
Defines functions backtransform.par.rLNLN

backtransform.par.rLNLN <-
function(this.par,m,fix.mu,fixed.mu) {
# Transforms the parameter from all real numbers back to its original scale, i.e.
#    this.par=(w1,w2,...w_(T-1),mu,log(sigma))
# with 
#    w_i = logit((p_1+...+p_i)/(p_1+...+p_(i+1))) for i=1,...,T-1
#    this.theta=(p1,p2,...,p_(T-1),mu,sigma)   
# - this.par is the parameter in the unrestricted space
# - m is the number of genes analyzed
# - fix.mu is a Boolean indicating whether the parameter mu is kept fixed
# - if fix.mu==T, mu is fixed to fixed.mu. In that case, this.par is lower-dimensional,
#   i.e. it does not contain mu. The output is full-dimensional 
   # determine number of types of cells
   if (!fix.mu) {
      TY <- (length(this.par)+1)/(m+2)
   else {
      TY <- (length(this.par)+1)/2
   ## p ##
   if (TY>1) {
      this.w <- this.par[1:(TY-1)]
      ## vector with sums of the probabilities
      p.sums <- rep(NA,TY-1)
      p.sums[length(p.sums)] <- stochprof.expit(this.w[length(this.w)])
      if (TY>2) {
         for (i in (length(p.sums)-1):1) {
            p.sums[i] <- stochprof.expit(this.w[i]) * p.sums[i+1]
      ## vector with probabilities
      if (TY>2) {
         p.sums.shifted <- c(0,p.sums[1:(length(p.sums)-1)])
         this.p <- p.sums - p.sums.shifted
      else {
         this.p <- p.sums
   else {
      this.p <- NULL
   # mu #
   if (!fix.mu) {
      this.mu <- this.par[TY:((m+1)*TY-1)]
   else {
      this.mu <- fixed.mu
   # sigma #
   this.sigma <- exp(this.par[length(this.par)-(TY-1):0])
   # put together
   this.theta <- c(this.p,this.mu,this.sigma)
lisaamrhein/stochprofML documentation built on June 1, 2024, 10:41 p.m.