
Defines functions unrar unrar_file unrar_linux check_rar_file unrar_7zip .run_process .check_7Zip .check_unrar

Documented in unrar

# Check if unrar is installed on linux
.check_unrar <- function(quiet) {
  installed_unrar <- system(
    "which unrar",
    intern = FALSE,
    ignore.stdout = quiet

  is_unrar_installed <- installed_unrar == 0

  if (checkmate::test_false(is_unrar_installed)) {
      "This function require the unrar tool installed. \n",
      "You can install it typing on terminal 'apt install unrar'."


# Check if  7-Zip is installed on windows
.check_7Zip <- function() {
  executableName <- "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\7-Zip\\7z.exe"

  if (file.exists(executableName)) {

  # other executable file names and ideas go here ...
    "failed to find 7zip. \n",
    "you can install it using installr::"

# call system
.run_process <- function(executable, arguments, quiet) {
  cmd <- paste(executable, arguments)
  cat(cmd, "\n")

  # print(cmd)

  exit_code <- system(cmd,
    intern = FALSE,
    ignore.stdout = quiet,
    ignore.stderr = FALSE,
    wait = TRUE,
    input = NULL,
    show.output.on.console = TRUE,
    invisible = FALSE

  if (exit_code != 0) {
    message("This function require the 7-zip tool installed.")
    message("You can install it typing on console 'installr::install.7zip'.")
    stop("Process returned error")

unrar_7zip <- function(file.rar, out.dir, overwrite, quiet = TRUE) {
  # file.rar = rarfile; out.dir = dest_dir; overwrite = TRUE; quiet = TRUE
  # based on https://github.com/swish-climate-impact-assessment/awaptools/blob/master/R/ZipFunctions.R
  #z7path <- normalizePath(.check_7Zip(), "/")
  z7path <- fs::path(.check_7Zip())
  file.rar <- fs::path(file.rar)
  out.dir <- fs::path(out.dir)

  #"C:/Program Files (x86)/7-Zip/7z.exe" e "C:/Users/bitev/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWQCvGd/file40c4506833ec.rar" "-oC:/Users/bitev/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWQCvGd/file40c4506833ec"
  # args <- system(
  #   paste(
  #   shQuote(z7path),
  #   "e",
  #   shQuote(file.rar),
  #   " -y"
  #   )
  #   )

  # args <- paste0(
  #   "e ",
  #   "\"", file.rar, "\" ",
  #   "\"-o", out.dir, "\" ",
  #   ""
  # )
  args <- paste(
    shQuote(paste0("-o", out.dir))
  args_overwrite <- paste(args, "-y")
  arguments <- ifelse(overwrite, args_overwrite, args)
  exec <- shQuote(z7path)
  out_call_7z <- .run_process(exec, arguments, quiet)

  # return extracted files
  extracted_files <- fs::dir_ls(out.dir, type = "file", recurse = TRUE)

  #normalizePath(extracted_files, winslash = "\\")

check_rar_file <- function(file.rar) {
  file <- fs::path_real(file.rar)
  # input checks

    assertthat::has_extension(file, "rar")


unrar_linux <- function(file.rar, out.dir, overwrite, quiet = TRUE) {
  # file.rar = dest_file; out.dir = NULL; overwrite = TRUE; quiet = TRUE

  cmd_extract <- paste0("unrar e ", file.rar, " ", out.dir)
  cmd_overwrite <- paste0("unrar e -o+ ", file.rar, " ", out.dir)
  cmd <- ifelse(overwrite, cmd_overwrite, cmd_extract)
  out_call_unrar <- system(cmd, intern = FALSE, ignore.stdout = quiet)

  # if there is a problem, call again to show the error
  if (out_call_unrar != 0) {
    # print output console
    system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
    stop("\n unrar process returned error \n")
  # return extracted files
  extracted_files <- fs::dir_ls(out.dir, type = "file", recurse = TRUE)

unrar_file <- function(file.rar, out.dir, overwrite, quiet = TRUE) {

    return(unrar_7zip(file.rar, out.dir, overwrite, quiet))

    return(unrar_linux(file.rar, out.dir, overwrite, quiet))

 stop("This function is only suported for linux and windows.")


#' Extract files from `rar` archives (only works on Linux)
#' This function extract files from a `.rar` file
#' @param file a file path to a `file.rar`
#' @param dest_dir path to extract files. Defaults to `dirname(file)`.
#' @param overwrite logical, use `overwrite = TRUE` to overwrite
#' existing files.
#' @param quiet Hide printed output, messages, warnings, and errors
#' (TRUE, the default), or display them as they occur?
#' @return character vector with files path
#' @details This function has the side effect of extract files in a
#' directory named (`dest_dir/basename(file)`) when `dest_dir` is not `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @note This function is a wrapper to call `unrar` command. It is required you
#' have `unrar` Linux library installed. You can install it with
#' `apt install unrar`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   rarfile_url <- "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/13366451"
#'   dest_file <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(basename(rarfile_url), ".rar"))
#'   #dest_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".rar")
#'   download.file(rarfile_url, dest_file, mode = "wb")
#'   extracted_files <- unrar(dest_file)
#'   extracted_files
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_file_exists test_path_for_output assert_os
#' assert_true
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_extension
#' @importFrom fs path_ext_remove dir_ls

unrar <- function(
                  dest_dir = fs::path_ext_remove(file),
                  overwrite = FALSE,
                  quiet = TRUE) {
  # file <- rarfile; dest_dir <- "~/Downloads"; overwrite = TRUE; quiet = TRUE
  # file <- rarfile; dest_dir <- fs::path_ext_remove(file); overwrite = TRUE; quiet = TRUE

  subdir2extract <- basename(fs::path_ext_remove(file))

  if(is.null(dest_dir)) dest_dir <- tempdir()

  # se o diretorio já existe --------------------------------------------------
  if(fs::dir_exists(dest_dir)){ # e.g. ~/Downloads
    subdir2extract <- fs::path(dest_dir, subdir2extract)
    if(!dir.exists(subdir2extract)) {
      # cria
      # extrai
      out <- unrar_file(file, subdir2extract, overwrite, quiet)

    } else {
      if(overwrite) {
        out <- unrar_file(file, subdir2extract, overwrite, quiet)
      } else {
        stop("There are files in the folder. Use overwrite = TRUE to
           overwrite existing files.")

  } else {
  # se o diretorio não existir ()------------------------------------------------
    # mas o dir um nível antes existir
      file <- normalizePath(file, "\\")
      dest_dir <- normalizePath(dest_dir, "\\")
    out <- unrar_file(file, dest_dir, overwrite, quiet)
    #out <- unrar_file(normalizePath(file), dest_dir, overwrite, quiet)

  message("This is a dark hole")
lhmet/lhmetools documentation built on Dec. 8, 2020, 3:43 a.m.