plotModel: Plot bestfit models

View source: R/plotModel.R

plotModelR Documentation

Plot bestfit models


plotModel plots bestfit models


plotModel(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bestfit'
plotModel(object, fit = 1, scale = c("transformed", "original"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
plotModel(object, vars = parameters(object)$predictors, ...)



Object of class bestfit


further arguments passed to predict.lm.


chosen fit


Plot model under original or transformed scale?


the type of interval calculation (provided to predict.lm) to be ploted with the model.


Tolerance/confidence level (provided to predict.lm) to be ploted.


function used to transform the response (optional)


Data Frame to be used to calculate the predictions, instead of mean values. (defaults for center of each variable).


# 1. Crete random bivariate normal data just for testing


sample_cov <- matrix(c(1000^2, -25000,
                       -25000,  50^2),
                     ncol = 2, byrow = T)
n <- 50
dados <- mvrnorm(n = n,
                mu = c(5000, 360),
                Sigma = sample_cov,
                empirical = T)
colnames(dados) <- c("VU", "Area")
dados <-

fit <- lm(VU ~ Area, data = dados)

plotModel(fit, residuals = T)
plotModel(fit, residuals = T, at = list(Area = 275))
plotModel(fit, residuals = T, at = list(Area = 275),
          interval = "both", level = .80,
          av = 6725, ca = TRUE,

# 2. Random data with variables transformation (log-log)

m <- c(5000, 360)
s <- c(1000, 50)
r <- -0.75

sigma <- sqrt(log(s^2/m^2 + 1))
mu <- log(m) - sigma^2/2
rho <- log(r*prod(s)/prod(m) + 1)

dados <- exp(mvrnorm(n = n, mu = mu, Sigma = diag(sigma^2 - rho) + rho,
             empirical = TRUE))
colnames(dados) <- c("VU", "Area")
dados <-

# Wrong fit:
wfit <- lm(VU ~ Area, data = dados)
plotModel(wfit, residuals = T)

# Right fit:
fit <- lm(log(VU)~log(Area), data = dados)

plotModel(fit, residuals = T)
plotModel(fit, residuals = T, at = list(Area = 500))
plotModel(fit, residuals = T, at = list(Area = 500),
          interval = "both", level = .80,
          ca = TRUE)
plotModel(fit, residuals = T, at = list(Area = 500),
          interval = "both", level = .80,
          ca = TRUE, av = log(3850))

plotModel(fit, residuals = T, at = list(Area = 500), FUN = "log",
          interval = "both", level = .80,
          ca = TRUE, av = 3850)

# 3. Random data with 2 covariates

##                VU      Area    Frente
sigma <- matrix(c( 1000^2, -60000, -750,
                   -60000,  100^2,  240,
                   -750,      240, 3^2),
                ncol = 3, byrow = T)

dados <- mvrnorm(n=100,
                 mu=c(5000, 360, 12),
                 empirical = T)
colnames(dados) <- c("VU", "Area", "Frente")
dados <-

fit <- lm(VU ~ Area + Frente, data = dados)

plotModel(fit, residuals = TRUE)
plotModel(fit, vars = "Area", residuals=T)
plotModel(fit, vars = "Frente", residuals = T)
plotModel(fit, interval = "both", ca = TRUE, residuals = T,
          at = list(Area = 360, Frente = 12))

plotModel(fit, interval = "both", ca = TRUE, residuals = T,
          at = list(Area = 360, Frente = 12),
          av = 5750)

# 4. Random data with 2 covariates and transformations (Cobb-Douglas)

m <- c(5000, 360, 12)
s <- c(1000, 50, 3)
ryx1 <- -0.60
ryx2 <- -0.25
rx1x2 <- .80

sigma <- sqrt(log(s^2/m^2 + 1))
mu <- log(m) - sigma^2/2
rhoyx1 <- log(ryx1*prod(s[1:2])/prod(m[1:2]) + 1)
rhoyx2 <- log(ryx2*prod(s[c(1, 3)])/prod(m[c(1, 3)]) + 1)
rhox1x2 <- log(rx1x2*prod(s[2:3])/prod(m[2:3]) + 1)

##                     VU           Area         Frente
Sigma <- matrix(c(sigma[1]^2,       rhoyx1,      rhoyx2, # VU
                      rhoyx1,   sigma[2]^2,     rhox1x2, # Area
                      rhoyx2,      rhox1x2, sigma[3]^2), # Frente
                ncol = 3, byrow = T)
dados <- exp(mvrnorm(n=100, mu=  mu, Sigma = Sigma,
                     empirical = T))
colnames(dados) <- c("VU", "Area", "Frente")
dados <-

fit <- lm(log(VU) ~ log(Area) + log(Frente), data = dados)

plotModel(fit, residuals = TRUE)

plotModel(fit, interval = "both", ca = TRUE, residuals = T,
          at = list(Area = 450, Frente = 18), av = log(4850))

plotModel(fit, interval = "both", ca = TRUE, residuals = T, FUN = "log",
          at = list(Area = 450, Frente = 18), av = 4850)

# 5. With real data

centro_2015 <- within(centro_2015, VU <- valor/area_total)
fit <- lm(log(VU) ~ log(area_total) + quartos + suites + garagens +
            log(dist_b_mar) + padrao,
          data = centro_2015)
plotModel(fit, interval = "both", level = .80, ca = TRUE)
plotModel(fit, interval = "both", level = .80, ca = TRUE, residuals = T)
plotModel(fit, at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                         garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 'medio'))
plotModel(fit, at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                         garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 'medio'),
          interval = "both")
plotModel(fit, at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                         garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 'medio'),
          interval = "both", ca = TRUE)
plotModel(fit, at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                         garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 'medio'),
          interval = "both", ca = TRUE, residuals = TRUE,
          av = log(5650))
## On the original scale
plotModel(fit, interval = "both", level = .80, FUN = "log", ca = TRUE)
plotModel(fit, interval = "both", level = .80, FUN = "log",
          at = data.frame(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                          garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 'medio'),
          ca = TRUE)
plotModel(fit, interval = "both", level = .80, FUN = "log",
          at = data.frame(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                          garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 'medio'),
          ca = TRUE, av = 5650)

# 5.1 Another model, with same data (apostila Prof. Norberto Hochheim)

dados <- within(centro_2015, padrao <- as.numeric(padrao))
fit1 <- lm(log(valor) ~ area_total + quartos + suites + garagens +
            log(dist_b_mar) +I(1/padrao),
            data = dados, subset = -c(31, 39))
plotModel(fit1, interval = "both", level = .80,
          at = data.frame(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
                          garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 2),
          ca = TRUE, av = log(1100000),
          residuals = T)
# plotModel.besfit()

dados <- st_drop_geometry(centro_2015)
best_fit <- bestfit(valor ~ .,  data = dados)
plotModel(best_fit, fit = 514, scale = "original", interval = "both",
          ca = TRUE,
          at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
          garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = "medio"),
          av = 1100000)
best_fit <- bestfit(valor ~ .,  data = data)
plotModel(best_fit, fit = 514) # Plots the best fit
plotModel(best_fit, fit = 514, interval = "confidence") # adds CIs
plotModel(best_fit, fit = 514, scale = "original") # plots in the original scale
plotModel(best_fit, fit = 514, scale = "original", interval = "both",
          ca = TRUE)
plotModel(best_fit, fit = 514, scale = "original", interval = "both",
          ca = TRUE,
          at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1,
          garagens = 2, dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 2), av = 1100000)
plotModel(best_fit, interval = "confidence") # choose another fit
plotModel(best_fit, interval = "confidence", scale = "original",
        at = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1, garagens = 2,
        dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = 2))

lfpdroubi/appraiseR documentation built on April 14, 2024, 10:27 p.m.