
##' Output the positions of equation in a plot region
##' The function could be used as calcuating the positions of equations in a
##' plot region.
##' @param no the number of equations will be shown onto the plot region.
##' @param col.n the columns of equations will be shown, which the order is
##' from top to down and from left to right.
##' @author Guofang Liu \email{liugf@ibcas.ac.cn}
##' @examples
##' eqt.pos(no=50, column=4)
##' @export eqt.pos
eqt.pos <- function(no = 50,col.n = 3){
	row.no <- if(no%%col.n) {
				column.len <- rep(no%/%col.n+1,col.n-1) 
				c(column.len,no-sum(column.len))} else 
liuguofang/kidmath documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:18 p.m.