#' @title Interface GoogleMaps within R
#' @description Plot spatial data with GoogleMaps background.
#' @param data a spatial data from any sp classes.
#' @param var an attribute name in the spatial data.
#' @param maptype GoogleMaps types: 'satellite', 'terrain', 'roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid'.
#' @param decimals number of decimals in the legend.
#' @param col.pallete a list containing the pallete of colors to be used (col) and the
#' transparency level (alpha) .
#' @param legend.att a list containing the attributes for legend. See \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.
#' @param cuts number of cuts in the legend. Can also be a vector with the cuts point.
#' @param cuts.type method of selecting the cuts points. Ignored if cuts = vector .
#' @param lwd the line width for SpatialLines/SpatialLinesDataframe class.
#' @param zoom zoom level.
#' @param add boolean. Default FALSE, if adding information to a previous plot.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A plot window on the browser.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{spGplot}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' spRplot(rio)
#' }
#' @export spRplot
#' @import RgoogleMaps PBSmapping
spRplot <- function(data, var=NULL, maptype = 'satellite', decimals = 3, add = FALSE,
cuts = 5, cuts.type="range",
col.pallete = list(col=heat.colors(if(length(cuts)==1) cuts else length(cuts)),alpha = 1),
legend.att = NULL,
zoom = NULL,
lwd = 2, ...)
if(!(class(data) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") & !(class(data) == "SpatialPolygons")
& !(class(data) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame") & !(class(data) == "SpatialPoints")
& !(class(data) == "SpatialPixelsDataFrame") & !(class(data) == "SpatialPixels")
& !(class(data) == "SpatialGridDataFrame") & !(class(data) == "SpatialGrid")
& !(class(data) == "SpatialLinesDataFrame") & !(class(data) == "SpatialLines"))
stop("The data must be one of the Spatial classes\n")
if((length(grep("+proj=longlat",data@proj4string@projargs)) == 0) & (length(grep("+proj=latlong",data@proj4string@projargs)) == 0)) stop("Data projection must be in latlong format.\n For more details look at ?CRS")
## treat col.pallete options
if(length(names(col.pallete)) > 2 | length(names(col.pallete)) <= 0) stop("The col.pallete must have at least one element and no more than 2")
if(length(names(col.pallete)) == 1){
if(names(col.pallete)[1] != "col" & names(col.pallete)[1] != "alpha") stop("The col.pallete names must be \"col\" and \"alpha\"")
if(names(col.pallete)[1] == "col") col.pallete$alpha = 1
if(names(col.pallete)[1] == "alpha") col.pallete$col = heat.colors(if(length(cuts)==1) cuts else length(cuts))
else if(names(col.pallete)[1] != "col" | names(col.pallete)[2] != "alpha") stop("The col.pallete names must be col and alpha")
col.pallete <- ColAlpha(col.pallete$col, col.pallete$alpha)
if(class(data) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" | class(data) == "SpatialPolygons")
plot.poly(data,var,decimals,maptype,cuts,col.pallete,add,cuts.type, legend.att, zoom = zoom, ...)
if(class(data) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame" | class(data) == "SpatialPoints")
plot.points(data,var,decimals,maptype,cuts,col.pallete,add,cuts.type, legend.att, zoom = zoom, ...)
if(class(data) == "SpatialLinesDataFrame" | class(data) == "SpatialLines")
plot.line(data,var,decimals,maptype,cuts,col.pallete,add,cuts.type, lwd, legend.att, zoom = zoom, ...)
# if(class(data) == "im"){
# cat("\nPlotting kernel may take a while!\n")
# plot.im(data,NULL,decimals,maptype,cuts,col.pallete,add,cuts.type)
# }
if(class(data) == "SpatialPixelsDataFrame" | class(data) == "SpatialPixels"
| class(data) == "SpatialGridDataFrame" | class(data) == "SpatialGrid"){
cat("\nPlotting grid may take a while!\n")
plot.pixel(data,var,decimals,maptype,cuts,col.pallete,add,cuts.type, legend.att, zoom = zoom, ...)
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