shows how to do this. Instead of extracting parameter values, we put the model objects themselves into the data_list. Next, we specify the newdata object where the name corresponds to the variable name(s) used in the model in question, and the values are the domain you want to evaluate the model on.

Above, we added parts to the carpobrotus_ipm object in a stepwise fashion. However, every define_* function in ipmr takes a proto_ipm as the first argument and returns a proto_ipm object. Thus, we can also use the %>% operator from the magrittr package to chain together the model creation pipeline. The %>% is included in ipmr, so we don't need to load any additional packages to access it. This example will demonstrate that process as well.

pred_par_list <- list(
  grow_mod = grow_mod,
  grow_sdv = grow_sd,
  surv_mod = surv_mod,
  repr_mod = repr_mod,
  flow_mod = flow_mod,
  recr_n   = recr_n,
  flow_n   = flow_n,
  recr_mu  = recr_mu,
  recr_sd  = recr_sd,
  recr_pr  = recr_pr

predict_method_carpobrotus <- init_ipm(sim_gen = "simple", 
                                       di_dd = "di",
                                       det_stoch = "det") %>%
    name      = "P",
    formula   = s * G,
    family    = "CC",
    G         = dnorm(z_2, mu_g, grow_sdv),
    mu_g      = predict(grow_mod, 
                        newdata = data.frame(log_size = z_1),
                        type = 'response'),
    s         = predict(surv_mod, 
                        newdata = data.frame(log_size = z_1),
                        type = "response"),
    data_list = pred_par_list,
    states    = list(c('z')),
    evict_cor = TRUE,
    evict_fun = truncated_distributions("norm", "G")
  ) %>%
    name      = "F",
    formula   = recr_pr * r_s * r_d * p_f,
    family    = "CC",
    r_s       = predict(flow_mod, 
                        newdata = data.frame(log_size = z_1),
                        type = "response"),
    r_d       = dnorm(z_2, recr_mu, recr_sd),
    p_f       = predict(repr_mod,
                        newdata = data.frame(log_size = z_1),
                        type = "response"),
    data_list = pred_par_list,
    states    = list(c("z")),
    evict_cor = TRUE,
    evict_fun = truncated_distributions("norm", "r_d")
  ) %>%
      kernel_names = c("P", "F"),
      int_rule     = rep('midpoint', 2),
      state_start    = rep('z', 2),
      state_end      = rep('z', 2) 
  ) %>%
    z = c(L, U, n_mesh_p)
  )  %>%
    n_z = rep(1/100, n_mesh_p)
  ) %>%
  make_ipm(iterate    = TRUE,
           iterations = 100)

Further analyses {#further-analysis}

Many research questions require a bit more than just computing asymptotic growth rate ($\lambda$). Below, we will compute the kernel sensitivity, elasticity, $R_0$, and generation time. First, we will define a couple of helper functions. These are not included in ipmr, but will eventually be implemented in a separate package that can handle the various classes that ipmr works with.

The first is sensitivity of $\lambda$ to perturbations in the projection kernel. Here, we can use the right_ev and left_ev functions in ipmr to get the right and left eigenvectors, and then compute the sensitivity surface.

Technical note: right_ev and left_ev both compute eigenvectors via iteration. left_ev generates a transpose iteration using the state_start and state_end information contained in the proto_ipm object (defined in define_impl, for a full overview of transpose iteration, see Ellner & Rees, 2006, Appendix A). Because the form of for left iteration is different from the default of right iteration, left_ev() will always have to iterate a model. On the other hand, right_ev will always check to see if the model is already iterated. If so, and the population's trait distribution has converged to its asymptotic state, then it will just pull out the final distribution from the ipm object, scale it to sum to 1, and then return that without re-iterating anything. If not, it will use the final trait distribution from the ipm object as the starting point and iterate the model for 100 iterations (this can be adjusted as needed using the iterations argument to right_ev). If this fails to converge, it will return NA with a warning.

It is also important to note that we have a second argument here named d_z. This is the width of the integration bins. We'll see how to get that from our IPM below.

sens <- function(ipm_obj, d_z) {

  w <- right_ev(ipm_obj)[[1]]
  v <- left_ev(ipm_obj)[[1]]

    outer(v, w) / sum(v * w * d_z)


Next, we can define a function to compute the elasticity of $\lambda$ to kernel perturbations. This uses the sens function from above, and the lambda() function from ipmr.

elas <- function(ipm_obj, d_z) {

  K           <- make_iter_kernel(ipm_obj)$mega_matrix

  sensitivity <- sens(ipm_obj, d_z)

  lamb        <- lambda(ipm_obj)

  out         <- sensitivity * (K / d_z) / lamb



We may also want to compute the per-generation population growth rate. The function below uses the sub-kernels contained in the carpobrotus_ipm object to do that.

R_nought <- function(ipm_obj) {

  Pm <- ipm_obj$sub_kernels$P
  Fm <- ipm_obj$sub_kernels$F

  I  <- diag(dim(Pm)[1])

  N  <- solve(I - Pm)

  R  <- Fm %*% N



Finally, generation time is a useful metric in many analyses. Below, we make use of our R_nought function to compute one version of this quantity (though other definitions exist. Covering those is beyond the scope of this case study).

gen_time <- function(ipm_obj) {

  lamb     <- unname(lambda(ipm_obj))  

  r_nought <- R_nought(ipm_obj)

  return(log(r_nought) / log(lamb))

We need to extract the d_z value and meshpoints from the IPM we built. We can extract this information in a list form using the int_mesh() function from ipmr on our IPM object. The d_z in this case will be called d_z because we named our domain "z" when we implemented the model. However, it will have a different name if the states argument in define_kernel has different values. Once we have that, we can begin computing all the values of interest. For example, if states = list(c("dbh", "height")), then int_mesh() would a return a list with d_dbh and d_height.

mesh_info <- int_mesh(carpobrotus_ipm)

sens_mat <- sens(carpobrotus_ipm, mesh_info$d_z)
elas_mat <- elas(carpobrotus_ipm, mesh_info$d_z)

R0    <- R_nought(carpobrotus_ipm)
gen_T <- gen_time(carpobrotus_ipm)


We may want to visualize our sub-kernels, iteration kernel, and the results of our sensitivity and elasticity analyses. We'll go through two options: one using the graphics package and one using the ggplot2 package.

First, the graphics package.

lab_seq  <- round(seq(L, U, length.out = 6), 2)
tick_seq <- c(1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100)

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

# Sub-kernels - ipmr contains plot methods for sub-kernels 

     do_contour = TRUE,
     main       = "P",
     xlab       = "size (t)",
     ylab       = "size (t + 1)",
     yaxt       = "none", 
     xaxt       = "none")
axis(1, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))
axis(2, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))

     do_contour = TRUE,
     main       = "F",
     xlab       = "size (t)",
     ylab       = "size (t + 1)",
     yaxt       = "none", 
     xaxt       = "none")
axis(1, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))
axis(2, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))

# Sensitivity and elasticity

class(sens_mat) <- c("ipmr_matrix", class(sens_mat))
class(elas_mat) <- c("ipmr_matrix", class(elas_mat))

     do_contour = TRUE,
     main       = "K Sensitivity",
     xlab       = "size (t)", 
     ylab       = "size (t + 1)",
     yaxt       = "none", 
     xaxt       = "none")
axis(1, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))
axis(2, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))

     do_contour = TRUE,
     main       = "K Elasticity",
     xlab       = "size (t)", 
     ylab       = "size (t + 1)",
     yaxt       = "none", 
     xaxt       = "none")
axis(1, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))
axis(2, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))

If we want to plot the iteration kernel, we can use ipmr's make_iter_kernel() function to create one, and then the plot() method to plot that as well.

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
K <- make_iter_kernel(carpobrotus_ipm)

     do_contour = TRUE,
     main       = "K",
     xlab       = "size (t)",
     ylab       = "size (t + 1)",
     yaxt       = "none", 
     xaxt       = "none")
axis(1, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))
axis(2, at = tick_seq, labels = as.character(lab_seq))

Now, for the ggplot2 version. First, we create a long format of the matrix using ipmr's ipm_to_df function. ipm_to_df can handle either bare matrices, or objects produced by make_ipm. The latter case is useful for plotting kernels directly using ggplot2. Once we've generated the long format sensitivity and elasticity matrices, we can use geom_tile and geom_contour to generate the ggplots, and grid.arrange from the gridExtra package to put them side by side.


p_df    <- ipm_to_df(carpobrotus_ipm$sub_kernels$P)
f_df    <- ipm_to_df(carpobrotus_ipm$sub_kernels$F)
k_df    <- ipm_to_df(K$mega_matrix)

sens_df <- ipm_to_df(sens_mat)
elas_df <- ipm_to_df(elas_mat)

# Create a default theme for our plots

def_theme <- theme(
  panel.background  = element_blank(),
  axis.text         = element_text(size = 16),
  axis.ticks        = element_line(size = 1.5),
  axis.ticks.length = unit(0.08, "in"),
  axis.title.x      = element_text(
    size   = 20,
    margin = margin(
      t = 10,
      r = 0, 
      l = 0, 
      b = 2
  axis.title.y = element_text(
    size   = 20,
    margin = margin(
      t = 0,
      r = 10,
      l = 2,
      b = 0
  legend.text = element_text(size = 16)

p_plt <- ggplot(p_df) +
  geom_tile(aes(x    = t,
                y    = t_1,
                fill = value)) +
  geom_contour(aes(x = t,
                   y = t_1,
                   z = value),
               color = "black",
               size = 0.7,
               bins = 5) +
                      low = "red",
                      high = "yellow") +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "size (t)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "size (t + 1)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  def_theme +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle("P kernel")

f_plt <- ggplot(f_df) +
  geom_tile(aes(x    = t,
                y    = t_1,
                fill = value)) +
  geom_contour(aes(x = t,
                   y = t_1,
                   z = value),
               color = "black",
               size = 0.7,
               bins = 5) +
                      low = "red",
                      high = "yellow") +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "size (t)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "size (t + 1)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  def_theme +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle("F kernel")

k_plt <- ggplot(k_df) +
  geom_tile(aes(x    = t,
                y    = t_1,
                fill = value)) +
  geom_contour(aes(x = t,
                   y = t_1,
                   z = value),
               color = "black",
               size = 0.7,
               bins = 5) +
                      low = "red",
                      high = "yellow") +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "size (t)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "size (t + 1)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  def_theme +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle("K kernel")

sens_plt <- ggplot(sens_df) +
  geom_tile(aes(x    = t,
                y    = t_1,
                fill = value)) +
  geom_contour(aes(x = t,
                   y = t_1,
                   z = value),
               color = "black",
               size = 0.7,
               bins = 5) +
                      low = "red",
                      high = "yellow") +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "size (t)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "size (t + 1)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  def_theme +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle("K Sensitivity")

elas_plt <- ggplot(elas_df) +
  geom_tile(aes(x    = t,
                y    = t_1,
                fill = value)) +
  geom_contour(aes(x = t,
                   y = t_1,
                   z = value),
               color = "black",
               size = 0.7,
               bins = 5) +
                      low = "red",
                      high = "yellow") +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "size (t)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "size (t + 1)",
                     labels = lab_seq,
                     breaks = tick_seq) +
  def_theme +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle("K Elasticity")

  p_plt,    f_plt, k_plt,
  sens_plt, elas_plt,
             layout_matrix = matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2,
                                      NA, 3, 3, NA, 
                                      4, 4, 5, 5),
                                    nrow = 3, 
                                    byrow = TRUE))

levisc8/ipmr documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 9:15 p.m.