knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE,
                     comment = "#>",
                     fig.width=12, fig.height=8,
                     fig.path = "man/figures/README-")


This R package is to implement important contributions from Dr. Hasegawa (2014 and 2016) to calculate sample sizes and information fractions (IF) for Fleming-Harrington class weighted log-rank tests (FH-WLRT) in interim analysis (IA).

This R package will be improved gradually and we highly appreciate your feedback.

Model assumptions

Let the survival function is $S_0(t)$ for both treatment arms (treatment and control) under the null, but $S_1(t)$ for the treatment in comparison with $S_0(t)$ for the control arm under the alternative.

We consider a simple case in current version of the R package, with a delayed ($\epsilon$) treatment effect and can be described with a piece-wise exponential distribution is proposed.

$$\begin{array}{cc} S_0(t)= \exp(-\lambda t),
& S_1(t)=\left{\begin{array}{c l} exp(-\lambda t) &for \ t\leq \epsilon;\ c \exp(-\theta\lambda t)& for \ t> \epsilon. \end{array} \right. \end{array}$$

Note that $$c=\exp(-(1-\theta)\lambda\times\epsilon)$$

The corresponding density functions are

$$\begin{array}{cc} f_0(t)= \lambda\exp(-\lambda t),
& f_1(t)=\left{\begin{array}{c l} \lambda\exp(-\lambda t)=\lambda S_1(t) &for \ t\leq \epsilon;\ \theta\lambda c\exp(-\theta\lambda t)=\theta\lambda S_1(t)& for \ t> \epsilon. \end{array} \right. \end{array}$$

Install the package

To install the R package from Github, you will need to install another R package "devtools". Please uncomment the codes to install them.

# install.packages("devtools")
# library(devtools)
# install_github("lilywang1988/IAfrac")

Vignette 1: sample size caulcation for FH-WLRT

# Sample size calculation using an Example 1 from Hasegawa (2014)
  tau<-66 # The end of the study
  omega<-18 # tau-R, and R is the end of the arrual time, thus omega is can be viewed as the time between the end of the study and the last accrual. 
  eps<-6 # The change point, where under the H0, the HR between the treatment and the control group changes from 1 to theta
  m1=21.7  # median survival time for the control group
  m2=25.8  # median survival time for the treatment group
  lambda<-log(2)/m1 # hazard for the concontrol group and the treatment group before eps, the change point. 
  lambda.trt<-log(2)*(m1-eps)/(m2-eps)/m1 # hazaed for the treatment group after eps, the change point. 
  theta=lambda.trt/lambda # the hazard ratio after the change point
  alpha<-0.025 # the type I error under control, which is one-sided here
  beta<-0.1 # the type II error under control
  rho=0 # the first parameter for the Fleming-Harrington weight: S(t^-)^\rho (1-S(t^-))^\gamma. 
  gamma=1 # the second parameter for the Fleming-Harrington weight: S(t^-)^\rho (1-S(t^-))^\gamma. 
  b=30 # an intrinsic parameter to decide the number of intervals per time unit
  sample.size_FH(eps,p,b,tau,omega,lambda,lambda.trt,rho, gamma,alpha,beta)$n
 #1974, identical to the paper's report

Vignette 2: data manipulation and information fraction

# install.packages("devtools")
# library(devtools)
# install_github("keaven/nphsim")
eps<-2 # delayed effect
p<-0.5 #treatment assignment
b<-30 # an intrinsic parameter to decide the number of intervals per time unit
tau<- 18 # end of the study
R<-14 # accrual period [0,R]
omega<- tau-R # tau-R, and R is the end of the arrual time, thus omega is can be viewed as the time between the end of the study and the last accrual. 
lambda<-log(2)/6 # control group risk hazard
theta<-0.7 # hazard ratio
lambda.trt<- lambda*theta #hazard after the change point for the treatment arm
rho<- 0 # parameter for the weights
gamma<-1 #parameter for the weights
alpha<-0.025 #type 1 error
beta<-0.1 #type 2 error
# First we decide the sample size:
size_FH <- sample.size_FH(eps,p,b,tau,omega,lambda,lambda.trt,rho, gamma,alpha,beta)
n_FH <-size_FH$n # number of patients needed
n_event_FH<-size_FH$n_event # number of events needed, n_event_FH~n_FH*size_FH$sum_D
accrual.rt<-n_FH/R # the needed arrual rate
#Generate data accordingly

# use eta=1e-5 to inhibit censoring when generating the data
data_temp <- nphsim(nsim=1,lambdaC=lambda, lambdaE = c(lambda,lambda.trt), ssC=ceiling(n_FH*(1-p)),intervals = c(eps),ssE=ceiling(n_FH*p), gamma=accrual.rt, R=R, eta=1e-5, fixEnrollTime = TRUE)$simd
# First  under H1 obtain the maximum information at time tau, the end of the study
I_denom1<-I.1(rho, gamma,lambda,theta,eps,R,p,*n_FH

# Second under H0, obtain the maximum information at time tau, the end of the study
I_denom0<-I.0(rho, gamma,lambda,R,p,*n_FH

# Example 1: Set trimmed=F and work on the crude dataset from nphsim()
# Pick 3 time points, 10, 15, 18 to check their information fractions under the two hypothesis


# Example 2: First trim the data before inputting into setting trimmed=T, and obtain the whole spectrum. # set a pseudo ending point in case IF=1 when t>tau
#Trim the data according by time
data_temp2 <-data.trim(,data_temp)
t_seq <- seq(0.1,,0.1) # the time series to check the information fraction
# under H1
# under H0
# WLRT at the interim under H1
interim_index1<- which.min(abs(inf_frac_vec21-0.6))
(interim_frac1<-inf_frac_vec21[interim_index1]) # should be close to 0.6
# WLRT at the interim under H0
interim_index0<- which.min(abs(inf_frac_vec20-0.6))
(interim_frac0<-inf_frac_vec20[interim_index0]) # should be close to 0.6
# WLRT at the final stage under H1
final_index1<- which.min(abs(inf_frac_vec21-1)) 
(final_frac1<-inf_frac_vec21[final_index1])  # should be close to 1

# WLRT at the final stage under H0
final_index0<- which.min(abs(inf_frac_vec20-1))
(final_frac0<-inf_frac_vec20[final_index0])  # should be close to 1

# Example 3: Stop by event count d, note that data.trim.d returns a list of two components, the first is the dataset, the second is the stopping time<-data.trim.d(d=200,data_temp)
(interim_time_d<[[2]]) # the interim time with d observed events

Vignette 3: information prediction and estimation

# install.packages("devtools")
# library(devtools)
# install_github("keaven/nphsim")
eps<-2 # delayed effect
p<-0.5 #treatment assignment
b<-30 # an intrinsic parameter to decide the number of intervals per time unit
tau<- 18 # end of the study
R<-14 # accrual period [0,R]
omega<- tau-R # tau-R, and R is the end of the arrual time, thus omega is can be viewed as the time between the end of the study and the last accrual. 
lambda<-log(2)/6 # control group risk hazard
theta<-0.7 # hazard ratio
lambda.trt<- lambda*theta #hazard after the change point for the treatment arm
rho<- 0 # parameter for the weights
gamma<-1 #parameter for the weights
alpha<-0.025 #type 1 error
beta<-0.1 #type 2 error
# First we decide the sample size:
size_FH <- sample.size_FH(eps,p,b,tau,omega,lambda,lambda.trt,rho, gamma,alpha,beta)
n_FH <-size_FH$n # number of patients needed
n_event_FH<-size_FH$n_event # number of events needed, n_event_FH~n_FH*size_FH$sum_D
accrual.rt<-n_FH/R # the needed arrual rate
#Generate data accordingly

# use eta=1e-5 to inhibit censoring when generating the data
data_temp <- nphsim(nsim=1,lambdaC=lambda, lambdaE = c(lambda,lambda.trt), ssC=ceiling(n_FH*(1-p)),intervals = c(eps),ssE=ceiling(n_FH*p),gamma=accrual.rt, R=R, eta=1e-5, fixEnrollTime = TRUE)$simd

#Obtain the full information at the final stage based on the generated data
#Trim the data up to the final stage when n_event_FH events have been observed <-data.trim.d(n_event_FH,data_temp)
data_temp1 <[[1]]
I_t(data_temp1,data_temp1,rho,gamma) # the estimated information of data_Temp1 at the final stage using data_temp1 to obtain the survival function estimates
(data_temp1_t<[[2]]) # the true stopping time based on the data data_temp1

# Now if we would like to predict the stopping time
(pred_t1<-t_ls[which.min(abs(size_FH$sum_D-sapply(t_ls,function(t) {h.tilde(0,lambda,theta,eps,R,p,t)})))]) #predicted data_temp1_t, they should be similar

I.1(rho,gamma,lambda,theta,eps,R,p,pred_t1)*n_FH # predicted information, should be close to I_t(data_temp1,data_temp1,rho,gamma) above.

#Generate data under H0, use eta=1e-5 to inhibit censoring
data_temp0 <- nphsim(nsim=1,lambdaC=lambda, lambdaE = c(lambda,lambda), ssC=ceiling(n_FH*(1-p)),intervals = c(eps),ssE=ceiling(n_FH*p),gamma=accrual.rt, R=R, eta=1e-5, fixEnrollTime = TRUE)$simd

#Trim the data upto the final stage when n_event_FH events have been observed <-data.trim.d(n_event_FH,data_temp0)
data_temp0 <[[1]]
I_t(data_temp0,data_temp0,rho,gamma) # estimated information at the final stage
(data_temp0_t<[[2]]) # the true stopping time based on the data data_temp1

# Now if we would like to predict the stopping time
(pred_t0<-t_ls[which.min(abs(size_FH$sum_D-sapply(t_ls,function(t) {h.tilde(0,lambda,1,eps,R,p,t)})))]) #predicted data_temp1_t, they should be similar
I.0(rho,gamma,lambda,R,p,pred_t0)*n_FH # predicted information, should be close to I_t(data_temp0,data_temp0,rho,gamma) above


  1. Lakatos, E. (1988). Sample sizes based on the log-rank statistic in complex clinical trials. Biometrics, 229-241.

  2. Kalbfleisch, J. D., & Prentice, R. L. (2011). The statistical analysis of failure time data (Vol. 360). John Wiley & Sons.

  3. Hasegawa, T. (2014). Sample size determination for the weighted log‐rank test with the Fleming–Harrington class of weights in cancer vaccine studies. Pharmaceutical statistics, 13(2), 128-135.

  4. Hasegawa, T. (2016). Group sequential monitoring based on the weighted log‐rank test statistic with the Fleming–Harrington class of weights in cancer vaccine studies. Pharmaceutical statistics, 15(5), 412-419.

  5. Ye, T., & Yu, M. (2018). A robust approach to sample size calculation in cancer immunotherapy trials with delayed treatment effect. Biometrics, 74(4), 1292-1300.

  6. Luo, X., Mao, X., Chen, X., Qiu, J., Bai, S., & Quan, H. (2019). Design and monitoring of survival trials in complex scenarios. Statistics in medicine, 38(2), 192-209.

lilywang1988/IAfrac documentation built on March 11, 2021, 11:53 a.m.