
Defines functions d.sum.of.mixtures.EXPLN

Documented in d.sum.of.mixtures.EXPLN

d.sum.of.mixtures.EXPLN <-
function(y,n,p.vector,mu.vector,sigma.vector,lambda,logdens=T) {
# Density of a sum of independent random variables, where each random variable is
# from the following mixture distribution. This is a mixture of zero, one or more
# lognormal distributions and one exponential distribution.
# More specifically, with probability p_i (i=1,...,T-1),
# a summand is of type i. In that case, it is lognormally
# distributed with log-mean mu_i and log-standard deviation sigma_i.
# With probability p_T, it is exponentially distributed with rate lambda.
# Parameters:
# - the density is evaluated at y, which can be multi-dimensional
# - n is the number of cells taken from each tissue sample. This can also be a vector stating how many
#   cells are in each sample seperatly.
# - p.vector is a vector containing the probabilities for each type of cell.
#   Its elements have to sum up to one.
# - mu.vector is the vector with mu-values for each lognormal type.
# - sigma.vector is the vector with sigma-values for each lognormal type.
# - lambda is the rate for the exponential type.
# - if logdens==T, the log of this density is returned

# The lengths mu.vector and sigma.vector have to be identical.
# p.vector has to have one component more.
# lambda has to be a scalar.
# These lengths automatically determine the number of different types.

   # check for some obvious errors
   if (round(sum(p.vector),4)!=1) {
      stop("d.sum.of.mixtures: Sum of p's does not equal one.")
   if (sum(p.vector>1)+sum(p.vector<0)>0) {
      stop("d.sum.of.mixtures: There are p's which are not in [0,1]")
   if ((length(p.vector)!=length(mu.vector)+1) || (length(p.vector)!=length(sigma.vector)+1)) {
      stop("d.sum.of.mixtures: p and mu and/or sigma are of contradicting lengths.")
   if (length(lambda)!=1) {
      stop("d.sum.of.mixtures: lambda is not a scalar.")

    if(length(n) != 1 && length(n) != length(y)){
        stop("d.sum.of.mixtures: n has to be either a finite natural number or vector, having the same length as the sample size.")

    #if n is the same in all samples calculate as in previous stochasticML versions
    if(sum(n == n[1]) == length(n)){
    TY <- length(p.vector)
    n <- n[1]
    j.combis <- comb.summands(n, TY)
    this.sum <- 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(j.combis)) {
        this.j <- j.combis[i, ]
        weight <- dmultinom(x = this.j, prob = p.vector, log = F)
        mixture.density <- lognormal.exp.convolution(y, this.j,
                                                     mu.vector, sigma.vector, lambda, logdens = F)
        this.sum <- this.sum + weight * mixture.density
   this.sum <- rep(0, length(y))
   for(k in sort(unique(n))){
       index <- which(n == k)

   # all possible combinations for how many of the n random variables are of which type
       j.combis <- comb.summands(k,length(p.vector))

       for (i in 1:nrow(j.combis))  {
            this.j <- j.combis[i,]
            weight <- dmultinom(x=this.j,prob=p.vector,log=F)
            mixture.density <- lognormal.exp.convolution(y[index],this.j,mu.vector,sigma.vector,lambda,logdens=F)
            this.sum[index] <- this.sum[index] + weight * mixture.density

   # sum up over all these possibilities
   if (logdens) { log(this.sum) } else { this.sum }
lisaamrhein/stochprofML documentation built on June 1, 2024, 10:41 p.m.