
#setGeneric("xval", function(data, classLab, proc, xvalMethod, group, indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=NULL,
# decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL, ...)
# standardGeneric("xval"))
#chkMLInterfaceProc <- function(x) {
# if (!is(x, "genericFunction")) stop("requires generic function [not name] as proc")
# xn <- x@generic
## the following gets the 'defined' type signature for the generic
## [note that the definition of signature for a generic 
## by JMC is the list of formal parameters -- i need the signature
## for a method.
# tySig <- methods::methodSignatureMatrix(getMethod(xn, c("ExpressionSet", "character", "integer")))[2,]
# if( x@package != "MLInterfaces" || !all(tySig == c("ExpressionSet", "character",
#	"integer"))) stop(paste(x, "not bearing proper signature"))
# else return(TRUE)
#setMethod("xval", c("ExpressionSet", "character", "genericFunction", "character", "integer", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
#                    "ANY", "ANY", "ANY" ),
#          function(data, classLab, proc, xvalMethod="LOO", group, indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL,...) {
#          if (!(xvalMethod %in% c("LOO", "LOG", "FUN"))) 
#              stop("unrecognised xvalMethod")
#          if(!any(classLab == names(pData(data))))
#              stop("unrecognised classLab")
#          xvalLoop <- xvalLoop(cluster)
#	  N = ncol(exprs(data))
#          inds <- 1:N
#          ## cross-validation selection procedure
#          if (xvalMethod == "LOO")
#          {
#              n <- length(inds)
#              selnProc <- function(i) -i
#          }
#          else if (xvalMethod == "LOG")
#          {
#              ug <- unique(group)
#              n <- length(ug)
#              selnProc <- function(i) group != ug[i]
#          }
#          else                          # FUN
#          {
#              n <- niter
#              selnProc <- function(i) indFun( data, classLab, i )
#          }
#          fs.idx <- 1:nrow(exprs(data))           # feature set index
#          ## feature set selection
#          if (missing(fsFun))
#              fsProc <- function(idx, fs.idx) fs.idx
#          else
#          { ## original by Stephen Henderson, to support feature selection
#              if (!is.function(fsFun)) stop("fsFun should be a function")
#              fsProc <- function(idx, fs.idx) {
#                  fs.scores <- fsFun(data[,idx], classLab)
#                  sort(fs.scores, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=decreasing)$ix[1:fsNum]
#              }
#          }
#          ## cross-validator
#          xvalidator <- function(i, ...) {
#              idx <- selnProc(i)
#              fs.idx <- fsProc(idx, fs.idx)
#              list( proc( data[fs.idx,], classLab, inds[idx], ...)@predLabels@.Data, fs.idx )
#          }
#          out <- xvalLoop( 1:n, xvalidator, ... )
#          classif <- unlist( sapply( out, function(x) x[[1]] ) )
#          if (!is.function(fsFun))
#              return(classif)
#          else {
#              fs.memory <- as.vector( sapply( out, function(x) x[[2]] ) )
#              return(list(fs.memory=fs.memory, out=classif))
#         }
#      })
#setMethod("xval", c("ExpressionSet", "character", "genericFunction", "character", "missing", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
#  "ANY", "ANY", "ANY" ),
#function(data, classLab, proc, xvalMethod="LOO", group=0:0, indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL, ...) 
#    xval(data, classLab, proc, xvalMethod="LOO", group=0:0)
#balKfold <- function(K) function( data, clab, iternum ) {
## old approach that assumes data are ExpressionSet...
# clabs <- pData(data)[[clab]]
# narr <- nrow(pData(data))
# cnames <- unique(clabs)
# ilist <- list()
# for (i in 1:length(cnames))
#   ilist[[cnames[i]]] <- which( clabs == cnames[i] )
# clens <- lapply(ilist,length)
# nrep <- lapply(clens, function(x) ceiling(x/K))
# grpinds <- list()
# for (i in 1:length(nrep))
#   grpinds[[i]] <- rep(1:K, nrep[[i]])[1:clens[[i]]]
# (1:narr)[ - which( unlist(grpinds)==iternum ) ]

balKfold.xvspec <- function(K) function( data, clab, iternum ) {
# redefined for data.frame application in xvalSpec usage
# defines the training set indices
 clabs <- data[[clab]]
 narr <- nrow(data)
 cnames <- unique(clabs)
 ilist <- list()
 for (i in 1:length(cnames))
   ilist[[cnames[i]]] <- which( clabs == cnames[i] )
 clens <- lapply(ilist,length)
 nrep <- lapply(clens, function(x) ceiling(x/K))
 grpinds <- list()
 for (i in 1:length(nrep))
   grpinds[[i]] <- rep(1:K, nrep[[i]])[1:clens[[i]]]
 (1:narr)[ - which( unlist(grpinds)==iternum ) ]

## xvalLoop is a 'hook' to customize how xval execute. The default is
## a simple lapply

setGeneric("xvalLoop", function( cluster, ... ) standardGeneric("xvalLoop") )

setMethod("xvalLoop", signature( cluster = "ANY" ), # default method -- return function 'lapply'
          function( cluster, ... ) lapply )

#          function(formula, data, proc, xvalMethod="LOO", 
#            group, indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, 
#            decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL,...) 
#  { standardGeneric("xvalML") })
#setMethod("xvalML", c("formula", "ExpressionSet", "character", 
#                    "character", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY",
#                    "ANY", "ANY", "ANY" ),
#          function(formula, data, proc, 
#                     xvalMethod="LOO", group, 
#                     indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, 
#                     decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL,...) {
#          if (!(xvalMethod %in% c("LOO", "LOG", "FUN"))) 
#              stop("unrecognised xvalMethod")
#          xvalLoop <- xvalLoop(cluster)
#	  classLab = respn = as.character(as.list(formula)[[2]])
#          if(!any(classLab == names(pData(data))))
#              stop("unrecognised response variable")
#          N <- ncol(exprs(data))
#          inds <- 1:N
#          ## cross-validation selection procedure
#          if (xvalMethod == "LOO")
#          {
#              n <- length(inds)
#              selnProc <- function(i) -i
#          }
#          else if (xvalMethod == "LOG")
#          {
#              ug <- unique(group)
#              n <- length(ug)
#              selnProc <- function(i) group != ug[i]
#          }
#          else                          # FUN
#          {
#              n <- niter
#              selnProc <- function(i) indFun( data, classLab, i )
#          }
#	  #reddata = exprs(data)[ attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
#          fs.idx <- 1:nrow(exprs(data))           # feature set index
#          ## feature set selection
#          if (missing(fsFun))
#              fsProc <- function(idx, fs.idx) fs.idx
#          else
#          { ## original by Stephen Henderson, to support feature selection
#              if (!is.function(fsFun)) stop("fsFun should be a function")
#              fsProc <- function(idx, fs.idx) {
#                  fs.scores <- fsFun(data[,idx], classLab)
#                  sort(fs.scores, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=decreasing)$ix[1:fsNum]
#              }
#          }
#          ## cross-validator
#          allGN = rownames(exprs(data))
#          xvalidator <- function(i, ...) {
##	      if (i == 1) print("xval iteration:") -- consider verbosity check
##              cat(i)
#              idx <- selnProc(i)
#              fs.idx <- fsProc(idx, fs.idx)
## BAD!!!  why not use the actual formula?  feature selection
## present in build 24497 assumes using all features in data
## we want to use formula unless fsFun exists
#              if (!is.null(fsFun)) newfmla = mkfmla(respn, allGN[fs.idx])
#              else newfmla = formula
#              list( MLearn(newfmla, data[fs.idx,], proc, inds[idx], ...)@predLabels@.Data, fs.idx )
#          }
#          out <- xvalLoop( 1:n, xvalidator, ... )
#          classif <- unlist( sapply( out, function(x) x[[1]] ) )
#          if (!is.function(fsFun))
#              return(as.factor(as.character(classif)))
#          else {
#              fs.memory <- as.vector( sapply( out, function(x) x[[2]] ) )
#              return(list(fs.memory=fs.memory, out=classif))
#         }
#      })
#setMethod("xvalML", c("formula", "ExpressionSet", "character", 
#                    "character", "missing", "missing", "missing", "missing",
#                    "missing", "missing", "missing" ),
#          function(formula, data, proc, 
#                     xvalMethod="LOO", group, 
#                     indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, 
#                     decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL,...) {
#xvalML( formula, data, proc, xvalMethod, 0, 
#		...)
#setMethod("xvalML", c("formula", "ExpressionSet", "character", 
#                    "character", "missing", "missing", "missing", "function",
#                    "missing", "missing", "missing" ),
#          function(formula, data, proc, 
#                     xvalMethod="LOO", group, 
#                     indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, 
#                     decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL,...) {
#xvalML( formula, data, proc, xvalMethod, 0, , , fsFun ,
#		...)
#setMethod("xvalML", c("formula", "ExpressionSet", "character", 
#                    "character", "missing", "missing", "missing", "function",
#                    "numeric", "missing", "missing" ),
#          function(formula, data, proc, 
#                     xvalMethod="LOO", group, 
#                     indFun, niter, fsFun=NULL, fsNum=10, 
#                     decreasing=TRUE, cluster = NULL,...) {
#xvalML( formula, data, proc, xvalMethod, 0, , , fsFun , fsNum,
#		...)
lgatto/MLInterfaces documentation built on May 21, 2019, 5:12 a.m.